
  • 网络contemporary drama;Contemporary Theatre
  1. 其显示的是:国际大事件,当代戏剧,相声,戏剧,音乐。

    The kind of its shows are : international great events , contemporary drama , comic dramas , musical .

  2. 最终通过戏曲与话剧创新形式的共性研究,总结出当代戏剧舞台灯光所共有的艺术特点和创新规律。

    Finally through the research on common character of the innovative forms of opera and drama , I have summarized common artistic characteristics and innovation of the contemporary drama stage lighting .

  3. 当代戏剧发展的三大障碍

    Three barriers of drama development at model age

  4. 英国当代戏剧动态研究综述

    A Dynamic Study of the Contemporary English Stage

  5. 感应时代脉搏勇于开拓创新&内蒙古当代戏剧、电影文学创作述要

    An account of the literary creation of modern drama and film of Inner Mongolia

  6. 谈我国当代戏剧小品的现代走向

    On the Modern Tendency of the Development of Contemporary Short and Simple Drama in China

  7. 而精英知识分子文化、主流文化对当代戏剧小品的影响和作用又有所不同。

    On the other hand , the elite culture and the artery culture impose different hands on opusculum .

  8. 哈罗德·品特作为英国当代戏剧大师,为荒诞派戏剧做出了卓越的贡献。

    Harold Pinter is a great contemporary British playwright , who has made great contribution to the theater of the absurd .

  9. 伴随着整个中国改革开放而兴起的小剧场戏剧,是中国当代戏剧的一次革新运动。

    With the advent of little theatre along with China ' reforms , there is the reform of Chinese contemporary theatre .

  10. 它使世界各地舞台美术家及其作品一次次汇集于捷克首都,成为当代戏剧中的重要事件。

    Artists of stage design from all over the world come to the capital , making it an important event in contemporary theatre .

  11. 当代戏剧导演也更加重视利用舞台意象这一手段,建立起具有表现美学风格的演剧风格。

    Contemporary theater directors generally attach the great importance of stage imagery techniques to shows , to establish performance of aesthetic style and drama style .

  12. 他在半个世纪的文学创作生涯中,为维吾尔现当代戏剧、小说和寓言创作的发展,打下了坚实的基础。

    In his half a century literature profession , he built a solid foundation for the development of the modern Uighur dramas , novels and fables .

  13. 在中国现当代戏剧研究中,历史剧的宏观研究一直是空白。

    In the field of the studies of the modern Chinese drama , the macro studies of the modern Chinese historical drama have not been initiated yet .

  14. 在反映“边缘世界”的当代戏剧中,高尔基的戏剧传统与创作手法得以传承,关于人、神与信仰的对话得以延续。

    Among contemporary dramas reflecting the marginal world , Gorky s dramatic tradition and writing skills are inherited , and dialogues between human beings , God and belief are .

  15. 围绕着小剧场戏剧的性质和特征,经过十余年的讨论,中国戏剧界逐渐摆脱了国外关于小剧场戏剧的定说,形成了符合中国当代戏剧实情的理论认识。

    Discussion about the nature and characteristics of little theatre have been around for more than 10 years , ridding Chinese theatre of the overseas definitions of little theatre and forming recognition of theories pertinent to China 's contemporary theatre .

  16. 然而,我国过去对布莱希特及其叙事剧的研究较多从宏观角度去探讨剧作与演剧理论的联系,而较少注意微观探讨对当代戏剧创作的影响。

    However , we used to focus on the relationship between the script and its theory , which is in a rather macroscopic angle , but have ignored to discuss it in a microscopic way , regarding to its influence to modern and contemporary theatre .

  17. 威廉斯通过对当代戏剧从自然主义到表现主义变迁的原因和过程的分析,研究了社会情感结构的变化导致戏剧惯用表现手法的变革,当变革导致惯用手法发生质的变化时,便产生新的戏剧形式。

    Taking the turn from naturalism to expressionism of the contemporary drama as an example , Williams testifies that the dramatic convention changes as the structure of feeling , and when the conventional methods have had a qualitative change , a new drama form surely emerges .

  18. 对这些问题的把握,将有助于认识现代诗剧的历史贡献和不足,总结其艺术创造的经验教训,以期促进当代戏剧创作及发展。

    The answers to these questions will be helpful to the understanding of the historical contribution and the insufficiency of modern poetic drama , to the summary of its artistic creation experience and lesson , with the aim of promoting of the contemporary play creation and development .

  19. 中国当代先锋戏剧研究(1979-2000)

    On the Chinese Contemporary Avant-Garde Theatre ( 1979-2000 )

  20. 当代中国戏剧的人文关怀精神

    The human-caring spirit of the modern drams in China

  21. 在中国当代先锋戏剧中,语言固有的诗性被颠覆。

    The poetic flavor of the language was toppled down in Chinese contemporary Avant-Garde drama .

  22. 论当代浙江戏剧文学的创作走向

    On the Creative Trend of Zhejiang Drama

  23. 中国左翼文论的当代反思戏剧主题论

    A Reflection upon China 's Left-Wing Literary Theory from a Contemporary Perspective On the Theme of Drama

  24. 结语部分论述中国当代先锋戏剧的成就及其不足。

    The achievement and the defect of the Chinese contemporary avant-garde theatre are discussed in the concluding part .

  25. 赖声川是当代华语戏剧界最炙手可热的人物之一,享有开拓台湾剧场的先行者之美誉。

    Lai is one of the hottest names in contemporary Chinese theater , enjoy the " pioneering Taiwanese theater pioneer " reputation .

  26. 艺术形式上的实验性是中国当代先锋戏剧保持先锋姿态的重要标志。

    The experiment on the artistic form is an important sign via which the Chinese contemporary avant-garde theatre maintains its avant-garde posture .

  27. 中国当代先锋戏剧在内容主题和舞台形式方面都呈现出崭新的艺术姿态,与此前的主流话剧拉开了距离并对其造成部分颠覆。

    Chinese contemporary avant-garde drama presents a completely new artistic style both in its contents and forms , which makes it keep away from and even partly topple down the mainstream of Chinese modern drama .

  28. 中国当代先锋戏剧在导演艺术上的创新体现在三个方面:一是崇尚表现主义美学观,二是注重诉诸主体的情感真实,三是打破生活与艺术的界限。

    The innovative consciousness on directing art of the Chinese contemporary avant-garde theatre embodies on 3 aspects : One is to advocate expressionism aesthetics sight , one is to emphasize true feelings of the innovators , the other is to break the limit between life and art .

  29. 中国当代小剧场戏剧论

    On the Contemporary Little Theatre of China

  30. 写此类小题材出名的剧作家在当代甚至现代戏剧领域也不多见,沈虹光是其中的佼佼者。

    Well-known playwrights on such a small theme are rare in contemporary or modern theater areas .