
  • 网络Anti-Spam;Anti Spam;antispam
  1. 基于MobileAgent的协作式反垃圾邮件系统设计

    Design of collaborative antispam filter system based on the mobile Agent

  2. 网络安全:新的反垃圾邮件引擎网页防护和脚本屏蔽:在UI中的更多选项新版本的UI还包括全部别动!

    Internet Security : new antispam engine-Web Shield and Script Shield : more options in the UIThe UI of the new version also includes the avast !

  3. 一种P2P结构的协作式反垃圾邮件模型

    Model of P2P collaborative anti-spam structure

  4. 改进的NaiveBayes技术在反垃圾邮件系统中的应用

    Improved Naive Bayes tech applying in anti-spam filtering

  5. 最小风险的NaiveBayes技术是目前最重要的反垃圾邮件技术之一。

    Conclusion Risk minimization Naive Bayes tech is one of the most important anti-spam tech.

  6. 现有的反垃圾邮件技术中,基于统计方法的NaiveBayesian分类算法在垃圾邮件过滤中有很好的效果。

    In kinds of anti-spam technologies , Naive Bayesian classifier based on statistical method works effectively on spam filtration .

  7. 结论改进的NaiveBayes技术可提高反垃圾邮件过滤器的速度和效率。

    Conclusion The improved Naive Bayes tech can accelerate anti-spam system ′ s speed and make it effective .

  8. 基于Winnow算法的反垃圾邮件引擎的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of One Prototype of Anti-Spam Engine Based on Winnow Algorithm

  9. 微软有它自己的相关研究项目,而AOL的“宜邮”服务为大商家提供了成功的反垃圾邮件保护。

    Microsoft has its own research project , while AOL 's Goodmail successfully offers anti-spam protection to large marketers .

  10. 最后对此系统的安全性加以分析,并与PGP及反垃圾邮件系统进行比较。

    At last , it gives the secure analysis of secure E-mail system , and compares it with PGP and anti-Spam system .

  11. 该系统能够通过GT容器汇集各反垃圾邮件服务器的资源,采用分布式统计算法在全网内过滤近似邮件。

    The system which centralize the resource of servers in the GT container can filter spam in the whole of network which make the ability of anti-spam better .

  12. 和其他大型机构一样,道琼斯(DowJones)也被迫定制了反垃圾邮件服务,以阻止那些来路不明、惹人生厌的电子邮件接触到包括记者在内的员工。

    Dow Jones , like all big organizations , has been forced to subscribe to an antispam service to keep a firehouse of illicit and offensive mail messages from reaching its employees , reporters included .

  13. 当前它的主要作用是帮助hashcash用户避免因为使用了基于内容和基于黑名单的(blacklist-based)反垃圾邮件系统而丢失邮件。

    Its main current use is to help hashcash users avoid losing email due to content-based and blacklist-based anti-spam systems .

  14. 邮件安全北卡罗来纳州卡里的GFI软件日前宣布,其GFI反垃圾邮件和反诈骗邮件产品现在已经在西班牙和意大利使用。

    GFI Software of Cary , North Carolina , has announced that its GFI MailEssentials anti-spam and anti-phishing product is now available in Spanish and Italian .

  15. 我们研究Milter的工作原理和配置方式,并将它引入本文设计的反垃圾邮件系统中。

    We research working principle and configuration of the Milter and import it in our anti-spam system .

  16. 另一方面,向您自己的MUA添加hashcash生成和校验对其他所有人没有任何负面影响(不像其他一些反垃圾邮件方法)。

    On the other hand , adding hashcash minting and checking to your own MUA unlike some other anti-spam measures has no negative effect on anyone else .

  17. 每隔几个小时在科研集群上训练反垃圾邮件模型。

    Retraining antispam models on a science cluster every few hours .

  18. 研究并开发高效的反垃圾邮件模型已经势在必行。

    Research and development of effective anti-spam model has become imperative .

  19. 其中图像型垃圾邮件促使着反垃圾邮件技术进入一个新的研究领域。

    Image spam pushed the anti-spam technology into a new height .

  20. 基于速率控制的反垃圾邮件模型设计

    The design of a filtering spam system based on rate controls

  21. 安全的邮件服务器是反垃圾邮件研究的基础。

    The safety of email system is a base of research .

  22. 一种基于用户行为分析的协同反垃圾邮件策略

    An Cooperate Anti-spam Strategy Based on User 's Behavioral Analysis

  23. 然后详细讨论了当前反垃圾邮件的几种关键技术。

    Some key technologies of anti - spam are discussed in details .

  24. 因此,研究一种有效的反垃圾邮件系统具有十分重要的意义。

    Accordingly , it is significant to explore an effective Anti-Spam system .

  25. 反垃圾邮件技术概述及几种邮件网关产品性能分析

    Anti-spam technology : a summary account and analysis for performance of gateways

  26. 垃圾邮件过滤是反垃圾邮件研究中的重要技术。

    Filtering is a key technology in anti - spam .

  27. 贝叶斯算法在反垃圾邮件应用中的改进方案

    An improvement program of application of Bayesian algorithm to anti-spam

  28. 反垃圾邮件技术已成为当今网络安全领域研究的热点之一。

    Anti-spam technology has become a research focus of network security field .

  29. 最后介绍了贝叶斯过滤算法反垃圾邮件的基本步骤。

    Finally introduced the fundamental step of filtering spam mail with Bayesian algorithm .

  30. 现有的反垃圾邮件产品已经不能有效的遏制垃圾邮件的蔓延。

    Already existing anti-spam products can not effectively curb the spreading of spam .