
  • 网络Receiving Email
  1. 移动计算设备如PDA、手机等具有资源少、网络速度慢的特点,因而其接收电子邮件的速度较慢。

    Mobile computing devices such as PDA , mobile phone are of limited resource and slow Internet access capability , so the speed of receiving email is relatively slow .

  2. 运送:适用土政策接收电子邮件系统基于签名测试结果。

    Delivering : the receiving email system applies local policies based on the results of the signature test .

  3. 您可以指定从internet接收电子邮件的方法。

    You can specify how to receive e-mail from the internet .

  4. 使用internet标准邮件系统发送和接收电子邮件。

    Send and receive electronic mail with Internet standard mail systems .

  5. 在详细设计中,实现了用SOCKET建立连接,发送电子邮件,接收电子邮件等功能模块。

    The software contains SOCKET connection module , mail-sending module , and mail-receiving module .

  6. 所有你需要的就是可以从任何计算机发送和接收电子邮件的一个USB驱动器,并且不需要安装任何软件。

    All you need is a USB drive to receive and send email from any computer without the need to install any software .

  7. 但当我在路上使用Wi-Fi时,我能接收电子邮件,却不能回复或发送。

    But when I 'm on the road using Wi-Fi , I can receive emails , but can 't reply or send out .

  8. 我们已经看到了如何配置Mule去发送E-Mail,那么现在让我们看看这一节的另一个内容:接收电子邮件消息。

    We 've seen how to configure Mule to send e-mails , so now let 's look at the next part of this section , which is receiving e-mail messages .

  9. 在设置CI系统时,团队常常认为接收电子邮件是浪费时间;因此,他们决定不发布通知。

    Often , when setting up a CI system , teams decide that receiving e-mails is tantamount to spam ; thus , they decide that " for the time being " no notifications will go out .

  10. 如果通信没有被加密,一些公司会提醒用户,比如Gmail邮箱在你向不安全地址发送电子邮件或从不安全地址接收电子邮件时会出现警告标志。

    Some companies alert users if communications are unencrypted -- for instance Gmail displays warning icons when you send or receive an email from an insecure source .

  11. 不过,倒是有一个接收电子邮件的绝好机会。

    However , there is a very good chance that you receive e-mail .

  12. 发送和接收电子邮件的常用主机和域

    Common hosts and domains sending and receiving e-mail

  13. 组织一半的电脑都无法接收电子邮件

    Half of Division can 't get email .

  14. 正在下载发送和接收电子邮件所需的设置。请稍候。

    Please wait while we download the settings needed to send and receive email .

  15. 在脱机模式下发送和接收电子邮件

    Send and receive e-mail in offline mode

  16. 发送及接收电子邮件,附件档,检视器,递送及回覆邮件。

    Sending and receiving electronic mail , attachment files , viewers , forwarding and replying mails .

  17. 在家庭办公室,您会经常创建及接收电子邮件、演示及文档。

    In your home office , you 're constantly creating and receiving emails , presentations and documents .

  18. 发送和接收电子邮件,对于某些执行特殊任务的应用程序而言,是一个十分有用的功能。

    For the application program with some special tasks , sending and receiving E_mail are very useful .

  19. 要开始使用电子邮件,请使用收件箱中的发送/接收电子邮件选项。

    To begin using e-mail , use the " Send / Receive E-mail " option in Inbox .

  20. 另请所有可以接收电子邮件的会员更新您的电子邮件地址。

    Please update your email address with us if you have one which you check on a regular basis .

  21. 你还能通过互联网接收电子邮件,听音乐,看电影。

    You 'll also be able to receive e-mail , music and movies , all via an internet link .

  22. 成员也可以创建自己的通知,以便接收电子邮件通知,了解感兴趣的其他项目的更改。

    Members can also create their own alerts to receive e-mail notification of changes to other items of interest to them .

  23. 如果已经启用日历来接收电子邮件,则其地址将显示在“列表信息”下的“电子邮件地址”旁。

    If the calendar is enabled to receive e-mail , its address appears under list information , next to e-mail address .

  24. 他们只是想要一个这样的操作系统,能让他们接收电子邮件、浏览网页,以及运行一些简单的办公应用程序。

    They just want an operating system that will let them get email , browse the Web , and run a few simple office applications .

  25. 如果管理员已启用网站上的列表以接收电子邮件,则讨论板可以存储来自大多数常用电子邮件程序的电子邮件讨论。

    If your administrator has enabled lists on your site to receive e-mail , discussion boards can store e-mail discussions from most common e-mail programs .

  26. 能让订户使用假名发送和接收电子邮件而不用暴露真实身份的计算机。

    A computer that allows a subscribing user to send and receive email messages using a nym , without revealing the user 's true identity .

  27. 并且,你可以将它连接到任何电话线上从而接收电子邮件和传真,或是拨号上网。

    In addition , you can connect it to any telephone line so that you can send and receive email and faxes and get on the internet .

  28. 对于确保由域中发件人发送到远程域的电子邮件与接收电子邮件系统兼容,这些设置很有用。

    These settings can be useful to make sure that e-mail sent by senders in your domain to the remote domain is compatible with the receiving e-mail system .

  29. 本软件可以不经过修改或少许修改就可以移植到各种电子设备上。通过它,用户可以随时随地上网接收电子邮件。

    The software can be used in many kinds of electronics equipments . By it , users can access the internet and receive Email at any time and anywhere .

  30. 如果在工作区的“任务”列表中创建了任务,则可选择接收电子邮件通知,以向您通知这些任务的任何更改。

    If tasks were created in the tasks list of the workspace , you can choose to receive e-mail alerts that notify you of any changes to those tasks .