
wú dǐ dòng
  • a bottomless pit;maw;rathole;bottomless abyss;bottomless cavern;barathrum;abime;insatible desires
无底洞 [wú dǐ dòng]
  • [rathole;bottomless abyss;bottomless cavern] 无法填满的洞。比喻满足不了的物质要求,或者比喻做不完的工作

无底洞[wú dǐ dòng]
  1. 他吃起东西来肚子像个无底洞。

    He 's a bottomless pit as far as food is concerned .

  2. “在财政上来说,粮农组织是一个无底洞”。

    " Financially speaking , FAO is a bottomless pit " .

  3. 这人一贪起来,便是个无底洞。

    Greed is a bottomless hole which can never be filled .

  4. 由于各公司在这些解决方案上作了大量的投资,通过CRM工具提供这一水准的服务可能看上去像无底洞,吃掉了很多钱。

    Providing this level of service via CRM tools seem like a money trap , because companies make significant investments in such solutions .

  5. 这会让emu成为一种不断去填无底洞的机制。

    Such an initiative would make EMU a mechanism for throwing good money after bad .

  6. 犹他大学神经研究所精神病学临床教授DanielChristensen回忆说,他的记忆是个无底洞。

    " He had a bottomless memory ," recalls Daniel Christensen , a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Utah 's Neuropsychiatric Institute .

  7. 在欧元区达成真正的协议之前,IMF的介入是解决不了上述问题的。有鉴于此,欧元区以外的国家在目前阶段介入,将无异于花钱填无底洞。

    Since an involvement of the IMF prior to any real eurozone deal would not solve these problems , by getting involved at this stage non-eurozone countries would simply throw good money after bad .

  8. 至少,在Hulu,基拉尔很清楚自己所面临的问题,而如今的雅虎,在许多人看来,已经成为一个绝望的无底洞。

    At least he knows the business issues he faces , rather than diving into what many believe is a bottomless pool of despair .

  9. 微软至少能扩大Bing的规模,提升对谷歌的竞争力,为其提供了改进在线业务的机会10年来,这项业务一直是微软烧钱的无底洞,但仍仅占集团收入的5%。

    Microsoft at least gets the scale that helps its Bing become more competitive against Google , giving it a chance to improve the online business that has been a 10-year money pit ( but still only represents 5 per cent of group revenues ) .

  10. 然后,现在,你可能像最新HGTV真实秀参赛者一样,希望你可以有一点点现金去填补这个无底洞。

    And you may now , like the contestants on HGTV 's newest reality show , wish you had a little cash to get out of the hole .

  11. Mahbubani认为,对于亚洲其它正在观望未来的国家来说,趋势是一大考虑因素——而至少美国是个无底洞。

    Mr Mahbubani argues that , for other Asian countries pondering the future , it is the trend that matters - and America 's is , at best , unpredictable .

  12. 而恐惧阻止了我们对这无底洞的了解。

    And the fear stops us from understanding this bottomless pit .

  13. 战争把许多青年男子吞进了它的无底洞。

    The war swallowed up many young men into its maw .

  14. 一只德肯狐猴从一处锯齿状的石头无底洞窥视。

    Decken 's sifaka peers out from a jagged stone maw .

  15. 这个企业只是财政上的无底洞罢了。

    The business was little more than a financial black hole .

  16. 我看到地狱张开了无底洞(赫尔曼梅尔维尔)

    I saw the opening maw of hell ( Herman Melville )

  17. 我多么笨!巴黎是个无底洞。

    How stupid I am ! Paris is a Gulf .

  18. 这是个无底洞,你惹了那个塞族人。

    This gear is knock-off , and the Serbs you nicked it from .

  19. 我们从未想设计一款时间无底洞。

    We 've never been focused on trying to be a time sink .

  20. 它们实际上是时空中的无底洞。

    In effect they are bottomless pits in space-time .

  21. 越南战争的泥潭,使美国掉进了一个无底洞。

    Vietnam war dragged USA into an endless abyss .

  22. 她的头消失在时间的无底洞里。

    Her head was a hole lost to time .

  23. 他们的肚子简直是无底洞。

    Their beer gut intake is almost incalculably large .

  24. 其实自德国统一后,这种资助无底洞的情况就一直延续至今。

    This is what happened in Germany after reunification and is still happening .

  25. 其原因很清楚,放宽者担心他们的钱会仍进一个无底洞。

    And for good reason : lenders worry that they 'll be throwing money .

  26. 我真想找一个无底洞跳下去,永远出不来。

    I am really looking to jump off a bottomless pit , never getout .

  27. 且有一个无底洞在它下面。

    A bottomless pit yawns below it .

  28. 啤酒杯是个无底洞。

    The beer-glass is the abyss .

  29. 我们开始借钱,这让我们陷进了一个更大的无底洞中。

    We needed to borrow money , which has put us in an even bigger hole .

  30. 爱情对我来说就是个无底洞、掉得越深伤得也就越深。

    Love for me is a bottomless pit , fall more deeply hurt also more deeply .