
  • 网络hornwort
  1. 角苔纲约有4属200种。

    000 species , Anthocerotae have about 4 genus and 200 species .

  2. 中国角苔纲植物孢子和假弹丝形态的研究

    Studies on the Spores and Pseudoelaters of Anthocerotae in China

  3. 目前中国没有关于角苔植物门的分类修订和分子系统发育研究的报道。

    Up to now , there are only a few studies of taxonomic and molecular phylogenetic on hornworts in China have been reported .

  4. 角苔一种金鱼藻属的水下植物,在风平浪静时会形成纵横交错的树枝网,生有轮生的多裂叶,开极小的单性花。

    Any of several submerged plants of the genus ceratophyllum , forming branched masses in quiet water and having finely dissected , whorled leaves and minute unisexual flowers .

  5. 角苔植物是早期陆生植物的关键类群,拥有独特的形态特征,其分类系统仍有争议。

    As a key lineage of the early diversification of land plants , hornworts have some special characters , however the classification system of hornworts still has been doubted .