
  • 网络vertical shear;vertical wind shear
  1. 风垂直切变和下滑倾斜涡度发展

    Vertical Wind Shear and Down-Sliding Slantwise Vorticity Development Vertical Limit

  2. 环境风垂直切变对热带气旋碧利斯的影响

    Influence of environmental vertical wind shear on tropical cyclone Bilis

  3. 风速垂直切变随TC加强而减弱。

    With TC strength ening the vertical shear becomes weaker .

  4. 利用NCEP/NCAR40a再分析资料研究了赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变与ENSO变率间的关系。

    Based on the NCEP / NCAR 40-year reanalysis dataset , analysed is the relationship between vertical shear of zonal wind in equatorial lower stratosphere and ENSO variability .

  5. 在逆温层向自由大气过渡的高度区域,O3浓度明显的梯度变化与风速垂直切变有关。

    In the transitional area from the boundary layer to the free atmosphere , the obvious ozone gradient is associated with the vertical shear of wind speed .

  6. 本文首先介绍了三类强不稳定度参数,即与对流有效位能CAPE有关的参数、与风垂直切变有关的参数、结合CAPE与风切变的参数等。

    Three kinds of environmental parameters are introduced in this paper , inclusive of one concerned with CAPE , one concerned with wind shearing and other concerned with both CAPE and wind shearing .

  7. 本文应用WKB方法研究了在弱非均匀层结大气中,当基本气流具有弱垂直切变时,重力惯性内波的稳定性问题。

    This paper discusses the stability of internal inertial gravity wave in the heterogeneous stratified atmosphere when basic flow appears to be weak vertical shear by the WKB method .

  8. 在只考虑垂直切变基流时,要存在稳定的相对于平均基流向东传播的Kelvin波必须要满足Richardson数Ri>2的条件。

    Only with vertical shear flow considered , the Richardson number ( R_ ( I ) > 2 ) must be satisfied to produce stable Kelvin wave propagating east with respect to mean flow .

  9. 结果表明,这次强对流天气是在有利的大尺度天气形势下产生的,局地环境CAPE指数大,水平风的垂直切变较强。

    The result shows that the severe convective storm occurred under the advantageous large scale weather conditions , with local large CAPE index and strong vertical shear of horizontal wind . Severe hail is caused by multicell severe storm .

  10. 风暴回波强度强,回波结构紧密,顶部有旁瓣假回波,低层存在弱回波区(WER),环境风的垂直切变较强。

    The storm is characterized by the intensive radar echo , pseudo-echo on the cloud top caused by radar sidelobe , weak echo area at the lower level and the intensive environment wind shear in vertical direction .

  11. 本文利用二维约化摄动方法推导出垂直切变风场中声重波的KdV方程。从而进一步证明中尺度TID的激发源是声重波这一尚未弄清的问题。

    Using the two-dimension reductive perturbation method in this paper , we derive the KdV equation of an acoustic gravity wave in the vertical shear wind , and prove that the AGW is the excited source of the medium scale TID .

  12. 本文用一基于第二类条件性不稳定机制(CISK)的简单数值模式研究了由于非热成风的存在和环境风场垂直切变的水平变化对台风低压发生发展的影响。

    Using simple dynamic model based on the theory of CISK , this paper discusses the influence of basic flow with horizontal change of vertical shear and with non-thermal wind on the formation and development of tropical cyclones .

  13. 本文从可压缩流体的原始动力学方程出发,利用二维约化摄动方法推导出垂直切变风场中考虑曳引效应的二维声重波的Burgers-KdV方程,并对其非线性性态作了一些研究。

    In this paper , we have derived the Burgers-KdV equation of an AGW in the vertical shear wind from the compressible hydrodynamic equations with towing effect by the reductive perturbation method and investigated its nonlinear properties .

  14. 这些变化是垂直切变风场对声重波谱滤波的结果。文中还将上述结论与电离层观测结果进行比较,解释了某些观测现象。

    These calculated results may explain some observed phenomena in ionosphere .

  15. 垂直切变流中非线性重力波及其相互作用

    Nonlinear Gravitational Waves and Their Interactions in a Vertical Shearing Flow

  16. 风垂直切变对中距离扩散特征的影响

    Effect of wind vertical shear on diffusion characteristics in the mesoscale range

  17. 垂直切变气流中热带波动的结构

    Vertical structure of tropical atmospheric waves in basic currents with vertical shear

  18. 关于含有水平及垂直切变的二维流体的非线性波的稳定性

    Nonlinear wave stability of the two-dimensional fluid with horizontal and vertical wind shear

  19. 基本气流的垂直切变作用下的低纬低频波

    The Effect of Vertical Shear of Basic Flow on Low-Frequency Waves in Tropics

  20. 纬向风垂直切变异常与西北太平洋热带风暴年频数的关系

    Relationship between Vertical Shear Anomalies and Annual Frequency of NW Pacific Tropical Cyclone

  21. 热带低压台风的发生发展与其周围流场垂直切变的关系

    On relation between generation and development of tropic depression and vertical shear of ambient flow

  22. 对于发展强大、降雹持续时间长的冰雹云,一般存在较大的环境风垂直切变。

    For violent and long time hailstorm , stronger wind shear was important environmental distinction .

  23. 风速垂直切变统计分析

    Statistical analysis of vertical shear of wind

  24. 初始风场的垂直切变不利于台风的发展。

    The perpendicular shear of initial wind field is disadvantageous to the development of typhoon .

  25. 环境风垂直切变与登陆台风强度变化关系的统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis on the Relations between Effect of Wind Vertical Shear and Landing Typhoons Intensity

  26. 风速垂直切变对于对流的发展和结构的影响

    On the effects of the vertical wind shear on the development and the structure of convection

  27. 垂直切变基流中非地转涡旋波的不稳定

    A Study of Instability of Ageostrophic Vortex Wave on the Condition of Vertical Shearing Basic Flow

  28. 东风波天气区域分布与基本气流垂直切变的关系

    The Relationship between the Weather in an Easterly Wave and the Vertical Shear of Basic Air Flow

  29. 弱的水平风速垂直切变和暖洋面的加热作用,也是台风维持的原因。

    Weak vertical shear and warm ocean surface were also the reasons to remain the intensity of typhoon .

  30. 垂直切变和地形影响下惯性重力波的发展

    The effect of the vertical shear of basic flow and topography on the development of inertia gravitational waves