
  1. 祁连山冰川的近期变化

    A preliminary study on recent fluctuation of glaciers in the Qilian Shan

  2. 冰川沉积物,冰碛物祁连山冰川消融与高空气温变化的关系

    Relationship between Glacial Thaw of Qilian Mountain and Upper Temperature

  3. 祁连山冰川水资源

    Glacier Water Resources of Qilian Mountains

  4. 祁连山冰川

    Glacier of the Qilian Mountain

  5. 计算结果表明,祁连山冰川融水自身化学成分在该地区聚类最高,多次聚合说明祁连山冰川融水是该地区地下水补给源。

    It is concluded that the chemical constituents cluster of glacier melt water in the Qilian Mountain is the highest one in the region , and the glacier melt water is the main groundwater replenishment source .

  6. 近年来,随着人们的滥砍、滥伐、滥牧,使祁连山的冰川不断减少,雪线持续上升。

    In recent years , with people of abuse , denudation , abuse of animal husbandry cut , make the Qilian Mountain glacier dwindling , snowline continued to rise .

  7. 祁连山森林、冰川和水资源现状调查研究

    Investigation on Forest , Glacier and Water Resources in the Qilian Mountains