
  1. 韩佳,我感觉这就像一张大大的石床。

    Han Jia , I think it 's like a huge stone bed .

  2. 他蜷卧在石床上,回想经过的事情。

    He cowered down upon the stone bed , and thought of the past .

  3. 不然的话,那在它能离开珊瑚石床之前,恐怕还要这样度过不知多少年月呢。

    If not , many months might pass before it could leave its coral bed .

  4. 但在这个时候,诺第留斯号受海水最后的波浪所掀动,就在船长指定的正好是两点四十分的时候,离开了它的珊瑚石床。

    But just then , lifted off by the tide 's final undulations , the Nautilus left its coral bed at exactly that fortieth minute pinpointed by the captain .

  5. 月亮在顶上星辰中间辉煌照耀,我于是想到,这座忠实殷勤的地球卫星要在后天回到相同的这个地方来,掀起这些海波,使诺第留斯号脱离它的珊瑚石床。

    The moon shone in the midst of the constellations at their zenith . I then remembered that this loyal , good-natured satellite would return to this same place the day after tomorrow , to raise the tide and tear the Nautilus from its coral bed .

  6. 铁矿石移动床还原动力学

    Math-model for kinetics of iron ore reduction in moving bed

  7. 硫/珊瑚石填料床的自养反硝化反应器

    A sulfur and corallite packed-bed reactor for autotrophic denitrification

  8. 蒸汽压路机把石子路床压平;然后注上水泥。

    The steamroller leveled out the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured .

  9. 混凝土预制块体与块石基床间摩擦系数的现场实验研究&油毡原纸或泥浆夹层对摩擦系数的影响

    Field study and investigation of coefficient of friction between precast concrete blocks and rubble mound foundations & Influence of felt or sludge upon frictional coefficient

  10. 本文从截流抛石在河床面上接触边界分析出发,引入相对暴露度Δ和倾斜度θ两个指标来描述抛投块石在床面的物理特征;

    In this paper , the grazing boundary of riprap and riverbed is analysed . The opposite exposure level Δ and its degree of inclination θ are introduced to describe the physical character of the riprap on riverbed .