
  • 网络soil treatment
  1. 研究结果表明,延边紫苏地适宜土壤处理的除草剂为敌草胺与扑草净的混剂,使用剂量为3kg/hm2+5kg/hm2,一年生杂草除草效果可达到90%以上;

    The research results showed that the fit herbicides of soil treatment for Perilla frutescens ( Linn . ) Britt . was the mixture of napropamide 3 kg / hm and prometryn 5 kg / hm whose controlling effect on the annual weeds could reach more than 90 % .

  2. 仲丁灵乳油芽前土壤处理对草坪质量的影响

    The Butralin 's Influence on Lawn Quality before Germination Soil Treatment

  3. 第1002条(b)(7)规定,土壤处理是管理危险废物方法中最不好的方法。

    Section 1002 ( b )( 7 ) now states that " land disposal * should be the least favored method for managing hazardous wastes " .

  4. 蚯蚓在污水土壤处理中的生存条件

    The Living Conditions for Earthworm in the Treatment of Wastewater Soil

  5. 紫花苜蓿草地杂草土壤处理剂配方的筛选试验

    Cull Experiment on Soil Treatment Pesticide Formula of Alfalfa Grassland Ruderal

  6. 除草剂土壤处理防除移栽棉田杂草研究

    Study on Controlling Weeds of Transplant Cotton Fields Using Soil Treatment Herbicides

  7. 甲基异柳磷土壤处理防治小麦吸浆虫

    The Control of Wheat Midges by the Treatment of Soil With Methyl-ISP

  8. 播前氟乐灵土壤处理减轻棉花枯萎病的效果

    Presowing soil treatment with trifluralin to suppress cotton Fusarium wilt

  9. 麦糠土壤处理防治黄瓜根结线虫病的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Controlling Cucumber Root-knot Nematode by Soil Treatment with Wheat Chaff

  10. 几种土壤处理除草剂对夏播大豆的安全性研究

    Study on Herbicides Safety to the Summer Soybean

  11. 地下滴灌条件下土壤处理剂对土壤水分以及大豆产量的影响

    Influence of Soil Treatment Herbicide on Soil Moisture and Soybean Yield under Subsurface Drip Irrigation

  12. 常用土壤处理除草剂对哈茨木霉的影响

    Influence of Soil-applied Herbicides on Trichoderma harzianum

  13. 本试验采用5因素、5水平的正交回归旋转设计的方法,于1983&1984年在哈尔滨、佳木斯和牡丹江地区的850农场作了5种大豆苗前土壤处理防草剂多元混用的研究。

    Quadratic regression rotation design with 5 factors and 5 levels were used in this experiment .

  14. 33%二甲戊乐灵和48%氟乐灵土壤处理对唐菖蒲地双子叶杂草防效

    Broadleaf Weed Control in Gladiolus hybridus with 33 % Pendimethalin and 48 % Trifluralin Soil Treatment

  15. 日本生活废水的土壤处理

    Soil Treatment of Sewage in Japan

  16. 结合了物理化学工艺、活性污泥处理工艺、植物及土壤处理等技术。

    The option combines the technologies of physical , chemical , activated sludge , plant and soil systems .

  17. 试验对34个谷子品种进行盆栽试验,研究两种土壤处理除草剂扑草净、速收对谷子安全性的影响。

    Through pot experiment , this paper studied the effect of two soil-treated herbicides on34 different millet cultivars .

  18. 用石灰氮与阿维菌素混用进行土壤处理,明显减轻了蔬菜根结线虫的危害。

    Using the mixture of calcium cyanamid and avermectin in soil disinfestation , the endanger of nematode was decreased evidently .

  19. 本文针对国内土壤处理除草剂应用中存在的问题,以乙草胺为试验材料,初步探讨了助剂对土壤处理除草剂的增效机制,以及助剂对其除草活性的影响。

    This paper reached effection of adjuvants on activity of soil-applied herbicides and it 's mechanism with experiment data of acetochlor .

  20. 在三叶期病情指数低于对照的只有土壤处理剂是嗪草酮600g/hm2。

    Disease index in the third-leaf stage lower than the control soil treatment was metribuzin dosage of 600 g / hm2 .

  21. 不同含钙化合物的土壤处理对水稻旱育秧苗素质、生理特性及超微结构的影响

    Effect of Soil Treatments with Different Calcium-containing Compounds on the Quality , Physiological Characteristics and Ultrastructures of Rice Seedlings in Dry Nursery

  22. 1984年修正案的重要特点是,他们把危险废物管理的中心从土壤处理转移到用机器处理。

    An important feature of the 1984 amendments is that they shifted the focus of hazardous waste management away from land disposal to treatment alternatives .

  23. 污水土壤处理试验,主要是利用透水性较强的土壤层的生物化学作用,其次是淋滤吸附。

    The sewage soil disposal experiment is made mainly by using biochemical process of looser permeable soil horizon , and secondly by leaching and adsorption .

  24. 近年来生物修复技术因具有处理费用低、不产生二次污染且处理效果可靠有效的特点被认为是最具生命力的一种土壤处理手段。

    Bioremediation technologies are regarded as one of the most promising methods in soil remediation for their low expense , no secondary contamination and reliable effect of treatment .

  25. 氯代酰胺类除草剂是芽前土壤处理剂,能够抑制杂草脂类及蛋白质的生物合成,是目前应用最广泛的农药之一。

    Chloroacetanilide herbicides can restrain the biosynthesis of lipids and proteins as the soil managed agent before budding , and are one of the widest used pesticides all over the world .

  26. 提高耕作机械和土壤处理机械能源利用效率,降低其能源消耗是国内外广泛关注的热点问题。

    Improving the efficiency of energy utilization of tillage machinery , soil processing machinery and decreasing the energy consumption of the machinery under the condition that the agriculture requirement is satisfied is widely concerned .

  27. 经3年试验证实,该除草剂用于大豆田,进行播后苗前土壤处理,可防除多种阔叶杂草,对大豆安全。

    The experiment that has been carried out for three years revealed that the herbicide controlled many broadleaves weed species in soybean effectively and is safe for soybean through preemergence soil treatment after sowing .

  28. 结果表明,不同有机化土壤处理均有促进甜椒生长,提高甜椒座果数而增产的效应,有机土壤栽培还可明显提早甜椒成熟期及提高甜椒产量。

    The results showed that organic soil culture was better than soil culture in earlier maturity and higher yield , and different organic soil treatments had effects on improving the growth and increasing fruit numbers .

  29. 结果表明:乙草胺、都尔为优良的选择性苗前土壤处理除草剂,施用量分别为2.50L/hm2和2.00L/hm2;

    Field was performed in 2001 . The results showed : Acetochlor and Metolachlor were selective excellent herbicides on the soil before seedling emerge . The dosage was 2.50L/hm 2 and 2.00L/hm 2 , respectively .

  30. 从草种的选择、灌溉、土壤处理、修剪、施肥和植物生长抑制剂使用等方面总结了草坪管理中的节水技术。

    This paper sums up the water-saving techniques in the lawn management from aspects of the selection of grass seeds , irrigation , soil treatment , pruning , fertilization and the use of the plant growth inhibitor .