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  • safety helmet
  1. 非机动车驾驶人佩戴安全头盔相关问题

    The Research of Non-vehicle Drivers Wearing Safety Helmet

  2. 当美国孩子得到第一辆自行车时,也会得到一个安全头盔。

    Along with his or her first bicycle , an American child also receives a safety helmet .

  3. 速滑选手需佩戴安全头盔,特制的皮手套来保护他们的手和头部。

    Speed boarders wear helmets and special leather gloves to protect their head and hands .

  4. 原告因未戴安全头盔而负有连带责任。

    The plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence for failing to wear a crash helmet .

  5. 所有参赛者比赛时都必须佩带安全头盔及护膝、肘等可能必要的安全护具。危险施工中请戴绝对安全的护镜和头盔

    It is mandatory that riders wear and approved safety helmet during racing . Danger ! Construction 100 % safety glasses hard hats required

  6. 包括:防护服、空气呼吸器、耐炎救生绳、防爆灯、太平斧、安全头盔、消防胶靴、安全腰带各一。

    Parts including : Protective Clothing , Breathing Apparatus , Fire Retardant Life-Saving Rope , Exposition Proof Lamp , Axe , Helmet , Fire-fighting boots and Belt .

  7. 每年泼水节(又称“宋干节”),成千上万生活在大城市的泰国人都会骑摩托返乡,与家人团聚,他们通常不戴安全头盔。

    During the annual Songkran holiday , thousands of Thais take to the road on motorbikes - often without helmets - to return to their home villages from the big cities to reunite with families .

  8. 各运动员必须使用坚硬安全的头盔作赛,使用海绵型式的头盔将不获批准?⒓颖热?

    All the riders must wear the rigid safety headgear . Sponge type helmet is not allowed .

  9. 不过,该工作室创始人詹姆斯·贝尔福接受CNBC采访时表示,出于对缺乏安全带和头盔等安全方面的担忧,当局目前尚未通过这个方案。

    The program has not been officially approved , as 1Rebel co-founder James Balfour told CNBC that safety concerns , including a lack of seat belts and helmets .

  10. 座椅安全带、头盔和强制性血液酒精限量以防止道路交通伤害;

    Seat-belts , helmets and enforced blood alcohol limits to prevent road traffic injuries ;

  11. 制定关于儿童适宜佩戴的安全带和头盔的法律;

    Laws on child-appropriate seatbelts and helmets ;

  12. 穿戴日常必需的劳保用品:工作服、安全鞋、安全头盔、防护眼镜和耳塞。

    Apparel usual necessary personal protective equipment : work clothes , protective shoes , crash helmet , protective glasses , and earplug .

  13. 他们教像攀岩运动中常用的适当的安全技术:穿戴头盔和其他防护衣物,并使用绳索和保险带防止下落和受伤。

    They teach the proper safety techniques like those used in rock-climbing : wearing helmets and other protective clothing , and using ropes and harnesses to prevent falls and injuries .