
  • 网络glacier water;glacial water
  1. 祁连山冰川水资源

    Glacier Water Resources of Qilian Mountains

  2. 我国冰川水资源状况及开发利用途径

    The conditions of the glacial water resource and the ways of its exploitation and utilization in China

  3. 冰川水与雪的δ~(18)O值低于夏季降水的δ~(18)O值。

    δ 18O values of glacier ice and snow were less than those of summer precipitation .

  4. 而在挪威孙达尔镇附近悬崖上的瀑布群中,这条由冰川水孕育而成的瀑布无疑成为了核心景观。

    This glacially fed waterfall is the centerpiece of a series of falls that line a cliff near Sunndalen , Norway .

  5. 降水与冰川水δ~(18)O值的差异是由于氧同位素的成分与气温有关。

    The difference of δ 18O values between the precipitation and the glacial water is attributed to the dependence of the oxygen isotope composition on the air temperature .

  6. 祁连山森林、冰川和水资源现状调查研究

    Investigation on Forest , Glacier and Water Resources in the Qilian Mountains

  7. 河流主要以冰川融雪水为补给源;

    Water supply of the river was mainly from snowmelt of Glacier .

  8. 塔里木盆地冰川及水资源变化研究新进展

    New Progress in Glacier and Water Resources Changes in Tarim Basin , Xinjiang

  9. 与此同时,一些测量方法存在争议,而且冰川和水供应之间的关系仍然不明。

    Meanwhile some measurement methods are controversial , and the relationship between glaciers and water supply remains unclear .

  10. 足够融化格陵兰岛的冰,从这一点来看,不仅仅是把融化的水排入海里,而且会使整个冰川变成水。

    Melt enough Greenland ice , and you reach the point at which you 're not simply dripping meltwater into the sea but dumping whole glaciers .

  11. 经过数百万年冰川,水,风,泥沙离开理顺我说,伟大的感叹西部接壤的RockyMountains干海bed.As。

    Over millions of years , sediment left by glaciers , water , and wind smoothed out the dry sea bed.As I said , the Great Plaints are bordered on the west by the Rocky Mountains .

  12. 近年来滴灌技术在新疆得到大面积推广应用,而大部分地区的灌溉水源主要依靠山区降水径流和冰川融雪水等含泥沙量较高的地表水。

    So recently in Xinjiang drip irrigation technology gets popularization and application in large area . Most area irrigation water mainly depends on rain runoff and melt-water and so on which is surface water with high sediment .

  13. 世界和中国的冰川分布及其水资源意义

    Glaciers in the World and China : Distribution and Their Significance as Water Resources

  14. 对黑河流域水文资料进行分析计算发现,由于有冰川补给流域水资源比较稳定,最枯年和最丰年水资源量之比仅为1∶2,这在北方河流中是非常罕见的。

    After analyzing the hydrological data for 58 years in Heihe river basin it was found that the regional water resources was relatively stable due to the replenishment of glacial melt-water .

  15. 季节性雪盖和冰川是全球水循环中的重要成分,监测季节性雪覆盖的范围以及冰川的堆积和消融地带,对于理解全球水循环是十分必要的。

    Seasonal snow cover and glacier are important components of global water cycling . Thus , it is necessary to monitor the seasonal snow cover , the depositing and melting of the glacier .

  16. 达成该协议的时候正值专家指出在兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区缺乏各种问题的科学信息,包括冰川融化以及水和森林资源。

    The agreement comes at a time when experts are pointing towards a huge lack of scientific information on various issues in the HKH region including glacier melting , and water and forest resources .

  17. 没有冰川的保护,水会不时地汇入河流危及农作物。

    Without the glaciers , water will arrive in the rivers at times when it can damage crops .

  18. 冰川作用流域能水平衡的径流模拟计算

    Runoff modelling based on energy and water balance in a Glacierized Basin

  19. 也许你会说冰川融化会增加水的数量。

    You might say melting ice will add to the amount of water .

  20. 近几十年来喜马拉雅山冰川变化及其对水资源的影响

    Himalayan Glaciers Fluctuation over the Latest Decades and Its Impact on Water Resources

  21. 塔里木河流域冰川变化及其对水资源影响

    Impact of the Glacial Change on Water Resources in the Tarim River Basin

  22. 这些令人叹为观止的图片是由一个勇敢的探险者在冰川里照的水下迷宫。

    These breath-taking images were taken of an underwater maze inside a glacier by an intrepid explorer .

  23. 他是《喜马拉雅山脉的冰川:水文学和水化学》一书的作者,还写过几十篇科学论文。

    He is also the author of Himalayan Glaciers : Hydrology and Hydrochemistry and scores of scientific papers .

  24. 在北美,储存于冰川冰雪之中的水要多于所有湖泊、池塘、河流及水库的储水之和。

    In North America there is more water stored as snow and ice in glaciers than in all our lakes , ponds , rivers and reservoirs .

  25. 冰川物质平衡是水热等气候因素对冰川综合作用的结果,其动态变化直接影响到冰川规模和径流变化。

    The mass balance is the water and heat and other climatic factors combined result of the glacier , the dynamic changes directly affect the size of glacier and runoff changes .

  26. 海洋型冰川所在山地气候水热组合状况最佳,自然旅游资源类型多,生物多样性丰富,可进入性强,离客源市场较近,许多冰川资源现已被开发为特色旅游产品。

    The typical temperate-glacier is best in terms of hydro-thermal combination with a mountain climate and can offer various kinds of nature tourism because of its rich bio-diversity and easy access .

  27. 祁连山被誉为冰源水库,在祁连山上分布着3300多条冰川,这些冰川水是下游河西地区河流的发源地,这些河流的补给很大一部分来自祁连山区冰川融水。

    There were 3300 pieces of glacier in the Qilian Mountains , these glaciers downstream water was the birthplace of rivers in Hexi region , which supplied a large part of the river from the Qilian Mountains glacier melt water .

  28. 它是由于降水(暴雨、冰川、积雪融化水)产生在沟谷或山坡上的一种挟带大量泥砂、石块和巨砾等固体物质的特殊洪流,是高浓度的固体的液体的混合颗粒流。

    It is a special flood , mixed with some solid matters , such as silt , stones and huge gravel , caused by rainfall ( storm , melted snow and ice glacier ), which is also a high concentration of mixed crude flow .

  29. 用冰川区水量(物质)平衡模型估计气候变化对冰川水资源影响的初步研究

    The Application of Water ( Mass ) Balance Model in Glacierized Area to Assessing the Climate Impact on Glacial Water Resources