
bīng dēng
  • ice lantern;ice lamps;The Ice-lantern Festival
冰灯 [bīng dēng]
  • [ice lantern] 用冰做成的各种形状和颜色的灯,内装电灯或蜡烛

  1. 每年冬天,哈尔滨有一次冰灯展。

    There is an ice lantern show in Harbin every year in winter .

  2. 冰灯的具体样式包括冰雕、冰花、冰建筑等。

    The specific patterns of ice lantern include ice and snow sculptures , ice flowers , ice architectures and so on .

  3. 第一次冰灯节来源于中国东北的一个传统。

    The first Ice lanterns were a win-time tradition in northeast China .

  4. 在中国东北,甚至有冰灯。

    In the north-eastern past of china , there are even ice-lanterns .

  5. 看到的是冰灯,这些冰灯的下面,是几十米厚的冰层。

    What we can are were ice lanterns with ice-layers under them .

  6. 如果你去哈尔滨,可以参观冰灯展。

    If you go to Harbin , you can go to the ice-dream show .

  7. 这是首次由私人公司操办冰灯节。

    It is the first time a private company has run the ice festival .

  8. 里面有照明的半透明冰灯一个接一个升起,都是雅典、莫斯科、伦敦等地的标志性建筑。

    Translucent structures lit from within rose one after the other , landmarks from Athens , Moscow , London .

  9. 我会成为一个冰清玉洁的圣徒。这些冰灯晶莹剔透,像玉砌琼琢一般。

    I 'll be a double-distilled saint . These ice lanterns are crystal-clear and transparent , pure as jade .

  10. 而在约100年前,北方的人便开始制作独特的灯彩:冰灯。

    Almost a century ago the people of the far north started to make their unique versions - ice lanterns .

  11. 在实证研究上,本文选取了哈尔滨冰灯游园会进行案例分析。

    Based on the analysis of Harbin ice lantern garden party , take Harbin ice lantern garden party as an example .

  12. 那里有一座冰的长城,一座冰的紫禁城,但大多数冰灯都是赞颂以往的奥运会主办城市的。

    There was an ice Great Wall , an ice Forbidden City , but mostly tributes to past Olympic host cities .

  13. 这个活动如此受欢迎,它带动了郊区另外两个更大的冰灯节的举行。

    The event was so popular that it inspired two larger copycat ice and snow festivals on the outskirts of town .

  14. 当你在这个冰雕的世界,特别是在晚上冰灯亮起的时候,你会有一种进入了童话世界的感觉。

    When you see the ice carving , especially at night , you feel like you have entered a world fairy tales .

  15. 这些冰灯晶莹剔透,像玉砌琼琢一般。冻了冰的街道在我面前蓝莹莹的伸展得很远很远。

    These ice lanterns are crystal-clear and transparent , pure as jade . The frozen streets stretched long and blue before me .

  16. 哈尔滨的冰灯节更是闻名于国内外。在一些地方,猜灯谜盛为流行。

    In some areas , it is popular to hang riddles from the lanterns and give prizes to those who guess the answers .

  17. 在中国,冰雪摄影首推黑龙江地区,因为黑龙江地区的哈尔滨是中国冰灯艺术的发祥地,也是中国的冰雪摄影艺术之都。

    In China , Heilongjiang snow photography is the first , because Harbin in Heilongjiang province is the birthplace of Chinese Ice Lantern Art .

  18. 这对中国人来说算是比较昂贵了,但是冰灯节深得人心,平均每天约有3000名游客前来游玩。

    That is expensive by Chinese standards , but the festival is still a big draw , with an average of3,000 attendees per day .

  19. 人们制作各式各样的花灯挂在自家房门外或供孩子在一些传统佳节玩耍。因此冰灯就开始了其悠久的发展史。

    People made ice lanterns and put them outside their houses or gave them to children to play with during some of the traditional festivals .

  20. 冰雕的造型诸如此类,直到这个冬天,米奇老鼠,唐老鸭和维尼熊走进了冰灯节。

    They took those shapes , that is , until this winter , when in sauntered Mickey Mouse , Donald Duck and Winnie the Pooh .

  21. 这是兆麟公园的第三十五届冰灯节,冰块里闪烁的烛光已成为历史遥远的记忆。

    The one in Zhaolin Park is now in its35th season , and it is a far cry from the days of candles flickering in ice lanterns .

  22. 一般来说,北京人在冬季度假会选择去海南旅游或去黑龙江滑雪、看冰灯;

    Normally in winter , Beijingers choose to holiday in sunny Hainan in the south or go skiing and enjoy the ice-lanterns in northeast China 's Heilongjiang ;

  23. 独特的气候及地域优势,使黑龙江省成为冰灯制作的发源地,省会城市哈尔滨更是中国冰雪艺术的摇篮,其冰灯驰名中外,饮誉华夏。

    Unique climate and geographical condition make Heilongjiang province become an origin of ice lamp , especially provincial capital Haerbin city is a cradle of ice and snow art .

  24. 今天,广义上的冰灯指的是一系列造型艺术。这种艺术使用冰雪作为原料并结合了冰雕艺术的色与光和精彩音乐。

    Nowadays , ice lantern in broad sense refers to a series of plastic arts using ice and snow as raw material combining ice artworks with colored light and splendid music .

  25. 想要看到更多中国主题的冰雕,就要选择城市北部另外两个冰灯节之一了。那两个都是政府或者国有企业主办的。

    People coming to see more Chinese-themed sculptures now have to go to one of the two festivals north of the city , both run by the government or a state-owned enterprise .

  26. 此外,哈尔滨的冰灯还会在中国的一些大城市和亚洲、欧洲、北美洲、非洲和大洋洲等一些国家展出。

    Also , Harbin ice lanterns haven been exhibited in most of China 's main cities as well as in many countries in Asia , Europe , North America , Africa and Oceania .

  27. 在光秃的树丫间,哈尔滨冰灯节的雕塑颇具中国特色:长城,紫禁城,神圣的佛教名山。

    Rising among the barren trees , the sculptures of the Harbin Ice Lantern Festival took the shapes of iconic Chinese monuments : the Great Wall , the Forbidden City , sacred Buddhist mountains .

  28. 我们站在窗口欣赏雪景。哈尔滨成了一个冰雪的世界,可以观雪景,看冰灯,滑雪,滑冰

    We stood at the window and watched the snow . " Harbin turns itself into a world of ice and snow , where tourists can either enjoy the ice festival or go skiing and skating by themselves "

  29. 没有见过冰雪的港澳同胞,不妨在一、二月份去哈尔滨,那里是冰雪的世界,可以观雪景、看冰灯,滑雪、滑冰。

    Harbin is particularly good for sightseeing in January and February . Those who have never seen any snow in Hong Kong or Macao may either view the ice festival or go skiing and skating in this world of snow .

  30. 冰灯是流传于中国北方的一种古老民间艺术形式,因其独特的自然优势、时令优势和地域优势,黑龙江可以说是制作冰灯最早的地方。

    Ice lantern , as a popular form of folk art in North China , has a very long history . Because of its unique seasonal and geographical advantages as well as distinctive natural resources , Heilongjiang can be said to be the first place to make ice lanterns .