
  • 网络ice-snow tourism
  1. 哈尔滨冰雪旅游网络营销的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Network Marketing on Harbin Ice-snow Tourism

  2. 关于长春市冰雪旅游产业特色产品发展的研究

    On the Development and Study of Specialty of Ice-snow Tourism Industry in Changchun

  3. 中国旅游研究院的报告显示,2016至2017年,国内冬季旅游市场收入约为2700亿元,预计2021年至2022年,我国冰雪旅游收入将达到6700亿元。

    According to a report from the China Tourism Academy1 , the domestic2 winter travel market over 2016 and 2017 was worth 270 billion yuan . This is forecast to expand to 670 billion yuan in 2021 and 2022 .

  4. 吉林省冰雪旅游的深度开发战略研究

    On Deep Development Strategies of Snow Tourist in Jilin Province

  5. 延边冰雪旅游资源现状及其开发研究

    Ice-snow Tourism Resources and Exploitation Researches in Yanbian

  6. 黑龙江省冰雪旅游文化产业空间结构与优化分析

    Heilongjiang Province Snow and Ice Traveling Culture Industry Spatial Structure and the Optimization Analyzes

  7. 哈尔滨是我国著名的旅游城市,尤其是冬季的冰雪旅游,在国际上享有盛誉。

    Harbin is a famous tourist city in China , especially snow tourism in winter .

  8. 第二部分:概述了国内外冰雪旅游的兴起与发展,并对冰雪资源的分类和基本特性进行了描述。

    In the second part , the author introduces the characteristics and classification of the resources .

  9. 哈尔滨具有重要的旅游资源,冰雪旅游已经成为哈尔滨重要的旅游品牌。

    Harbin has important tourism resources , and icy tourism has become a major tourism brand .

  10. 冰雪旅游自从成为专项旅游活动以来,在欧洲有近几百年的历史。

    Ice and Snow Tourism has since become a special tourism activities in Europe in recent centuries .

  11. 冰雪旅游是新疆近几年发展起来的新兴旅游种类。

    The snow and ice traveling is the emerging traveling type which Xinjiang develops in recent years .

  12. 这些问题深层次的原因,是对于冰雪旅游资源价值认识的不足。

    The deep-seated reason of these problems is the inadequate understanding of ice and snow tourism resources value .

  13. 最后提出了新疆冰雪旅游发展的战略对策和建议。

    In the end , it proposed strategies and suggestions of development of ice & snow tourism in Xinjiang .

  14. 冰雪旅游的产生和发展,给许多国家带来了丰厚的经济效益和良好的社会效益。

    Ice and snow tourism and development , has brought to many countries substantial economic benefits and good social benefits .

  15. 吉林省地处东北地区中部,冰雪旅游资源丰富,且数量众多,为开展冰雪旅游创造了有利的资源条件。

    Jilin province , located in the middle of northeast China , is rich in the ice and snow tourism resources .

  16. 冰雪旅游作为体育旅游的一个重要组成部分,是其中发展最为迅速的项目之一。

    As an important component of sports tourism , ice and snow tourism is one of projects which are developing rapidly .

  17. 本文最后选取黑龙江省A景区冰雪旅游资源进行实证分析,重点评价了A景区冰雪旅游资源的价值和开发效应。

    The focus of this chapter is the evaluation of value and development effect of A scenic area ice and snow tourism resources .

  18. 随后,对调查问卷进行数据分析,对吉林冰雪旅游者的购买行为进行了较为系统和全面的分析总结。

    Afterwards , this paper analyzes the data of the questionnaire for Jilin ice and snow tourism , and tourists ' purchase behavior .

  19. 此后,北京、河北、黑龙江和吉林均发布了发展“冰雪旅游”产业的政策。

    Since then , Beijing , Hebei , Heilongjiang and Jilin have unveiled policies to promote the " ice and snow tourism " industry .

  20. 但是冰雪旅游未来发展空间较大,其旅游需求和旅游收入增长较快。

    But the ice-snow tourism in Northeast China has a bright prospect , the tourism demand and tourism income of ice-snow tourism is growing rapidly .

  21. 通过对哈尔滨市冰雪旅游定位及标准的研究,提出哈尔滨建设世界冰雪旅游名城的框架构想

    Forward the structure conception of building world ice and snow historic and cultural city by determing ice and snow tourism in Harbin and studying some relevant standards

  22. 东北区域冰雪旅游资源整合开发探讨你能以正常速度通过积雪和结冰的地域。

    Study on the conformity of ice and snow tourist resources in North-east region of China You can move through snow-covered and icy terrain at your normal movement .

  23. 并通过因子分析总结出了冰雪旅游资源价值的构成要素:经济要素、文化要素和生态要素。

    Through factor analysis , the forming elements of ice and snow tourism resources value are summed up , which are economic factors , cultural factors and ecological factors .

  24. 提出新疆冰雪旅游发展对策:发挥政府主管部门的宏观调控作用;

    The authors put forward the following strategies for the development of ice and snow related tourism in Xinjiang : exert the regulating functions of governmental departments in charge ;

  25. 本文对哈尔滨以及我国北方其他地区的冰雪旅游有一定的参考价值,对其他地区的旅游发展也有借鉴意义。

    This text have some reference value for snow tourism and other tourism of Harbin and other north China , the other parts of the tourism also can learn .

  26. 近些年来,冰雪旅游已经成为我国大力发展的一项新兴旅游活动,在取得较快发展的同时彰显了独特的旅游魅力。

    In recent years , ice and snow tourism has become a new vigorously developed tourist activity in our country . It has made rapid development and demonstrated the unique charm .

  27. 本文以旅游资源学和旅游资源开发学作为基本的理论基础,以吉林省冰雪旅游资源为研究对象,通过对相关资料的搜集、整理和分析,对吉林省冰雪旅游资源的开发进行了深入研究。

    The paper is based on the theory of exploitation of tourism resources and lots of research related to ice and snow tourism . The paper is divided into six parts .

  28. 但是,哈尔滨冰雪旅游的开发与国外冰雪旅游发展还有相当差距,而且面临着国内外冰雪旅游市场的激烈竞争。

    However , the Harbin Ice and Snow Tourism development and the development of foreign tourism is still a considerable gap between the ice and snow tourism market faces intense domestic and international competition .

  29. 如何在现有发展基础上,对哈尔滨冰雪旅游进行进一步开发和完善,真正将哈尔滨建设成为国际知名的冰雪旅游城市,是目前的重大课题。

    Basis in the existing development on the Harbin Ice and Snow Tourism for further development and improvement , to really build a world-renowned Harbin ice and snow tourist city , is a major issue .

  30. 加速滑雪产业的发展是哈尔滨建设世界冰雪旅游名城的重要内容,也是建设区域性中心城市的一项有力措施。

    Accelerating the development of the ski industry is important for Harbin to construct the world famous snow and ice tour city , it is also an effective measure to construct a regional central city .