
  1. 通过实地考察与民艺采风的方式,对虎头帽的制作纸样、制作工艺与制作材料逐一进行了研究。

    Through on-the-spot investigation paper patterns , crafts and materials of tiger head imitation caps in the area were researched .

  2. 常见的有虎头帽、狗狗帽、狮子帽、小猪帽、八仙帽等。

    The common patterns include tiger 's face , dog , lion , little pig and the legendary Eight Immortals .

  3. 给小孩子戴虎头帽,穿五毒衣、五毒裤,佩戴香袋,拴五色丝线,都是为了祛崇。

    To dress a child in a tiger-like cap , a coat and trousers with the patterns of the five poisons and a five-color thread is also to drive away evils .

  4. 乃至在当代中国,也有儿童戴着虎头帽、穿着虎头鞋用以驱邪,还有的人睡虎头枕以使自己更加强壮。

    As well as in contemporary China , there are children wearing tiger-head hat , wearing a tiger-head shoes for evil , there are people sleeping on tiger-head to make themselves stronger .