
pí zhì
  • cortex;cerebral cortex
皮质 [pí zhì]
  • (1) [cortex]∶某些内脏器官的表层组织

  • (2) [cerebral cortex]∶大脑皮层的简称

皮质[pí zhì]
  1. 但思考或记忆有关社会意义的描述时,则激活了背侧前额叶皮质——它是大脑社交网络的一部分——即使此时传统记忆区域的活动水平较低。

    But thinking about or remembering descriptions in terms of their social meaning activated the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex — part of the brain ‘ s social network — even as traditional memory regions registered low levels of activity .

  2. 胆囊收缩素8对大鼠大脑皮质细胞钙调素和蛋白激酶C活性的影响

    The Effects Cholecystokinin Octapeptide on CaM and PKC Activities in Rat Cerebral Cortex Neurocytes

  3. 肾上腺皮质的主要产物为醛固酮、皮质醇和脱氢异雄酮硫酸盐。

    The principal adrenocortical products are aldosterone , cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate .

  4. 科学表明做出微笑表情可以降低你的皮质水平,帮助你减压。

    It is scientifically proven that forcing a smile actually reduces your cortisol levels and helps reducing stress .

  5. 结果皮质下动脉硬化性脑病的主要CT表现为:①脑深部对称性的低密度灶;

    Results Main CT findings included : ① Symmetrical lower density in deep whitematter ;

  6. 皮质下缺血性血管性痴呆的MRI相关高危因素研究

    A correlativity study of MRI findings of subcortical ischemic vascular disease and vascular dementia

  7. 柴胡皂甙d上调人急性早幼粒白血病细胞糖皮质激素受体mRNA对细胞生长的影响

    Effect of Saikosaponin-d on Up-regulating GR mRNA Expression and Inhibiting Cell Growth in Human Leukemia Cells

  8. 杏仁基底外侧核电点燃癫痫大鼠细胞因子及糖皮质激素受体mRNA表达的改变

    Changes in Cytokines and Glucocorticoid Receptor mRNA Expression in the Basolateral Amygdala Electrical Kindled Epilepsy Rat

  9. 糖皮质激素治疗IgA肾病79例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 79 cases of IgA nephropathy treated with glucocorticoid

  10. RNA干扰技术抑制糖皮质激素受体在大鼠肺泡巨噬细胞表达及活性的研究

    Investigation of repressing expression and activity of glucocorticoid receptor in rat alveolar macrophage with RNA interference technique

  11. TM和ICAM-1在糖尿病大鼠肾皮质的基因表达

    The mRNA Expression of TM and ICAM in Renal Cortex of Diabetic Rat

  12. NOS在大鼠杏仁皮质核传入神经元内的分布

    Distribution of NOS Positive Neurons in the Afferent Pathway of Cortical Amygdaloid Nucleus of Rats

  13. NGF对小脑皮质细胞凋亡影响的实验研究

    The Research of Nerve Growth Factor ( NGF ) on Cerebellar Cortical Neuron Apoptosis

  14. 氟西泮耐受听源性惊厥大鼠脑皮质运动区和海马区GABAA受体亚单位mRNA含量的变化

    Modification of GABA _A receptor subunit mRNA content in audiogenic seizure rat cortex and hippocampus following tolerance to flurazepam

  15. IL-1β或IL-6致痫对大鼠大脑皮质一氧化氮合酶表达的影响

    Effect of IL-1 β or IL-6 Induced Epilepsy on the Expression of NOS in Cerebral Cortex of Rats

  16. 碳酸锂,GCSF、糖皮质激素对ATD引起的粒细胞缺乏症治疗效果明显。

    Lithium carbonate , G CSF and glucocorticoids were very effective in agranulocytosis induced by ATD .

  17. 19周,少数含PV神经元出现于皮质板深部(相当于Ⅵ层处)。

    At 19 weeks , a few PV containing neurons were found in deep part of cortical plate .

  18. 结果皮质骨内层可培养出多核、体积大、抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶(TRAP)染色阳性的破骨细胞,淫羊藿提取物对皮质骨来源的破骨细胞没有明显影响。

    Results Large multinucleated TRAP-positive osteoclasts from cortical bone were cultured . No obvious effect of icaritin on mature osteoclast was observed .

  19. 由于在严重急性呼吸综合症(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome,SARS)治疗中大量使用糖皮质激素,激素性骨坏死的发生率达到32.7%。

    The incidence of ON in patients with SARS ( severe acute respiratory syndrome ) was reported at 32.7 percent of patients receiving high doses of corticosteroid .

  20. 牛肾上腺皮质LDL受体的纯化和抗体的制备

    Isolation and Purification of LDL Receptor from Bovine Adrenal Cortex and Preparation of Anti-LDL Receptor Antibodies

  21. 牛黄酸锌对染汞大鼠皮质NOS活力和nNOS阳性神经元的影响

    Effects of taurine-zinc compound on NADPH-d and nNOS positive neurons in cerebral cortex of mercury-exposed Rats

  22. NGF对大鼠创伤性脑损伤后大脑皮质神经元的影响

    The Effects of Nerve Growth Factor on Cerebrum Cortical Neurons in Vitro after Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats

  23. 成人下丘脑促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH(1-39))免疫反应神经元的分布

    The distribution of acth_ ( 1-39 ) - immunoreactive neurons in hypothalamus of the adult human

  24. 目的:探讨脑挫裂伤后大鼠脑皮质神经元c-fos基因表达的意义。

    Objective : To explore the effect of c-fos gene expression in cortex neuron of rat after brain injury .

  25. 目的:研究通过损毁脑干中缝背核(DR),探讨中缝背核一氧化氮合酶(NOS)阳性神经元是否投射分布于大脑皮质NOS阳性神经元。

    Objective : To study the NOS containing fibers from the dorsal raphe nucleus projecting to NOS containing neurons in the cerebral cortex .

  26. 这一研究结果表明:5-HT和NPY仅在鸭小脑皮质的Purkinje细胞层中分布;

    These results show that 5-HT and NPY neurons are only localized in Purkinje cell layer ;

  27. 我们报告了CT诊断颅内结节性硬化15例。发现脑室管膜下钙化结节有15例,皮质结节5例,白质病灶4例。

    We reported 15 cases of patients with tuberous sclerosis by CT and found subendymal nodules in all 15 cases , cortical tubers in 5 cases , and white matter foci in 4 cases .

  28. 反复性脑缺血大脑皮质LTC4、cAMP和OFR的代谢变化

    Metabolic Changes of LTC_4 , cAMP and OFR In the rat cerebral cortex following repeated global ischemia

  29. MM2皮质型散发性克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布病的临床特征和诊断

    Clinical features and diagnosis of the MM2 cortical subtype of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jak-ob disease

  30. 目的探讨肾上腺皮质功能状态与急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)患者预后的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between the adrenal function and the prognosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) .