
rù zhí péi xùn
  • induction training;Orientation;new employee orientation training;on boarding training
  1. 入职培训都遵循OJT的要求,即在装配线上在职培训的每一个新员工都有一个丰田培训员或者组长一起工作。

    The orientation training is followed by OJT , in which each trainee works side-by-side with a Toyota trainer or a group leader on the assembly line .

  2. 组织并开展新员工的入职培训。

    Organize and conduct orientation training .

  3. 英国在1999年正式推出了新教师入职培训制度(InductionforNewlyQualifiedTeacher)。

    Statutory arrangements for induction of Newly Qualified Teacher was introduced in 1999 in UK .

  4. 入职培训(On-boarding)建立并培训用户很费时间。

    On-boarding – setting up and training users & was time consuming .

  5. 心理契约视野下的大学生入职培训

    The vocational training of graduates from the perspective of psychological contract

  6. 负责公司新进员工入职培训;

    Be responsible for the orientation and introduction of new employee .

  7. 协助进行培训,尤其是入职培训。

    Assist to handle training affairs , especially new employee orientation .

  8. 新员工的入职培训是否包括安全和危险意识培训?

    Does new employee orientation include security and threat awareness training ?

  9. 入职培训是影响新教师成长和发展的重要条件,也是教师专业化过程中不可或缺的环节。

    Pre-service training is highly important and necessary to new college teachers .

  10. 协助人力资源经理完成新员工入职培训。

    Organize orientation / induction training programs in conjunction with the HR Manager .

  11. 备注:第一天的入职培训主管不应托付他人或直接错过。

    Note : First-day orientation is not something a supervisor should delegate or miss .

  12. 理想与期待&2008年新教师入职培训调查问卷分析报告

    Ideals and Expectance & Analysis of Questionnaire on Induction Training of New Teachers in 2008

  13. 第三章阐述了美国新教师入职培训改革的内容,包括新教师素质的界定以及各州的改革概述;

    Part three describes the content of new qualified teacher induction program reform in America .

  14. 授课入职培训或其他指定培训项目。

    Deliver orientation and other assigned programs .

  15. 论高校新教师的入职培训

    On Pre-Service Training of New College Teachers

  16. 无需物流行业相关经验,公司将提供完善的入职培训。

    Logistic industry experience not essential , we will provide related training for the new employees .

  17. 确保进行相关的安全健康入职培训。

    Ensures that induction training programmes in relation to Health and Safety are being carried out .

  18. 高职院校初任青年教师四元三层入职培训体系的探析

    An Analysis on the " Four-agent and Three-dimension " Training System for Beginning Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges

  19. 所有加入丰田北美公司的新员工会参加5天的新员工入职培训。

    All newly hired Toyota employees in North America attend a five-day orientation during the first week of employment .

  20. 本文针对目前企业在大学生入职培训方面存在的问题,有针对性地提出了提升大学生入职培训效果的一些建议措施。

    Based on the problems existing in vocational training on graduates of most enterprises , this paper gives the corresponding suggestions and countermeasures .

  21. 第三部分:探讨了美国新教师入职培训的理论基础、目标、内容和评价。

    Section three is a comparative study on the basic theories , induction objectives , components and evaluation of the American new teacher induction .

  22. 加强入职培训和职后培训,积极推进培养培训一体化进程;

    Strengthen the teachers ' training before and after they go to work and actively advance the integration of teachers ' cultivation and training ;

  23. 但是,新员工应主要通过其他途径进行入职培训,这些途径不违背设计评审会议的主要功能。

    However , new , or new-to-the-project employees should be primarily oriented by other means that do not detract from the primary function of design review meetings .

  24. 有计划地向新员工介绍公司情况并对其进行入职培训,制订评估措施以检查新员工培训计划有效实施;

    New employees should undergo a planned induction to the company and their job role , with measures established to assess the effectiveness of the induction programme .

  25. 实行新教师入职培训计划是美国20世纪80年代发展迅速的运动之一,到20世纪90年代,该计划已成为最受欢迎的教师教育改革措施之一。

    The new teacher induction program is one of the programs which developed rapidly in America in 1980s . Till 1990s , the program has become the most popular teacher education reform measures .

  26. 经营管理机构设总经理一人,副总经理若干人。副总经理协助总经理工作。协助人力资源经理完成新员工入职培训。

    The management structure shall have one president and several vice-presidents , who shall assist the president in his work . Organize orientation / induction training programs in conjunction with the HR Manager .

  27. 入职培训时间和会议价值有直接关系&用户花费在会前培训的时间越多,实际活动期间产生的问题也就越少。

    There is a direct correlation between time spent on-boarding and the value of the meeting-the more time users spend in pre-event training , the fewer technical issues arise during the actual event .

  28. 英国在新教师入职培训领域的发展为世界各国提供了有益的借鉴和经验,特别是1999年新教师入职培训政策的出台,在推动了新教师的专业发展方面取得了良好的效果。

    England is a country whose new qualified teacher induction is comparatively well-rounded . In 1999 , the new qualified teacher induction policy went into effect , which promotes the teacher 's professional development .

  29. 改革以幼儿教师专业化发展为主要方向,旨在提升幼儿教师的专业素养,建立职前教育、入职培训、在职进修一体化的幼儿教师教育新体系。

    This reform regarded kindergarten teachers ' professional development as the main direction , aimed to improve teacher professional literacy , established a new system which initial education , induction and continuing education integration .

  30. 美国新教师入职培训从最初为初次任教的新教师提供支持和帮助,以减少新教师流失为目的,发展到现在已成为教师教育的自然延伸,成为教师专业发展的有机组成部分。

    American new teacher induction initially aimed to offer support and help decreasing the loss of new teachers . With its development , induction has become a logical extension of teacher education and an organic composition of the teacher professional development .