
  • 网络qidong county
  1. 2008年祁东县健康人群流脑免疫水平和带菌状况调查

    Investigation on Antibody Level Against Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis and Carriage Rate of Neisseria meningitidis Among Healthy Population in Qidong County in 2008

  2. 这名男子20岁,上个月和其同伙在中国中部湖南省祁东县盗窃了价值一万元(1540美元)的物品。

    The 20-year-old man is suspected of stealing cash and items valued at 10000 yuan ( $ 1540 ) with other accomplices in his hometown of Qidong county in Central China 's Hunan province last month .

  3. 黄花菜在祁东县的种植已有500多年的历史。

    Qidong people have cultivated daylily for over five hundred years .