
qí jù
  • Qiyang Opera;a variety of Hunan opera in Qiyang/etc.
祁剧 [qí jù]
  • [Qiyang opera] 中国湖南省地方戏曲剧种之一,唱腔以皮黄为主,流行于祁阳等地

  1. 祁剧是一个有着500多年历史的湖南地方大剧种,它在过去的民间语境中本身已有一套比较成熟的传承体制。

    Qiyang opera , with a long history of more than 500 years in Hunan , had formed a relatively mature inherited system in locality in the past .

  2. 本文从湖南祁剧高腔的音乐形态、演唱风格、表演特色及其现状与发展思考四个方面作了初步探索。

    This essay focus on the exploration of music morphology , singing style , characteristic of performing and present state and development of Qi opera Gaoqiang in Hunan .

  3. 但是自19世纪末20世纪初以来,西方音乐文化和教育体制引入的影响已经对祁剧原有的传承形式提出了挑战。

    Since the end of 19th century , however , Qiyang opera had to face a chance and challenge with the introduction of western music culture and its educational system to China .

  4. 目前,我国学校音乐教育对地方传统音乐越来越淡化或漠视,作为中国地方传统音乐之一的祁剧及其传承正从历史上的主流形式转化为非主流、边缘化的形式。

    At present , Qiyang opera , one of Chinese local traditional music forms , is falling from the main stream to less influential one , because our music schooling pays less attention to the study of local traditional music education .