
  • 网络invasive plant;invasive alien plants;invasion plants
  1. 小飞蓬(Conyzacanadensis)为菊科越年生或一年生草本植物,原产北美洲,目前在我国广泛分布,已成为一种常见入侵植物。

    Conyza canadensis , an biennial or annual composite herb originating from North America , was widely disturbed in China , and now the species has became a common invasive plant .

  2. 外来入侵植物飞机草的生物学特性及控制策略

    Biological Characteristics and Control Strategies of Alien Invasive Plant Eupatorium odoratum

  3. 外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰不同组织RNA提取方法

    Method of RNA Extraction from Different Tissues of Invasive Alien Weed Eupatorium adenophorum

  4. 典型相关分析结果,地表覆盖度与入侵植物数量两变量主要系透过第一个典型因素与第二个典型因素而影响到复层植被区之pH值、有机质等土壤理化性质。

    The canonical correlation analysis showed that vegetation cover and invasion amount influenced soil properties of pH , organic matter by first and second canonical factors .

  5. 基于PRA入侵植物对河南省生态风险性研究

    Ecological Risk of Invasive Plants in Henan Province Based on PRA

  6. 紫茎泽兰(EupatoriumAdenophorum)是我国主要外来入侵植物之一,在我国西南地区迅速传播,引起了巨大的经济损失。

    Eupatorium adenophorum is one of main invasive plants in China and has caused great economic losses .

  7. 外来入侵植物对上海生物安全的影响及防范

    Impact of invasive plants on Biosafety in Shanghai and management strategy

  8. 入侵植物的生理生态特性对碳积累的影响

    The effects of ecophysiological traits on carbon gain in invasive plants

  9. 恶性外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰在云南的分布格局

    Distributive pattern of malignant invasive species , Eupatorium adenophorum in Yunnan

  10. 外来入侵植物与地下生态系统相互影响的研究进展

    Recent Advances in the Interaction between Invasive Plants and Belowground Ecosystem

  11. 生态入侵植物豚草及其综合防治

    Ecological invasion plant-Bitter weed ( Ambrosia artemisiifolia ) and integrated control strategy

  12. 中国入侵植物分布格局和特性分析

    The Distribution Pattern and Characteristics of the Invasive Plant Species in China

  13. 入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花对环境的生理适应性研究

    Physiological adaptation of the invasive plant Solidago canadensis to environments

  14. 重庆外来入侵植物调查研究

    Investigation and Study on the Alien Invasive Plants in Chongqing

  15. 外来入侵植物小飞蓬种群构件生物量结构特征

    Module biomass structure of the alien invasive plant Conyza canadensis

  16. 入侵植物马缨丹不同部位的化感作用研究

    Allelopathic Effects of Different Parts of Invasive Plant Lantana camara

  17. 河南外来入侵植物及防除研究

    Studies on the Alien Invasive Plants and Their Control in Henan Province

  18. 3种入侵植物叶绿素荧光特性的研究

    Study on the Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Three Invasive Plants

  19. 安庆师范学院新校区外来入侵植物调查

    Investigation on Invasive Plants in the New Campus of Anqing Normal University

  20. 珠海市外来入侵植物调查

    The investigation of the external invasion plants in Zhuhai City

  21. 表型可塑性与外来入侵植物的适应性

    Phenotypic plasticity and adaptability of the invasive alien species

  22. 外来入侵植物种群的形成及其危害

    The Forming and the Dangers of Invasive Plant Groups

  23. 柳州市外来入侵植物调查及防除对策研究

    The Countermeasure Researchs for Investigation and Eradication of Alien Invasive Plant in Liuzhou

  24. 外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰对植物多样性的影响

    Impacts of Invasion of Eupatorium adenophorum on Vegetation Diversity

  25. 共记录入侵植物11种,未见有害检疫种。

    In addition , 11 invasive plants are recorded without baneful quarantine species .

  26. 山西外来入侵植物的研究

    Study on the Exotic Invasive Plants in Shanxi Province

  27. 入侵植物小蓬草化感作用研究

    Study on Allelopathy of the Invasive Plant Conyza canadensis

  28. 辽宁外来入侵植物种类组成与分布特征的研究

    Study on types composition and distribution characteristics of alien invasive plants in Liaoning

  29. 繁殖生物学特性在外来入侵植物入侵性中的意义

    Application of the Reproductive Biology on the Research of the Invasive Alien Plant

  30. 外来入侵植物飞机草在中国的适生区预测

    Predicting potential geographic distribution of Eupatorium odoratum in China