
  • 网络tariff law;Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act;Trade and Tariff Act
  1. 美国《关税法》337条款探析

    On the Clause No. 337 of American Tariff Law

  2. 从这个意义上讲,贸易法取代了关税法。

    At this point , American Trade Law substituted for its tariff law .

  3. 在论文中,首先探讨了WTO规则中涉及的海关法律制度,以此为基础,分析和论证了蒙古国海关法、关税法、蒙古国缔结的相关条约等。

    In the paper , first of all WTO rules on customs related to the legal system as a basis for analysis and verification of the Mongolian Customs Law , Customs Law of Mongolia , such as the conclusion of the relevant treaties .

  4. 征收进口税和执行关税法;

    Collecting the revenue from import duties and enforcing customs laws ;

  5. 你们知道征收关税法中作了修订吗?

    Have you studied the alterations to the taxation law ?

  6. 中国企业如何应对美国关税法337条款调查

    Research on How Chinese Enterprises Answer Section 337 of The United States Tariff Law

  7. 论美国关税法的演变

    On the Evolution of American Tariff Law

  8. 337条款是美国1930年《关税法》337节的通俗称谓。

    Section 337 of the United States Tariff Law of 1930 is one of the mechanisms regulating import trade .

  9. 反倾销问题由来已久,自1904年加拿大《海关关税法》首次将反倾销措施以法律的形式进行规定以来,越来越多的国家相继通过反倾销立法,来抵制外国产品的倾销。

    Since the anti-dumping measures were stipulated by the 1904 customs tariff law of Canada , more and more countries resist unfair competition from abroad through the stipulating of antidumping .

  10. 修改的法律通过商业附加税每年20多亿美元的方式再提高25亿美元;你们知道征收关税法中作了修订吗?

    The revised law was expected to raise $ 2.5 billion through a surtax on businesses with annual incomes over $ 2 million ; Have you studied the alterations to the taxation law ?