
fǎn lǒnɡ duàn zhènɡ cè
  • Antitrust Policy
  1. 总结了ICT产业反垄断政策调整的整体趋势:其一,力度不均。

    Summarized the overall trend of the ICT industry antitrust policy adjustments .

  2. 而ICT产业反垄断政策却恰好相反,更加重视纵向规制而非横向规制。

    But ICT industry antitrust policy pays more attention to the longitudinal Regulation rather than the horizontal regulation .

  3. 从垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中三个方面详细说明了ICT产业反垄断政策应该如何做出调整。

    He described how to make adjustments in the antitrust policy of ICT industry from three aspects of monopoly agreements , abuse of market dominance , concentration of business operators . 5 .

  4. 在ICT产业,保护技术创新就是在保护竞争,通过技术创新带动其他反垄断政策目标的实现,并有效地平抑知识产权法和反垄断法之间的冲突。

    In the ICT industry , protection of technological innovation is to protect competition . Technological innovation can make other antitrust policy objectives come true . It can also effectively stabilize the conflict between intellectual property law and antitrust law . 4 .

  5. 国际反垄断政策协调的可行途径比较分析

    An Analysis of the Competing Ways Towards International Antitrust Policy Coordination

  6. 这是各国政府制定反垄断政策的经济学根源。

    This is due to a government anti-monopoly policy economics root .

  7. 独占交易的经济分析与反垄断政策

    The Economic Analysis of Exclusive Dealing and Its Antitrust Policy

  8. 全球贸易竞争对美国反垄断政策的影响

    Global Trade Competition and Its Influence Over American Antitrust Policy

  9. 开放经济条件下反垄断政策的选择

    The Choice of Antitrust System in the Opening Economy

  10. 新经济时代反垄断政策面临的挑战

    Challenges Confronted by the Policies of Anti-monopoly in the Age of New Economy

  11. 纵向限制的经济逻辑与反垄断政策

    Economic Logic of Vertical Restraints and Antitrust Concern

  12. 如何合理高效地执行反垄断政策将是今后面临的重要问题。

    How to enforce anti monopoly policy efficiently is an important problem to face .

  13. 反垄断政策和规制是经济政策中最激动人心的领域之一。

    Competition policy and regulation are one of the most exciting areas in economic policies .

  14. 跨国竞争的出现使各国的反垄断政策模式从结构主义转向行为主义。

    The appearance of transnational competition makes governments ' antimonopoly mode change from structuralism into behaviorism .

  15. 政府在制定反垄断政策时应重点考虑怎样减少潜在进入者的沉没成本;

    We should strive to reduce sunk costs of potential competitors while drawing up the anti-monopoly policies !

  16. 传统分析还不恰当地以为政府既有能力又有动力管好垄断这样的问题。因而,其一般化的反垄断政策主张也错了。

    Also , the traditional economic analysis lay a wrong argument on governments anti - monopoly policies .

  17. 因此,对互补性创新下的许可合作行为应该实行宽松的反垄断政策。

    Complementary innovation is the main model in system industry , and cooperation and compatibility are the main behavior choice .

  18. 世界反垄断政策历经百余年发展,已逐渐变消极补救为积极预防。

    The world 's anti-monopoly policies have developed for several hundred years , and their emphases gradually changed from negative remediation to positive prevention .

  19. 而我国的反垄断政策却相反,先有国家垄断、行政垄断,然后才逐步走向市场竞争。

    But Chinese antitrust policy , by contrast , first , state monopoly and administrative monopoly , and then gradually changed toward the market competition .

  20. 另外,文章还提供了反映美国反垄断政策从芝加哥学派向后芝加哥学派转变的一些经典案例。

    In addition , the paper provides us with some classical cases revealing the shift of American antitrust policy from Chicago school to post-Chicago school .

  21. 白宫,司法部,其他机关和国会的官员在接受采访时描述了一些关于反垄断政策的积极的部分。

    The more aggressive antitrust policy was described in interviews with officials at the White House , the Justice Department , other agencies and Congress .

  22. 反垄断政策的制定和实施必须慎重合理,否则会影响企业效率和市场机制的正常运行。

    Antitrust policy formulation and implementation must be careful and reasonable , otherwise it will affect the efficiency and the normal operation of market mechanisms .

  23. 但是,坚定的反垄断政策可以提高我们的胜算,不论是通过帮助消费者做出更有掌控力的选择,还是通过对大公司进行拆分、或阻止巨型并购案。

    But assertive competition policy would improve our odds , whether through helping consumers to make empowered choices , splitting up large corporations or blocking megamergers .

  24. 托拉斯、工人、农民等相关利益群体通过各种形式的集体行动,试图影响联邦的反垄断政策,争取对自己有利的立法。

    Trust , workers , farmers and other interest groups try to influence federal antitrust policy and fight for favorable legislation through various forms of collective action .

  25. 本文通过经济学说史的研究,对垄断观念在垄断概念、垄断分析方法和反垄断政策实施中的观念分歧进行归纳和阐述,论证了经济垄断不存在,对经济垄断进行管制是值得怀疑的观点。

    The paper makes a " meta-theoretical " study of the history of monopoly doctrines and antimonopoly policy from the angle of both the idealistic history of monopoly and some main analyzing approaches .

  26. 同时还引用了反映不同时期不同学派理论在反垄断政策中应用的案例,以及反映美国反垄断思想从芝加哥学派向后芝加哥学派转变的经典案例。

    The article also quoted some antitrust policy cases which reflected the affections of different theories , and also some cases reflected how antitrust policy changed from the Chicago School to post-Chicago School .

  27. 例如,针对网络产业市场结构的经济特性,指出反垄断政策应摒弃纯粹结构主义原则,并运用战略捆绑模型的相关结论,提出可操作性更强的新时期反垄断政策的实施原则。

    For instance , based on the market structure of network industries and the model conclusions of strategic bundling , it suggests that government should abandon pure structure principles and introduce more feasible implementation guidelines for antitrust policies .

  28. 鉴于无论是双边还是多边合作机制,都存在自身的局限性,不能从根本上解决问题,同时,反垄断政策的国际化已具有了紧迫性与现实可能性,笔者提出建立国际反垄断体系的构想。

    Because both bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms have limitations and can not solve the problems fundamentally , while antitrust policy has its urgency and real possibility , the author propose the establishment of an international antitrust system .

  29. 反垄断政策的经济理论经过哈佛学派到芝加哥学派再到新产业组织理论的发展历程,每一次发展变化无不与社会经济、科学技术的发展息息相关。

    Anti-monopoly policy economic theory after Harvard school to the Chicago school to new industrial organization theory development course , every development and change of social and economic , all of the development of science and technology is closely linked .

  30. 在贸易全球化时代,有观点认为,反垄断政策不利于美国企业在国际市场上的竞争,甚至认为应当将反垄断政策置于贸易政策之下。

    In the era of globalization of trade , there are viewpoints that antitrust policy brings negative effects to American enterprises , competition in the international market , some even suggest that antitrust policy should be a tool of trade policy .