
  • 网络intrusion detection technology;intrusion detection system;ids
  1. 首先,本文陈述相关技术基础,深入地讨论和分析主机防火墙技术、入侵检测技术和Windows操作系统网络数据包拦截技术,分析了各种拦截技术的优缺点。

    First of all , this paper states relevant technological foundations , discuss and analyze technology of host firewall , IDS technology and packet filter technology of windows operating system deeply , and analyze the pluses and minuses of different interception technology .

  2. 近几年来,网络带宽迅速增加,基于网络的入侵检测技术面临着巨大的挑战。

    In recent years , network-based IDS technology faces great challenges due to increasing network bandwidth .

  3. 基于快速BP学习算法的入侵检测技术研究

    Research on Intrusion Detection Technique Based on Rapidly BP Learning Algorithm

  4. 入侵检测技术分为两大类:误用检测(Misusedetection)和异常检测(anomalydetection)。

    Intrusion detection technique is divided into misuse detection and anomaly detection .

  5. 基于决策SVM的入侵检测技术研究

    Research on intrusion detection technology based on SVM-decision tree

  6. 文中在基于网络的取证分析中作了一些尝试,在Linux操作系统下综合利用基于主机和网络的入侵检测技术,开发出一套高效实用的基于Web的入侵检测与取证系统。

    In this paper it exploited under Linux a web based computer forensic system , which is based on both host and network .

  7. 基于协同入侵检测技术的应用-入侵检测与管理系统(IMS)

    Intrusion and Manager System-An Application Based on Cooperative Intrusion Detection ;

  8. 入侵检测技术是入侵检测系统(IDS)的重要内容。

    Intrusion detection ( ID ) techniques are important to intrusion detection systems ( IDS ) .

  9. 一种新的移动ad-hoc网络异常入侵检测技术

    A new anomaly detection technology in mobile ad-hoc networks

  10. 利用入侵检测技术防范DDoS

    Defense of DDoS by Using Intrusion Detection Technology

  11. 主要内容分为如下四部分。(1)对入侵检测技术、神经网络技术进行了分析,重点研究了标准BP算法存在的缺陷。

    The main content is as follows . ( 1 ) Analyze intrusion detection and neural network technology , and study the shortcoming of the standard BP .

  12. 新的网络安全技术应运而生,主要是PKI技术和入侵检测技术。

    The new network safe practice arises at the historic moment , is mainly PKI technology and invade the detection technique .

  13. 在IPv6网络下,提出将协议分析技术融入入侵检测技术,并实现TCP/IP协议的分析过程;

    In the environment of IPv6 networks , protocol analysis is put into intrusion detection technology , and the process of the TCP / IP protocol analysis is implemented .

  14. 根据系统调用的作用效果对系统调用进行划分,在此基础上提出基于系统调用的一个子集(W子集)的入侵检测技术。

    Based on the ID technique using system call sequences , a new detection technique was put forward that uses a subset of system calls ( named W - subset ) .

  15. 目前的主要技术包括群集技术、防火墙技术、入侵检测技术、网络防毒技术、数据备份技术、UPS和异地容灾等。

    By now the main technologies include clustering , firewall , intrusion detection , network anti-virus , data backup , UPS , and disaster tolerance in different area .

  16. 由于adhoc移动网络本身的固有属性使其较以往的传统网络更易受到攻击,应用入侵检测技术能增强adhoc网络的安全性。

    There are inherent vulnerabilities that easily to be attacked in the mobile Ad Hoc networks , intrusion detection techniques are used in Ad Hoc networks could improve the security of it .

  17. 本文将生物免疫机理引入到网络入侵检测技术中,构建了一个基于免疫Multi-Agent的网络入侵检测模型。2、系统论的整体原理。

    This paper focuses on investigating immunological principles in designing a network intrusion detection model based on immune multi-agent , which is an open system model which has good scalability .

  18. 本文将入侵检测技术与CORBA技术结合起来,设计了一种基于CORBA技术的分布式入侵检测系统模型。

    Therefore this text will invade the detection technique and CORBA technology to combine together , invade the detection system model based on CORBA technology and distributed after designing one .

  19. adhoc网络没有固定的网络边界,传统的防火墙技术不再适用,因而入侵检测技术在其网络安全中的作用显得格外重要。

    Ad Hoc Network has no fixed network borders , the traditional firewall technology can not be applied in it , and the intrusion detection technology plays an important role in its network security .

  20. 本文首先简要介绍网络安全现状、入侵检测技术和CORBA技术,然后给出应用CORBA建立的分布式入侵监测系统体系结构。

    This paper first introduces the actuality of network security , intrusion detection technology and CORBA , then puts foward the structure of a distributed intrusion detection system based on CORBA .

  21. 提出了入侵检测技术在移动ad-hoc网络面临的挑战,并提出了基于移动ad-hoc网络的异常入侵检测系统。

    In this paper , we proposed intrusion detection and the challenges of mobile ad-hoc networks , and have developed an anomaly detection system in mobile ad-hoc networks .

  22. DDoS攻击具有突发流量大、攻击强度高、持续时间短等特点,这些特点要求检测方法能快速有效地检测出攻击,然而传统的入侵检测技术面对DDoS攻击显得无能为力。

    DDoS has the characteristics of sudden large flow , high intensity , short duration , etc. , which requires that detection system should detect attacks rapidly and effectively .

  23. 从最早利用协议分析仪发送攻击特征,采用黑客工具,到网络攻击数据的录播重放,IDS测试方法和工具随着入侵检测技术和网络攻击的发展而不断发展。

    From sending signatures , using hacking tools , to replaying the traffics of network attacks , the methodologies and tools of IDS test are developing along with the developing of intrusion detection and hacking .

  24. 分类器是种重要的异常入侵检测技术,用于对未知入侵进行检测,而SVM分类器由于具有很好的泛化能力,成为当前研究的热点。

    Classifier is a kind of important anomaly intrusion detection technique , used for unknown intrusion detection , and that , at the present time , the SVM classifier is the research hotspot for its good generalization ability .

  25. 本文分析了智能入侵检测技术,结合人工免疫原理、机器学习、数据挖掘和Agent技术提出了一个基于Agent的智能分布式入侵检测系统,并对其系统结构和模块功能进行了描述。

    This paper analyses the intelligent intrusion detection technology , presents an intelligent distributed intrusion detection system based on Agent , with a combinative study of artificial immune theory , machine learning , data mining and Agent technology , and finally describes its system structure and its module function .

  26. 目前有关adhoc网络的入侵检测技术的研究在不断的开展。首先介绍了adhoc网络及其安全问题,接着针对入侵检测处理的需求提出了一种网络数据特征提取方法。

    At present , intrusion detection technology related with Ad Hoc network increase rapidly . First , Ad Hoc network and its security problem are introduced , and then a kind of feature extraction method is proposed to meet the needs of intrusion detection .

  27. 通过对入侵检测技术和相关的CIDF标准文档的深入研究,我们在实验室环境下实现了一个具有基本入侵检测能力的基于网络的入侵检测系统。

    With closed research of the intrusion detection techniques and the CIDF specifications , We implement an NIDS with basic detection functions in laboratory enviroment .

  28. 针对传统入侵检测技术难以适应动态的网格计算环境等问题,依据免疫原理,提出了一种基于Multi-agent的网格入侵检测模型(GIDIA)。

    Being that conventional intrusion detection systems can not adapt to the dynamic grid environment , grid intrusion detection model ( GIDIA ) based on application of immunity and multi-agent is proposed .

  29. 分析了异常和误用入侵检测技术存在的一些问题,并结合神经网络的原理,提出了一个新的基于Hamming网络的入侵检测技术。

    In the paper , with analyzing many existing questions of Anomaly and Misuse intrusion detection techniques , a new network intrusion detection technique is put forward , based on Hamming network , which coupled with neural network design principles .

  30. 介绍了入侵检测技术的分类以及数据挖掘技术在入侵检测中的应用,并阐述了构建的基于数据挖掘算法RIPPER的异常入侵检测系统的设计与实现。

    This paper introduces the categories of intrusion detection and the application of data mining technology in anomaly detection . It also describes the design and the implementation of the anomaly IDS based on data mining algorithms , RIPPER .