
bǎo nuǎn
  • Warm;keep warm;stay warm
保暖 [bǎo nuǎn]
  • [warm] 提供一种取暖的手段

  1. 我们挤在一起来保暖。

    We huddled together to keep warm .

  2. 他们在一只生锈的油桶里烧木柴来保暖。

    To keep warm they burnt wood in a rusty oil barrel

  3. 她戴了一顶保暖呢帽,只露出眼睛和鼻子。

    She had a warm woollen hat on that left only her eyes and nose showing .

  4. 虽然穿了保暖袜子,我的双脚还是像冰块一样。

    My feet were like blocks of ice despite the thermal socks

  5. 毛织品能够保暖御寒。

    Wool traps your body heat , keeping the chill at bay

  6. 丝绸和羊毛之类的纯天然织物比合成纤维的保暖性更好。

    Natural fabrics like silk and wool are better insulators than synthetics .

  7. 我穿上保暖紧身裤、长袜和其他衣服。

    I put on my thermal leggings , long socks and the rest of my clothes .

  8. 大部分时间里我都穿着厚厚的毛衣来保暖。

    I spent much of my time bundled up in sweaters in an effort to keep warm .

  9. 他新买的粗羊毛夹克衫不保暖。

    His new jacket of coarse wool failed to keep him warm .

  10. 毛衣穿了能保暖。

    Wearing a sweater will keep us warm .

  11. 就保暖性能来说,没有什么东西能跟羊毛相比。

    Nothing can compare with wool for warmth .

  12. 然后他把树枝像毯子一样堆在自己身上,尽可能保暖。

    Then he piled branches on top of himself , like a blanket , to stay as warm as he could .

  13. 但是你知道纸可以用来保暖吗?

    But do you know that paper can be used for keeping warm ?

  14. 你需要一顶帽子,一条长裤和一件厚毛衣来保暖。

    You will need a hat , long trousers and a thick sweater to keep you warm at night .

  15. 为了保暖,客人睡在舒适的睡袋里,睡袋上还盖着床垫和驯鹿皮。

    To keep warm , guests sleep in comfortable sleeping bags on ice blocks that are covered by mattresses and reindeer skins .

  16. 安娜:听起来不错!哦,别忘了雪山上更冷。一定要保暖!

    Anna : Sounds great ! Oh , don 't forget it 's much colder on Snow Mountain . Be sure to keep warm !

  17. 这农民不知道人间宽敞舒适的房子都可居住,也不清楚绵绸和皮衣可以保暖。

    He knew neither spacious4 nor comfortable houses to live in , nor silk , cotton and fur clothes to keep warm .

  18. 如果银色和原色的扭绳花纹袜子不够保暖,还有配套的热水袋套,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元),而这个价格也包括了橡胶水袋。

    And just in case the cable-knit socks , available in silver and ‘ natural ’ colors , are not warming enough , there are matching hot-water bottle covers , a snip at £ 115 – although that does include the rubber bottle itself .

  19. 它含丰富的维生素C,而且吃芒果有助于驱寒保暖。

    Rich in vitamin C , the mango helps keep colds away .

  20. 肌肤相亲(skintoskin)帮助早产儿保暖。

    Skin-to-skin helps keep a preterm baby warm .

  21. 远红外保暖涂层浆PHT的研制及其应用

    Preparation and Application of Far-Infrared Thermal Coating Paste PHT

  22. 将羽绒与其它纤维混合通过针刺工艺加工成絮毡,再与PTFE膜复合成新型保暖材料。

    Felt can be made of natural down fiber blended with other fibers by means of needle punching process , then have a composite of a new thermal insulation material with PTFE film .

  23. 结论对于HIE患儿给予维持足够的通气和换气功能、控制惊厥、降低颅内压、减轻脑水肿、注意保暖、加强心理护理及防治并发症等处理措施,可提高治愈率。

    Conclusion Keeping normal breath function , improving blood oxygen concentration , controlling eclampsia , reducing encephalic pressure and hydrocephalus , keeping warm , improving mental nursing and preventing complications will be good for the HIE neonates .

  24. 如果你的车里有一个收购袋(bug-outbag),你就用它装上汽油、医疗用品、保暖物品、降温材料,所有都打包收拾好,就可以准备走了。

    If you had a bug-out bag in your car you 'd have gas and fuel and medical supplies , things to keep you warm , things to keep you cool , all packed up ready to go .

  25. 采用Viloft棉(50/50)混纺纱作织物内层、Viloft涤(50/50)混纺纱作织物外层、涤纶高弹丝作织物中间层对Viloft保暖内衣进行设计,叙述了编织工艺和染整工艺。

    The thermal underwear uses the Viloft / cotton ( 50 / 50 ) blended yarn as inner layer , Viloft / polyester ( 50 / 50 ) blended yarn as outer layer and high elastic polyester as middle layer .

  26. 睡袋保暖值和舒适温度的探讨

    Study on the Insulation and Comfort Temperature Ratings of Sleeping Bags

  27. 把我的羽绒服拿去穿吧,可以保暖。

    Take my down coat . It 'll keep you warm .

  28. 我知道还有其他的东西可以保暖。

    I know something else we could do to stay warm .

  29. 同床而眠对保暖非常重要。

    Sleeping together was essential for warmth , ' she says .

  30. 这么冷的天气保暖很困难。

    It 's hard to keep warm in this cold weather .