
  • 网络To build a home
  1. 我们尽自己的努力帮助他们建设家园。

    We try our best to assist them in rebuilding their hometown .

  2. 他们以此教育后代,振奋精神,建设家园。

    They dance to educate their descendants , simulate spirits and build new homes .

  3. 此次美国共和党全国代表大会华丽开场,用共同建设家园的主题给了总统奥巴马一个响亮的耳光。

    The Republican National Convention opened by smacking President Obama with the theme We Built it .

  4. 她们把得到的小型贷款拼凑起来,开始建设家园。我依然认为小型贷款是帮助人们摆脱贫困的最佳方法之一。

    And they pooled small microloans , which I still believe is one of the greatest ways of lifting individuals out of poverty . And they began to build their homes .

  5. 从中可以分析出古人结合自然就地取材,选择适宜环境建设家园的聪明智慧与才智。

    After that , it could be analyzed that the ancient combine with nature and use local materials , choose appropriate environment and then build homes . It appears wisdom and intelligence of the ancient .

  6. 工程是人类为了维持生存和繁衍,为了建设家园,为了改善自身生产、生活条件,为了美好地生活而进行的一项基本物质实践活动。

    As a basic material for practice , project is to maintain the survival and reproduction of human , build the " home ", improve their production and living conditions , also have a better " life " .

  7. 通过深入宣传和素质教育,提高农村人口需求表达有效性,提高农村人口建设家园的主动意识,积极引导农村人口有效表达公共品需求意愿。

    Through in-depth advocacy and quality education , the point is to improve the effectiveness of the rural population , and the initiative is to improve the rural population in developing their awareness , actively guide the expression of the rural population and effective demand for public goods will .

  8. 迎接海洋世纪,建设蓝色家园

    Welcoming the Ocean Century and Building Our Blue Homeland

  9. 同一个集团,同一个梦想,极力打造高科技,建设和谐家园。

    One group , one dream , tries to construct high technology and harmonious home ;

  10. 实现社会和谐,建设美好家园,是人类为之孜孜追求的一个社会理想。

    To achieve social harmony and construct a happy homeland , which is man diligently pursuing an ideal society .

  11. 所有的获奖图片都在某种程度上描绘了普通人正在尽力为自己、为家人、为社会建设美好家园。

    All the winning images , however , portray ordinary people doing their best to better the world for themselves , their families and their communities .

  12. 现实的困境和对幸福生活的向往,促使人们开始对工业文明进行反思的过程中,探求建设美好家园、走出困境之路。

    The plight of reality and the longing for a happy life promoted human to begin to reflect on the industrial civilization to build better homes and to seek the road out of the predicament .

  13. 本文阐明了大力发展绿色建材,建设生态家园,走可持续发展道路,将成为21世纪建材工业发展的主流和方向。

    This text is cleared to strongly develop the home of green building materials , developments ecosystem , and the development can keep on , and it will become the main current direction about the building materials in the twenty-one century .

  14. 对户用沼气系统应用类型、应用模式、应用中存在的问题进行调查、分析、研究,并提出相应的对策,为建设生态家园,增加农民收入,促进农业的可持续发展奠定基础。

    Investigation , analysis and research on the application types , utilization pattern and the problems of biogas system in farmers ' households , and the correspondent measures can lay basis for the increase of farmers ' income and for the sustainable development of agriculture .

  15. 在山谷里,我们要建设一个家园。

    In the valley , we will build a home .

  16. 为建设他们的家园而一起努力吗?

    working together for the greatness of their colony ?

  17. 众人拾柴火焰高。让我们用我们自己的双手建设我们的家园!

    More hands produce a stronger flame . Let 's build our gardon with our own hands !

  18. 如果您正在建设自己的家园,你必须要熟悉自己的合同。

    If you are building your own home , you are going to have to familiarize yourself with contracts .

  19. 我们要携起手来,同全世界所有爱好和平的人们一起,建设地球和平家园。

    Let us join hands and work with all peace-loving people in the world to ensure peace on our planet .

  20. 让我们把新加坡建设为美好家园,一个人民安居乐业和享受天伦之乐的家园。

    Let us make Singapore a good home where citizens lead full , meaningful lives , and experience the joys of bringing up a new generation .

  21. 这表明,我国青少年学生有高度的,他们有信心、有能力通过自己的双手建设美好的家园,实现振兴中华的宏愿。

    This suggests that my young students highly , they are confident and capable of using their hands to build a better home , and invigorating the vision .

  22. 新疆和平解放以后,各族人民团结奋斗,共同建设美好的家园。

    Since the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang , the people of all nationalities , uniting as one , have worked hard with joint efforts to build their fine homeland .

  23. 而海德格尔对人生存本真状态的关注,深入探究语言与此在之间的本质关系,从而为艺术赋予新的意义&建设诗意的家园。

    Through observing Being there , Heidegger had researched deeply the relation between language and being there , and so he finded new value of arts & to building poetic homestead .

  24. 一个古梵文谚语说,女人是家,而家是社会的基础,就像我们能建设自己的家园我们才能建设我们的国家。

    An ancient Sanskrit saying says , woman is the home and the home is the basis of society . It is as we build our homes that we can build our country .

  25. 为此,要强化理论教育,建设高尚的精神家园;

    Therefore , the theory education should be reinforced to construct magnificent spirit ;

  26. 共同努力,把我们的国家建设成为美好的家园,我们就一定能够立足并繁荣昌盛。

    work together to make this country an outstanding home , we will survive and prosper .

  27. 建阳市农村生态建设初探农村生态家园的研究与建设

    A Preliminary Approach about Ecological Construction of the Countryside in Jianyang City Ecological Courtyards in Rural Areas

  28. 接着综述了当前国内学术界对中华民族共有精神家园建设、大学生精神家园建设的相关研究现状,在此基础上提出了本论文的研究思路、研究方法以及创新之处。

    Later , it discusses the related current academic research situation about construction of common spiritual home of Chinese nation and the college students .

  29. 中国传统文化凝聚着中华民族历久弥新的精神财富,是建设和谐社会主义精神家园的深厚基础和重要支撑。

    Chinese traditional culture embodies Chinese nation the spiritual wealth , is the construction harmonious socialist spiritual home and the important support of deep foundation .

  30. 这里的人民勤劳朴实、聪明智慧,他们用勤劳的双手建设着美好的家园,用聪明的才智描绘书写着炫丽的人生。

    Here people are hardworking , simple , smart , wise , industrious hands , they used the building of a beautiful home , with clever intelligence portrayed written a dazzling life .