
hǔ nián
  • Chinese year of the tiger
  1. “如果我们要想确保到下一个中国农历虎年2010年时老虎在野生状态下仍然存在,我们就一刻也不能放松,”

    " We cannot let up for one moment i9f we are to ensure that tigers will still exist in the wild by the next Chinese year of the tiger in2010 ,"

  2. 宝马(BMW)也为自己的M3跑车添加了一个名为“虎版M3”(TigerM3)的中国版本,因为今年是中国农历的虎年。

    And BMW has offered a Chinese version of its M3 sports car called the Tiger M3 , for the year of the tiger , the current Chinese zodiac sign .

  3. 2010年春节期间,金宝贝光华SOHO中心将于2月11日-19日停课,请您按假期安排合理为宝宝预约课程。祝各位家长和宝宝春节快乐、虎年吉祥。

    To Celebrate the Chinese New Year , Gymboree Guanghua SOHO Center will be closed during Febuary11th-19th , 2010.We wish you a very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year .

  4. 我在此为您和您的家人送上最诚挚的虎年祝福。

    Just to send my most sincere holiday greetings to you and your family .

  5. 我祝大家过一个繁荣与和平的虎年。

    I wish all of you a prosperous and peaceful Year of the Tiger .

  6. 这是虎年第一张照片喔!

    This is the1st photo of Tiger Year !

  7. 今年是虎年。

    This year is the year of Tiger .

  8. 1998年&虎年

    1998 - The Year of the Tiger

  9. 回首已经过去的虎年,中英经贸合作成果可圈可点。

    The Year of the Tiger has been a robust year for China-UK trade and investment .

  10. 今年是中国的农历“虎年”,“虎”象征着勇猛和王者地位。

    This year is tiger year , and tiger is a symbol of bravery and kingdom .

  11. 祝朋友们虎年喜气洋洋,事事顺意,吉祥快乐。

    Zhu Peng Year of the Tiger faithful joyous , everything Shun Italy , good luck happy .

  12. 趁虎年来临前,我花了一些时间把一些想法写下来。

    I took time to think about what I wanna write in the coming year of Tiger .

  13. 在虎年,想要改变自己的运势你应该怎么做呢?

    In the Year of the Tiger , you want to change their fortune how you should do ?

  14. 在我的印象中,虎年出生的人会非常不同。

    As I am often reminded , people born under the Tiger Lunar sign can be very different .

  15. 虎年,无疑是小虎队团聚的绝佳时间。

    There ` s no better time for The Little Tigers to reunite than the Year of the Tiger .

  16. 告别成绩斐然的虎年,我们迎来充满希望的兔年。

    We waved goodbye to a fruitful year of the tiger and entered the hopeful year of the rabbit .

  17. 艺术中国:你是怎么得到设计虎年邮票的机会的?

    ART CHINA : How did you get the chance to design the stamp of the year of Tiger ?

  18. 在我们开始虎年之际,我期待着继续加强美中关系。

    As we start the year of the Tiger , I look forward to continuing to strengthen the US-China relationship .

  19. 在这里,我和内子恭祝各位在虎年事事顺利,身体健康!

    Once again , my wife and I wish you every success and good health in the Year of the Tiger .

  20. 我也祝愿新的一年各位也能取得更大进步,身体健康,万事如意&虎年快乐!

    I wish that this year will bring everybody more progress , more prosperity and continuous good health-Happy Year of the Tiger .

  21. 虎年将近,虎年主题金银商品销量一路走高,势不可挡。

    As the year of the tiger approaches , sales of tiger themed gold and silver products are proving to be unstoppable themselves .

  22. 根据中国日历,明年就是虎年了。但环保主义者们却认为这对于濒危动物们来说可不是一个好兆头。

    Next year is the'Year of the Tiger'according to the Chinese calendar , but conservationists say signs are ominous for the endangered animal .

  23. 悉尼市议员罗伯特•郭表示,春节庆祝活动标志着中国农历新年的开始,和2010年虎年的结束。

    Sydney councillor Robert Kok said the celebrations marked the beginning of a new lunar calendar and the conclusion of2010-the Year of the Tiger .

  24. 虎:虎年出生的人都是深邃的思想家,非常敏感,有着对他人极大的同情心。

    Tiger : People born in the Year of the Tiger are deep thinkers , very sensitive and can have great sympathy for others .

  25. 春节临近,动物园里还来了不少新客人,就等着虎年和游客们见面了。

    As Spring Festival approaching , a few new members have joined us waiting for visitors to enjoy their presence in the year of Tiger .

  26. 在虎年,我意识到健康美丽的前提是愉快地接受自我和生活;

    In the Year of the Tiger I realized to be healthy and beautiful you must first learn to be happy with yourself and your life .

  27. 十三个老虎分布国一起制定了具体的恢复计划,以便使这种有象征意义的猫科动物的数量在2022年,即下一个虎年,增加一倍。

    The13 tiger range countries have come together with specific recovery plans to double the number of these iconic cats by2022 , the next year of the tiger .

  28. 对于虎皮与虎骨的需求使得偷猎者一直在寻找世界上仅存的少数野生虎。虎年可能会给野生虎带来更大的压力。

    " TheYear of the Tiger will put more pressure on wild tigers ," MichaelBaltzer , head of the WWF Tiger Initiative , told the AFP news agency .

  29. 这个虎年倒计时,已经有很多老外都已经准备就绪过个快乐中国年。他们对中国春节的了解和期待有哪些呢?我们一起来听听吧。

    The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together , just like Christmas in the west .

  30. 但本年中国的风海军们对肖虎者的运程瞻望比较保守,却称在虎年最犯冲的是肖猴者。

    But while Chinese fortune tellers give tigers a conservative outlook this year , the zodiac sign that causes the most serious conflict this year is the monkey .