- 网络Quartz diorite;Quartz-diorite;tonalite

Geological characteristics of Early Paleozoic quartz diorite in the vicinity of Kangxiwar , West Kunlun , China and its zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating
Quartz diorite is typical I-type granite , having higher Cr , Ni contents , of 220 μ g / g and 162 μ g / g respectively on the average , and similar to co-melting granites of Southern China .
3.0 Ga Thermo-tectonic Events Suffered by the 3.8 Ga Meta-quartz-diorite in the Anshan Area : Constraints from Apatite SHRIMP U-Th-Pb Dating
Based on the data from experimental petrology , the acid-intermediate igneous rocks ( synitic , monzonitic , QY-dioritic ) without negative Eu-anomaly seem to have formed at the base of thickened crust or in the mountain root zone .
An apatite sample separated from the 3.8 Ga ( zircon SHRIMP U-Th-Pb age ) meta-quartz-diorite sample in Anshan area has been dated using SHRIMP II .
A single zircon U-Pb age of 282.3 ± 4.6 Ma was obtained from the quartz-diorite , indicating that the suite formed in the Early Permian .
Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of hornblende-quartz diorite in the arc magmatic rocks yielded an age of 338 ± 10Ma , indicating an Early Carboniferous age .
Assemblage , chemistry and geochemical characteristics of the quartz diorite intrusion show the characteristics of subduction granite .
The Main orebody in quartz diorite and and carbonate contact take , outputing as bedded vein near-bedded and lensing .
The zircons from the meta-quartz diorite and meta-quartz-micadiorite in the area have two main types and seven subtypes , separately .
Ludousou gold deposits belong to fractured altered rock-type gold deposit , produced in Dewulu quartz diorite and Ludousou quartz porphyry contact zone .
The mother rocks of copper deposit in Sanchakou are quartz diorite ( porphyrite ) and quartz-mica-diorite-porphyrite of marginal facies from quartz-diorite and diorite rock body of middle Hercynian .
Baimangshan , Qingshanjiao and Nanhongchong intrusions in the Shizishan orefield , Tongling area , Anhui province , are composed of pyroxene diorite , quartz diorite and granodiorite , respectively .
Alkaline calcium invade-rock zone at the SW fringe of Altun massif composed by 10 granites of different size , mainly including quartz diorite , tonalite , granodiorite , monzonitic granite .
At Flat the host is quartz diorite with a finegrained contact phase . Research on Influence Factor Originated from Granularity of Starting Materials in Synthesis of Zircon Powders by High Temperature Solid State Reaction
According to the isotope determination data of the primary sulfide from the vein and rock , it is suggested that the vein ′ s sulfur source is similar to granite porphyry and quartz diorite .
This can be used as the basis of micro mineralogy in investigating the reasons of deep paleo-earthquake in earth 's crust ( fast shocking deformed event ) during the diving procedure between quartz diorite and cathaysia .
The Tongshan copper molybdenum deposit is mainly of skarn type associated with quartz diorite porphyrite , whose K Ar isotope age is 117.0 × 10 6a .
The daughter minerals are NaCl crystals which were identified by observation under microscope and analyzed by in situ Raman spectroscopy at - 185 ℃ .
The most favorable spots where gold or sliver mineralizes are the lithofacies lines between granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite and the crossing ruptures between granitic diorite and its ' wall rocks .
Daning pluton is composed of monzonitic granite , granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite . It 's intrusive era is late silurian epoch ( K-Ar method : 407 、 445Ma ) .
The Fenghuangshan pluton , which consists of granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite , is the main part of the Fenghuangshan ore field .
Duhuangling gold deposits occurred in the quartz diorite ( porphyry ) of Late Yanshan Epoch , the deposits are directiy controlled by EW trending fault structure zone .
Duhuangling gold deposit occurred within the quartz diorite of Late Yanshan Epoch .
The Tangzang quartz-diorite pluton which has the characteristics of Adakite was founded in a geological survey in Baoji , Shaanxi .
Samples of quartz diorite porphyry , quartz diorite and mafic rocks compose a well fractionate trend on the Harker diagrams , which indicate that the quartz diorite porphyry and quartz diorite should be products formed at the end of the evolution of mafic magma .
Fault alteration veins and brecciated veins are controlled mainly by the south-north striking faults , and quartz veins are controlled by the north-east striking faults in the quartz-diorite in Liujiagou .
The outer circle consists of alkaline gabbro , quartz syenite and alkali-feldspar granite . The inner circle consists of quartz diorite-granodiorite-adamellite-moyite of calc-alkaline series .