
  • 网络Stone pot;Ishinabe
  1. 推荐烤五花肉、烤牛排、大酱汤、石锅拌饭等。

    The recommended dishes are roast pork , roast beef stick , thick soya bean soup , and Bibimbap .

  2. 推荐烤猪排、烤牛肉、冷面、石锅拌饭、刀削面等。

    My favorite dishes here include roast pork rib , roast beef , cold noodles , Bibimbap , and sliced noodles .

  3. 位列第3的全州是石锅拌饭的发源地、韩国保存最好的古村落之一。

    Jeonju - the birthplace of bibimbap and one of the best-preserved ancient villages in South Korea - is in 3rd place .

  4. 韩式烤肉是调味牛肉餐,石锅拌饭则以米饭、肉和蔬菜为原料烹饪而成,并加入辣椒和大蒜调味。

    Bulgogi is a flavoured beef dish and bibimbap is a mixture of rice , meat and vegetables , infused with chilli and garlic .