
  • 网络vertical belt;vertical zone;perpendicular band
  1. 有序样方聚类在植被垂直带划分中的应用

    The application of the ordered plot clustering to the vertical belt partitioning of vegetation of Mian mountains , shanxi

  2. 山地植被具明显的垂直带结构,各带植物群落特征明显;

    It has clear mountain vegetation vertical belt structure and the characteristic of plant communities in each vegetation belt is very remarkable .

  3. 长白山国家级自然保护区垂直带土壤&植物系统中Pb的变异特征及其影响因素

    Characteristics of Pb variation and their influencing factors in the soil-plant system of vertical zones in Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve

  4. 本文研究了长白山国家级自然保护区垂直带土壤-植物系统中Pb元素含量的水平变异和垂直变异特征。

    The characteristics of vertical variation and horizontal variation of Pb in the soil-plant system of the vertical zones in the Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve were studied in this paper .

  5. 从粘粒矿物组成和SiO2/Al2O3,判断,皖南山地上部不存在山地黄棕壤和山地棕壤。土壤垂直带谱主要由黄红壤和黄壤构成。

    Judging by the characteristics of the composition of the clay minerals and the silica-alumina ratios of clay , there are no mountain yellow-brown soil and mountain brown earth on the upper parts of the mountains in the southern Anhui Province .

  6. 利用多源遥感数据和3S技术平台,采用监督分类法对天山北坡山体垂直带内草地资源进行分类并获取资源分布格局图,探讨多源遥感数据在草地资源类型分类中的应用程度和发展前景。

    Taken the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains as the research area , the multi-source remote sensing data were applied to investigate and classify in rangeland resources types based on supervised classification method ( MLC ) combined with " 3S " technical platform .

  7. 各个垂直带鼠形小兽群落物种多样性指数分别为,Ⅰ云南松林及山坡耕作地带(2000~2650m)13814;

    The species diversity indexes of the vertical zones are as followings : 1 . Yunnan pine forest and cultivated area ( 2 ! 000 ~ 2 ! 650 ! m ): 1.381 ! 4 ;

  8. 采用排序的方法,结合对群落生态外貌特点的分析,以及群落所处海拔高度,划分出森林植被垂直带如下:(1)山地常绿落叶阔叶林带,海拔1600m以下;

    Using the methods of ordination and analysis of the physiognomy of the communities . which are distributed on the slope of the ridge , the following vertical belts of forest vegetation may be discerned : 1 . Evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf mixed forest belt at alt. 1600 m ;

  9. 阿尔金山-祁连山山地植被垂直带谱分布及地学分析

    Distribution and geographical analysis of altitudinal belts in the Altun-Qilian Mountains

  10. 长江上游山地垂直带谱及其空间分布模式

    Pattern analysis of mountain altitudinal belts in the Upper Yangtze River

  11. 高亚洲冰缘作用类型及其垂直带谱特征

    The Classification of High-Asia Periglacial Process Types and Their Altitudinal Spectrums

  12. 中国山地垂直带信息系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Mountain Altitudinal Belt Information System of China

  13. 中国山地垂直带的数字集成与基本规律分析

    Digital Integration and Pattern Analysis of Mountain Altitudinal Belts in China

  14. 天山数字垂直带谱体系与研究

    Digital Spectrum and Analysis of Altitudinal Belts in the Tianshan Mountains

  15. 基于山地垂直带谱的秦岭土地利用空间分异

    Land Use Patterns Differentiation Based on Vertical Belts in Qinling Mountains

  16. 神农架自然保护区土壤的研究Ⅲ.神农架垂直带土壤粘粒矿物组合及其特点

    The clay mineral association and characteristics in the Shennongjia mountain area

  17. 武夷山土壤垂直带的理化性质

    The physics and chemistry nature of the Mt. Wuyi soil vertical

  18. 五台山土壤垂直带谱磷酸酶活性研究的初报

    Study on phosphatase activities in vertical zonality soil of Wutai Mountain

  19. 福建三个垂直带谱中土壤氧化铁的研究

    Study on iron oxides in three vertical soil zones of Fujian Province

  20. 南迦巴瓦峰地区植被垂直带谱

    The vertical spectra of vegetation in the Mt. Namjagbarwa region

  21. 山地垂直带谱信息系统应用分析与技术改进

    Improvement and Upgrade of Mountain Altitudinal Belts Information System

  22. 数字山地垂直带谱及其体系的探索

    Digital Spectra of Altitudinal Belts and Their Hierarchical System

  23. 该地区的大型真菌分布为3个垂直带即:低山林带中的大型真菌;

    The distribution of the fungi is divided into 3 vertical bands , i.

  24. 东喜马拉雅植被垂直带的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the vertical belts of vegetation of the eastern Himalayas

  25. 划分自然垂直带综合模型的探讨及其应用

    An approach to the synthetical model for various vertical nature zone and its application

  26. 幕阜山垂直带土壤的粘粒氧化物组成

    The oxides constituents of Mufu mountain soil clays

  27. 黄土丘陵区土壤侵蚀链各垂直带能量转化特征研究

    Characteristics of Energy Transform in Vertical banding of Soil Erosion Chain in Loess Hilly Region

  28. 贡嘎山东坡植被垂直带谱的物种多样性格局分析

    Patterns of biodiversity along the vertical vegetation spectrum of the East aspect of Gongga Mountain

  29. 太白山北坡垂直带土壤发生特性与分类&腐棕土

    Soil Genesis Characteristics and Classification of Vertical Zone on the Northern Slope of the Taibei Moutains

  30. 佛坪国家级自然保护区植被垂直带谱及其与邻近地区的比较

    Vertical zone spectrum of vegetation in Foping National Reserve and the comparison with the adjacent areas