
wú biān nǚ mào
  • bonnet;toque
  1. 莫丁还说,和普遍流传的说法相反,蒙娜丽莎的头发并非散披在肩上,而是头戴一个无边女帽,几缕卷发从帽边溢出。

    Mottin also said that , contrary to popular belief , the subject had not let her hair hang freely but in fact wore a bonnet ( 7 ) from which only a few curls managed to escape .

  2. 城里戴最漂亮的无边女帽的妇女全都到场了

    All the best bonnets of the city were there .

  3. 无边女帽女用无边小型紧帽无边女毡帽[由帽模、帽坯、帽兜或平顶制成]

    A woman 's small , brimless , close-fitting hat . felt bonnet [ made from hat forms , hat bodies , hoods or plateaux ]