
  • 网络Succession Planning;Succession plan;successor plan
  1. 在这些成员中,尤其是Gore,对接班人计划知之甚少。

    All of them , Gore especially , know a little something on the subject of succession planning .

  2. 我们只有一种接班人计划。

    We only do one sort of succession planning .

  3. 您对思科内部的接班人计划有何看法?

    What are your thoughts on succession within Cisco ?

  4. 推行内部培训计划在公司、下属公司和酒店内开展接班人计划。

    Develop internal training programs fostering promotion within the company , Hotel and city inn .

  5. 制定接班人计划时,把企业领袖当作神话会产生不良影响。

    Mythologizing a leader can also take a toll when it comes to developing a succession plan .

  6. 大公司都是通过管理制度运行的,这些制度涵盖预算与规划、绩效管理以及接班人计划等。

    Things get done in big firms through management processes & budgeting and planning , performance management , succession planning .

  7. 然而,日产和雷诺的董事会现在必须在两年内第二次重新考虑这两家汽车制造商的接班人计划。

    Yet the boards of Nissan and Renault now must reconsider succession at both automakers for the second time in two years .

  8. 目前尚不清楚这些职务变动的确切时间,但据称,这是默多克与董事会进行的长期接班人计划的一部分。

    The exact timing for the changes is unclear , but it is said to be part of Mr. Murdoch 's long-term succession planning with the board .

  9. 接班人计划方面还存在一个问题:一般认为,当老一辈还在世时,制定接班人计划不太合适。这是中国文化的一种特有现象。

    Another problem in succession planning , unique to Chinese culture , is that it is often considered inappropriate to draw up such a plan while the older generation is still around .

  10. 凯里从2009年开始担任福克斯的二把手,备受华尔街推崇。一名知情人士表示,他在接班人计划中扮演不可或缺的角色。

    Mr. Carey , who has worked as the second-highest executive at Fox since 2009 and is widely respected on Wall Street , played an integral role in the succession plans , one person said .

  11. 能在这个新的世界秩序中取得成功的,将是那些信既拥抱传统的领导力概念如公司内辅导计划和接班人计划等,又能熟练地运用新的全球性企业语言的组织。

    Those who will succeed in this new world order will be those that embrace the traditional concepts of leadership , such as mentorship and succession planning , while also being fluent in a new global , corporate language .

  12. 产权明晰化是家族企业健康成长的根本前提,开放性人力资源结构是家族企业发展壮大的后盾保障,而完善的接班人培养计划是家族企业延续的基本条件。

    The clear ownership structure is the fundamental premise for Chinese family business to grow up healthily . The open human resources structure is the support for the family business to become stronger .