- light compensation point

Light compensation point , saturation point and CO2 compensation point were also determined .
The light compensation point ( LCP ) and CO2 compensation point ( CCP ) enhanced .
The light compensation points of A and B increased a little , while the light compensation point of C increased obviously .
Within the range of 15 ~ 35 ℃, light compensation point , CO2 saturation point and CO2 compensation point raised as temperature raised .
With increasing CO_2 concentration , the light compensation point ( LCP ) decreased , but the light saturation point ( LSP ) increased .
The canopy light compensate points of two varieties were from 180 to 190 μ E. m-2 . s-1 . Utilization efficiency for higher intense solar radiation of Lugu No.
Light compensation points , light saturation points , chlorophyll contents and value of Ca / Cb can all be important index of shade-tolerance , leaf epidermis and anatomical character had close relation with shade-tolerance .
The light compensation point of P. crispus increases , light saturation point decreases and the rate of uptake N and P nutrients by P. crispus descends in available carbon short-age in water .
The light compensation point ( LCP ) and light saturation point ( LSP ) of A.oxyphyIla improved with light intensity enhancing .
The grafted seedlings presented lower light compensation point , lower CO_2 compensation point but higher light saturation point and higher CO_2 saturation point than the scion-root seedling ;
The light compensation point and the light saturation point trended to sustaining declined with the enhanced shading degree . While AQY trended to increase in different degree of shading treated .
Light compensation point was not changed with different lead concentration treatment .
High ligh compensation point and lower photosynthetic rate are its photosynthetic characteristics .
Light compensation point is tending to rise from vegetative stage to flowering stage .
It showed that a certain ability of acclimation to low light intensity habitats .
The light compensation point of flag leaves of wheat plant was about 700 Lux .
The light compensation point is in the range of 500-1000 lux ( Fig. 2 and 3 ) .
Study on the Light Compensation Point of Cotton Leaf and the Most Large Leaf Area Index of Cotton Field
The light saturation point Larix gmelinii is the highest in both larch plantations and so is the light compensation point .
The light compensation point ( LCP ) and light saturation point ( LSP ) of leaves in 10.5 % photic rate reached 18.26 μ mol.
The young trees of Ardisia tenera , the main tree species of the lower layer in the rainforest , were shown to be the most shade tolerant with the lowest light compensation , Rd and A max ;
Meanwhile , the modest increase in soil moisture can reduce the light compensation point , is conducive to the use of low light , but the excessive increase in soil moisture was to make the light compensation point increased .
CO_ 2 enrichment causing the photosynthesis compensation point to lower is one of the important physiological factors of the CO_2 fertilisation effect .
Under this experiment condition , the light compensation point and light saturation point of the two species didn 't show regularity with the change in nitrogen concentration in water .
In the early and mature stages of leaf growth , the photosynthetic water potential compensation points ( the leaf water potential at zero net photosynthetic rate ) was-3.65 MPa and-5.76 MPa respectively , and the NPQ initial water potentials were-2.20 MPa and-6.63 MPa , respectively .
For the muskmelon varieties researched , light compensation points ( LCP ) increased , and light saturation point ( LSP ), apparent quantum yield ( AQY ) and maximum assimilation rate at LSP decreased under two levels of low light intensities .
The light saturation points and light compensation points appeared to follow the pattern of arbors > shrubs > herbs .
Furthermore , both light saturation and compensation point were higher in introduced maize , implying an adaptation to plateau environment of intense radiation .
Compared with unacclimated seedlings , the leaf photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic light compensation point of acclimated seedlings decreased , photosynthetic light saturation point increased slightly .
The light saturation point and light compensative point of 3 kinds of plants had little difference among different 5 treatments . Meantime the curves of diurnal variations of light had two peaks .