
kǎnr jǐng
  • karez;kariz;Care;an irrigation system of wells connected by underground channel used in Xinjiang
坎儿井 [kǎn ér jǐng]
  • [Karez] 新疆利用地下水的一种灌溉工程,古时候叫井渠。山坡到田地里挖一连串的井,井底相通,把山上的溶雪和地下水引来灌溉

坎儿井[kǎnr jǐng]
  1. 哈密地区坎儿井动态监测分析及其保护对策

    Dynamic Monitor Analysis and Protection Countermeasure on Karez in Hami Area

  2. 中国古代文献中坎儿井的概念:神话还是现实?

    The Karez Concept in Ancient Chinese Sources Myth or Reality ?

  3. 本文通过对kariz一词的词源分析,说明坎儿井是由当地人民根据自然地理条件自己发明的。

    It is the invention of the local people invented according to their natural and geographical conditions . By analyzing the etymology of the word Kariz , this article proves and confirms that only the third opinion is reliable .

  4. 新疆坎儿井的历史、现状和今后发展

    Xinjiang Karez and it history , presence and future

  5. 坎儿井暗渠和竖井防护措施及施工技术

    The Protection Methods and Construction Techniques for Under Drain and Silo of Karez

  6. 早餐后,离开酒店,参观坎儿井。

    After breakfast , you will leave the hotel and first visit Karez Well .

  7. 一种被称为坎儿井的地下水渠网

    A subterranean network of canals known as karez

  8. 坎儿井一般由暗道、明渠、竖井和涝坝四部分组织。

    Karez are generally illegal channels , open channel , shaft , and waterlogging dam four-part organization .

  9. 坎儿井的水源就是山上的雪水经过渗漏流砾石层里的潜水。

    Karez water is leaking through the mountain snow water flow inside the gravel layer of diving .

  10. 新疆的坎儿井早在两千年前的汉代即出现其雏形。

    Xinjiang Karez back in the Han Dynasty two thousand years ago , there were problems of its shape .

  11. 18世纪以后,绿洲主要分布在依靠坎儿井灌溉的地方;20世纪50年代后,实行渠、库、井联合灌溉,绿洲原地不断扩大。

    The oases were mainly distributed in the regions where the lands could be irrigated with karezes after the 18th century ;

  12. 在我国,坎儿井的分布主要集中在传统意义上的西域地区,即今天的新疆、甘肃一带。

    In China , the Karez mainly distributed in " XiYu ", which is around the Xinjiang and Gansu province now .

  13. 坎儿井的类型有三种:山前潜水补给型,山前河流河谷潜水补给型,平原潜水补给型。

    There are three types : piedmont buried-water recharge , piedmont river and river valley buried-water recharge and plain area buried-water recharge .

  14. 此外,与其它历史文化遗产不同的是,坎儿井至今仍在我国以吐鲁番为代表的干旱半干旱地区发挥着重要作用。

    In addition , different from other historical and cultural heritage , the Karez still plays an important role in preventing drought in Turpan .

  15. 坎儿井是其中最具有代表性的沙漠地区利用地下水进行灌溉耕种的水利系统。

    Among them , the Karez is the most representative water conservancy system which use of groundwater for irrigation and farming in the desert area .

  16. 鉴于其在吐鲁番地区农业生产中的重要作用,对坎儿井的研究对吐鲁番地区的区域历史研究也具有非常重要的价值。

    In view of its important role in agricultural production in Turpan area , it also has a great value in the study of history of Turpan .

  17. 对坎儿井的研究对我国乃至世界范围内相关的水利、技术以及人文发展历史中具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Thus the study on Kares has a significant practical meaning for the history of technology related to water conservancy in China , and even all over the world .