
  • 网络corneal reflex
  1. 单纯颈总动脉阻断的B组、假手术组在手术过程中始终保持意识清楚,翻正躺和角膜反射存在,瞳孔轻度发白,咬啮活动减弱不明显。

    Group B and sham group kept consciousness , the righting reflex and corneal reflex existed all the time during the operation , the pupil just became pale lightly , the gnawing activity weakened not markedly .

  2. 角膜反射消失时BIS、SEF分别为44.2±2.2、11.6±1.7。

    The BIS and SEF value at the disappearance of corneal reflex was 44.2 ± 2.2 and 11.6 ± 1.7 respectively .

  3. 但是现在在英国的研究人员们想要了解从角膜反射出影像的全部信息。

    But now U.K. researchers want to fully identify individuals based on corneal reflections .

  4. 预后不良有力的预测试验包括瞳孔反射或角膜反射消失。

    Tests that are strong predictors of poor outcome include absent pupillary reflexes or corneal reflexes .

  5. 该系统是通过角膜反射的光线来确定对方的视线的。

    The system is the reflection of light through the cornea to determine each other 's eye .

  6. 中毒家兔临死时四肢麻痹、呼吸减慢、角膜反射消失、交替出现强直性及阵挛性痉挛,最后因呼吸停止而死亡。

    The signs of acute poisoning in rabbits consisted of paralysis of limbs , respiratory depression , and convulsions .

  7. 结果:在10种脑干反射中,除角膜反射,咽反射无明显改变外,其余各种反射均有不同程度异常。

    Resuts : The all other reflexes of 10 brain stem reflexes have some abnormality , except the corneal reflexes and pharyngeal reflexes .

  8. 系统利用了瞳孔-角膜反射向量法理论,设计和实现了一个高效的实时眼动跟踪算法,即线性逼近预测算法。

    Based on the theory of pupil center corneal reflection , the authors improved and realized a highly efficient linear prediction algorithm for real-time eye gaze image processing .

  9. 角膜反射即用棉签或水溶液的液滴接触角膜(眼球白色部分)时,受捡者眨眼睛。

    The eye normally blinks when the cornea , or the clear part of the eye , is touched with a small piece of cotton or dripping water solution .

  10. 目前眼动仪的开发主要采用电流记录法、电磁感应法和光学记录法(包括角膜反射法和虹膜&巩膜反射法)三种技术;

    Currently , the development of eye-movement measuring device mainly focuses on electric current-recording method , magnetic-induction method and optical-recording method which includes corneal reflection and iris-scleral reflection methods .

  11. 目前,大多数视线估计技术采用瞳孔角膜反射向量法,使用时需要额外的辅助光源,并且用户在使用过程中必须保持头部静止,这两点限制了视线估计技术的普及。

    Currently , most gaze estimation technology base on the Pupil-Cornea Reflection Technique need to use extra auxiliary light source , and user should make his head as still as possible .

  12. Hartmann-Shack(H-S)人眼波前传感器噪声主要是角膜的反射光。

    The primary factor resulting in the noise of Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensors is the light reflected from corneas .

  13. 在另一组作品中,她描绘出年轻人在他人的角膜里所反射出的脆弱的形象。

    In another series , she paints the images of vulnerable young people as if reflected in the cornea of a beholder 's eye .