
xīng qiú dà zhàn
  • strategic defense initiative;a star war
星球大战[xīng qiú dà zhàn]
  1. 《星球大战》的第一部前传让影迷期待了多年。

    Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel .

  2. 她最喜欢的电影是饥饿游戏和星球大战。

    Her favorite movies are The Hunger Games and Star Wars .

  3. 星球大战》的第一部前传让影迷期待了多年。

    Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel . 《

  4. 巴斯光年会成为《星球大战7》(StarWars7)的主角吗?

    Buzz Lightyear as the hero of Star Wars 7 ?

  5. 去伦敦看了一场科幻电影,名为《星球大战》(starwars)。

    Went to London to see a fantastic film called star wars .

  6. 原来是演员奥尔森·威尔斯为了庆祝万圣节在朗读作家H·G·威尔斯的小说《星球大战》。

    Actor Orson Welles had been reading H.G.Wells ' book The War of the Worlds on the radio for Halloween .

  7. 《星球大战前传2:克隆人的进攻》(AttackoftheClones)也是如此。不过,这似乎无关紧要。

    So was " Attack of the Clones . " But it didn 't seem to matter .

  8. 我所在的社区有一个人总是戴着《星球大战》(StarWars)的帽子。

    There is a guy in my neighborhood who wears a Star Wars hat all the time .

  9. 焰火由《星球大战:没完没了的第N集:起什么副标题还重要吗,第一部》赞助。

    Fireworks sponsored by Star Wars : Episode Ad Nauseam : Does It Really Matter What We Subtitle These Anymore , Part 1 .

  10. 在《星球大战》原三部曲中,最能够展现尤达大师原力风采的当数他把卢克的X翼战机从沼泽里提出来了。

    Yoda 's greatest display of raw power in the original trilogy came when he lifted Luke 's X-wing from the swamp .

  11. 简介:在基于新的3D动画电影和电视系列《星球大战:克隆战争》的大型战斗动作游戏里体验令人激动的战争现场。

    Live dramatic battles in the mass combat action game based on the new3D animated film and TV series Star Wars : The Clone Wars !

  12. 《星球大战》系列中最受影评家好评的《帝国反击战》(TheEmpireStrikesBack)就不是卢卡斯本人导演的。

    The most critically acclaimed of all the Star Wars films , the Empire Strikes Back , was not directed by Lucas .

  13. 它的名字叫“ForceTrainer”,得名于广受欢迎的星球大战电影里和尤达和卢克·天行者的“TheForce”力量。

    Called " Force Trainer " it is named after " The Force " powers of Yoda and Luke Skywalker in the popular Star Wars films .

  14. 在教堂里,乐队演奏了《星球大战》中天行者卢克的主题音乐TheBinarySunset。

    Inside the church a brass band played the film 's The Binary Sunset music - known as Luke Skywalker 's theme .

  15. 这是星球大战的一景,PO了他看到了机器在制作机器。

    This is a scene from Star Wars where the3PO comes out and he sees machines making machines .

  16. J·J·艾布拉姆斯执导了《星球大战7:原力觉醒》,但是这一次《星战8》的拍摄将由莱恩·约翰逊掌舵。

    J.J. Abrams directed " The Force Awakens , " but this time around , Rian Johnson is at the helm .

  17. 其他景点与沃尔特·迪士尼公司的一些收购有关,包括漫威电影和《星球大战》(StarWars)特许商品。

    Other attractions were related to some of the Walt Disney Company 's acquisitions , including Marvel Comics and the " Star Wars " franchise .

  18. 它甚至探讨《星球大战》(StarWars)对萨达姆·侯赛因(SaddamHussein)的儿子乌代(Uday)的影响。

    It even explored the influence of " Star Wars " on Saddam Hussein 's son Uday .

  19. 一个例子是为娱乐业高管们所钟爱、著名的“饮水机时刻”:员工们一边讨论最新的《星球大战》(StarWars)电影,一边走来走去用薄薄的纸杯接水。

    One example is the famous water-cooler moment beloved of entertainment executives , when staff mill around filling flimsy paper cones while discussing the new Star Wars film .

  20. 这部电影如今被称为《星球大战第四集——新希望》(EpisodeIV—ANewHope),它的巨大成功导致了其后发生的许多事情,好坏参半。

    The wild success of the film now known as " Episode IV - A New Hope " has been held responsible for much of what followed , the good along with the bad .

  21. ilm是星球大战的产物。

    ILM was spawned out of star wars .

  22. 比如,我试着在一款星球大战的游戏中用Siri驾驶宇宙飞船。

    For example , I tried using Siri to steer a spaceship in a Star Wars game .

  23. 如今AI最受欢迎的想法是源于科幻小说和电影,我本人就是《星球大战》的超级粉丝。

    Now , most popular views of AI , of course , come from science fiction and the movies , and I 'm personally a big Star Wars fan .

  24. 说搅局也许有点不准确,因为《星球大战:原力觉醒》(StarsWars:TheForceAwakens)中8000磅(约合7257斤)重的大猩猩不可能不引起人们的注意。

    Spoiler isn 't the right term , given that it was impossible not to be aware of the 8000-pound gorilla that is " Stars Wars : The Force Awakens . "

  25. 《星球大战7:原力觉醒》(StarWars:TheForceAwakens)的导演J·J·艾布拉姆斯(J.J.Abrams)也是我们中的一员,这也绝非偶然。

    It 's hardly an accident that J. J. Abrams , director of " Star Wars : The Force Awakens , " is one of us .

  26. 凭借在中国的强劲表现,《星球大战》将超越《阿凡达》(Avatar)成为影史上最卖座的电影。

    A strong performance by Star Wars there will put it in a position to surpass Avatar as the top-grossing movie ever released .

  27. 乐园在开业时将不会包括迪士尼部分最具代表性的经典游乐项目,如飞越太空山(SpaceMountain)、小小世界(It'saSmallWorld)和以《星球大战》为主题的太空之旅星际遨游(StarTours)。

    Some of Disney 's most iconic attractions , including Space Mountain , It 's a Small World and Star Tours , a " Star Wars " - themed journey through space , will not be featured when the park opens .

  28. 《星球大战》(StarWars)虽较晚登陆中国,但来势汹汹。据迪士尼公司(WaltDisney)的数据,该系列电影的新作打破了中国电影市场的周六票房纪录。

    China came late to Star Wars but arrived in a big way when the latest film in the series broke Chinese box office records on Saturday , according to Walt Disney .

  29. 科学家曾用这一手套控制第二代航天机器人,这种机器人和《星球大战》电影中的R2大神一样可以在执行航天任务中提供工程与技术支持。

    The glove helped scientists control Robonaut 2 , a humanoid that provided engineering and technical assistance on space mission just like Star Wars ' R2-D2 .

  30. Eidos开发星球大战玩具游戏

    Eidos develop Star Wars toys online game