
pí xì bāo
  • chrotoplast
皮细胞[pí xì bāo]
  1. 外表皮细胞、肌细胞及角质膜呈强的PAS阳性;

    Outer epithelial cells , muscle fibres and periostracum present strong PAS positivity .

  2. [方法]应用MTT比色法,测定BSA-CGG,CGG,CG三种材料对大鼠原代表皮细胞的细胞毒性和细胞增殖率;

    Methods The keratinocytes of rat were seeded with the BSA-CGG , CGG , CG respectively , the cytotoxicity was detected by MTT .

  3. 化疗后,接受CEF、CTF治疗者,毛小皮细胞排列不规则,大多数毛小皮翻翘、破裂、粘连、脱落;

    Hair cuticle cells from patients after CEF 、 CTF showed arrangement without regulation , bending up and curving , cracking 、 adherence and detachment ;

  4. 根据这一提示,我们通过荧光染色观察转基因植株的茎和叶片,发现在叶肉细胞和茎的外表皮细胞中也出现了细胞核降解的PCD现象。

    Accordingly we observed the stems and leaves of transgenic plants by fluorescence staining , and found out the outer mesophyll cells and epidermal stem cells also appeared the phenomenon of nuclear degradation .

  5. HepA-H肝癌细胞腹膜转移过程中间皮细胞和淋巴孔的形态学研究

    The Morphological Study of Peritoneal Mesothelial Cell and Lymphatic Stomata during Metastasis of HepA-H Cells

  6. 方法一种体外培养的人小肠上皮细胞模型Caco-2应用于9-NC的小肠七皮细胞的摄取、跨膜转运及外排动力学研究。

    Methods A human intestinal epithelial cell model Caco-2 cell in vitro cultured had been applied to study the kinetics of uptake , transport and efflux kinetics of 9-NC at small intestine .

  7. 角化细胞生长因子(KGF或FGF-7)是成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF)家族中的第七个成员,它介导多种组织中表(上)皮细胞增殖和分化。

    As the seventh member of Fibroblast Growth Factor ( FGF ) family , Keratinocyte Growth Factor ( KGF or FGF-7 ) is observed to mediate epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation in a variety of tissues .

  8. 此外,对微管骨架的活体观测显示,GFP-MBD(Col-0)与GFP-MBD/cml24-4主根伸长区外表皮细胞的皮层微管排布趋向存在差异,并且这种差异同样具有琼脂表面接触依赖性,不出现于液体培养环境中。

    In addition , in vivo microtubule visualization revealed agar surface-dependent difference in cortical microtubule orientation of epidermal cells in primary root elongation zone between GFP-MBD ( Col-0 ) and GFP-MBD / cml24-4 .

  9. 另外,外表皮细胞中具有较多的溶酶体。

    Moreover , there are more lysosomes in the exocuticle cells .

  10. 叶表皮细胞形状有不规则形、不规则多边形;

    The leaf epidermal cell were usually irregular or irregularly polygonal in shape .

  11. 叶表皮细胞不规则。

    The epidermic cells of leaf are irregular .

  12. 育珠河蚌分泌珍珠质的外表皮细胞的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning electron microscopic observation of EXOCUTICLE cells of mantle of shell for cultivating Pearl

  13. 用于干扰素生产的人胚肌皮细胞高产株的建立

    Establishment of a strain of high-yield interferon producing human embryonic muscle and skin cell

  14. 茎、叶表皮细胞都有较厚的外壁和角质层。

    The epidermis cells of stem and leaf have comparatively thick outer wall and cuticle .

  15. 血管瘤型可见丰富的血管及散在旋涡状排列的脑膜皮细胞。

    Hemangioma type : rich blood vessels and the scattered meninges skin cells vortex-like arrangement .

  16. 3种珍珠贝的外套膜小片外表皮细胞的超微结构

    Ultrastructure of the outer epithelial cells in mantle pieces of 3 species of pearl oysters

  17. 7周时周皮细胞向表面隆起。

    At the end of 7th week the cells showed conspicuous central elevations as cobblestones .

  18. 心钠素对培养人心包间皮细胞内钙离子浓度的影响

    Effect of different kinds of ANP concentration on intracellular calcium level in cultured human mesothelial cells

  19. 体壁皮细胞缩小呈扁平形,无细胞核,连成线状,有断裂;

    The epidermal cells in the integument became flattened , smaller in size , and without nuclei .

  20. 叶表皮细胞的胞质粘稠,则增加了其保水能力;

    Moreover , the leaf epidermis cells have ropy cytoplasm that can improve its ability of water keeping .

  21. 膜翅的背腹壁之间也具有内腔和皮细胞,并充满油脂腺(经分析是棕脂肪细胞腺)及其分泌物。

    There are cavities in the hymenoptera which are full of the brown fat glands and their secretion .

  22. 这些包括了我们的味蕾,脂肪细胞,皮细胞,血细胞以至更多。

    These include our taste buds , fat cells , skin cells , blood cells and many more .

  23. 间皮瘤是用来形容名词的皮细胞癌肿瘤发现一个机关。

    Mesothelioma is the term used to describe a cancerous tumor found in the mesothelial cells of an organ .

  24. 目的探讨胸腔积液中间皮细胞计数对鉴别结核性和恶性胸腔积液的临床价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical value of mesothelium-count in the differential diagnosis of malignant and tubercular pleural effusion .

  25. 放疗后局部毛小皮细胞排列紊乱,几乎都有不同程度的毛小皮翻翘与脱落现象。

    After radiotherapy , the hair cuticle cells had irregular arrangement , almost with different extent phenomenon of warping and detachment .

  26. 而内珠被的外表皮细胞石质化,内珠被内的薄壁细胞迅速解体消失且仍残留有少量的薄壁细胞。

    The exterior epidermis cells of inner integument are lithoid , and parenchyma cells of inner integument degenerate rapidly but remain few parenchyma cells .

  27. 肺血栓栓塞病人胸腔积液中间皮细胞增生明显高于对照组。

    Mesothelial hyperplasia was found to be significantly higher in patients with PTE than that in the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  28. 结果放、化疗前,毛小皮细胞排列较规则,细胞表面光滑,无明显侵蚀现象;

    Results Before radiotherapy and chemotherapy , hair cuticle cells arranged regularly with smooth , homogenous and shiny surface , no obvious erosion phenomenon ;

  29. 就拿皮细胞来说吧,除了那些让它发挥皮细胞作用的基因以外,所有其他基因都已失效。

    A skin cell , for example , has deactivated all of its genes except for those that tell it how to be a skin cell .

  30. 生产细胞是一株已经过生物学鉴定的人胚肌皮细胞,其二倍体率在91%左右;

    The cells used to produce IFN - β were strian of human embryo muscule-cutaneous cells ( SM_2 ) with a diploid rate of about 91 % ;