
  1. 南部高山是祁连山脉的组成部分。

    The mountains in the south are part of the Qilian mountain range .

  2. 甘肃省的梦柯冰川是祁连山脉最大的山谷冰川,而根据当地一所研究中心的报告,梦柯与另两座冰川自90年代就开始加速消融。

    In Gansu Province , the Mengke Glacier , the largest valley glacier in the Qilian range , and two others have been retreating at an accelerating rate since the 1990s , according to a report by a local research center .

  3. 结果表明西北地区东部夏季多年平均降水日数的地区分布特点是西部多、东部少,沿祁连山山脉存在一个降水日数较多中心区域,并且降水量和降水日数均呈增多趋势。

    The results showed that the summer precipitation days is more in the west regions than the east regions , and a precipitation center lies along Qilian mountain , where the days and amount of precipitation are higher .