
Xīnɡ qī tiān
  • Sunday
  1. 他喜欢星期天的上午打一场高尔夫球。

    He enjoyed a round of golf on a Sunday morning .

  2. 星期天的音乐盛会将把这次会演推向高潮。

    The festival will climax on Sunday with a gala concert .

  3. 让我们星期天上班工作,那可不太行吧。

    It 's a bit off expecting us to work on Sunday .

  4. 星期天,和姻亲们共进午餐已经成了例行的公事。

    Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual .

  5. 最后一集将于下星期天晚上播出。

    The final part will be shown next Sunday evening .

  6. 星期天来参加酒宴好吗?

    Would you like to come for drinks on Sunday ?

  7. 我们星期天骑自行车去兜风了。

    We went for a cycle ride on Sunday .

  8. 要是叫我星期天加班,我就辞职不干了。

    If I were asked to work on Sundays , I should resign .

  9. 她每个星期天都来拜访,没有哪一次不带礼物。

    She visited every Sunday and never arrived empty-handed .

  10. 我们盼望着星期天天气好。

    We are hoping for good weather on Sunday .

  11. 我们星期天骑自行车兜风了。

    We went for a bicycle ride on Sunday .

  12. 每个星期天有多少人去教堂?

    How many people attend church every Sunday ?

  13. 她总是在星期天去教堂做礼拜。

    She always went to chapel on Sundays .

  14. 公共汽车每小时一班,星期天除外。

    Buses run every hour , Sundays excluded .

  15. 我们星期天要去拜访我的姻亲。

    We 're visiting my in-laws on Sunday .

  16. 我们除星期天外每天都工作。

    We work every day except Sunday .

  17. 博物馆每星期天都开放吗?

    Is the museum open on Sundays ?

  18. 下个星期天是她的生日。

    This coming Sunday is her birthday .

  19. 我们星期天一般不在家。

    We 're mostly out on Sundays .

  20. 星期天下午过来。

    Come over on Sunday afternoon .

  21. 他是星期天来的。

    He came on Sunday .

  22. 她每个星期天都毫无例外地到她父母那里吃午饭。

    Every Sunday , week in , week out , she goes to her parents for lunch .

  23. 昨天是星期天。

    Yesterday was Sunday .

  24. 到星期天他又会上那儿去。

    He 's going to be up there again come Sunday .

  25. 每到星期天,这家人都会去做3次礼拜。

    On Sundays , the family went three times to chapel .

  26. 娜奥米以前每个星期天都去格兰维尔的教堂做礼拜。

    Naomi used to go to church in Granville every Sunday .

  27. 对《星期天的爱情》这首歌的即兴模仿听起来尤其空洞。

    The ersatz spontaneity of ' Sunday Love ' sounds especially hollow .

  28. 她是《星期天评论》的文学编辑。

    She 's the literary editor of the ' Sunday Review ' .

  29. 我星期天做礼拜时没看见你。

    I didn 't see you in church on Sunday .

  30. 我想星期天我们可以开车去兜兜风。

    I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday