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tǔ kàng
  • heatable adobe sleeping platform;adobe kang
土炕 [tǔ kàng]
  • [adobe kang;heatable adobe sleeping platform] 用土坯做的供睡觉用的平台(床)

土炕[tǔ kàng]
  1. 一排排高楼大厦象雨后春笋,一件件家用电器满目琳琅;我们永远告别了破旧的茅屋,却忘不了延安窑洞温热的土炕。

    Row after row of tall , like everywhere , a stretch of household appliances gem ; we always say a dilapidated cottage , but never leave the Yanan cave heatable adobe sleeping platform .

  2. 天大亮了。没有苇席的土炕上,空落落地躺着他一个人,他急得大哭大喊:“妈,姐姐--”

    It was broad daylight when he woke up to find himself alone on the matlesskang . He screamed with fear , " Mum ! Sister - "