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  • Skin sclerosis;callosity
  1. 而两组患者皮肤硬化、雷诺现象、吞咽困难、肌肉痛、抗核抗体阳性和抗Scl-70抗体检出率等差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。

    There were no significant differences in skin sclerosis , Raynaud 's phenomeon , dysphagia , myalgia , positive antinuclear antibodies and anti-Scl-70 antibodies between the two groups .

  2. 结果经川芎素治疗后,38例PSS患者的皮肤硬化、末梢疼痛、冷感、溃疡指数均有明显的改善(P<0.01)。

    Results After the treatment with SF , the skin sclerosis , distal pain , cold sensation , and ulcer index in 38 PSS patients were improved ( P < 0.01 );

  3. 两种小鼠皮肤硬化模型的对比研究

    Comparative Study on Two Mouse Models of Sclerotic Skin

  4. 患者的皮肤硬化、肤冷肢寒、腰膝酸软的发生率均比对照组有极显著性差异。

    There were markedly high rates of skin sclerosis , coal limbs and soreness of loins and knees .

  5. 该病和硬皮病的临床表现很相似,都是以局限性皮肤硬化为主要皮损表现。

    Its primary clinical manifestation is localized sclerosis of the skin , which is very similar to scleroderma .

  6. 更糟糕的是,古玛身体积累的脂肪已经使得她的皮肤硬化。医生难以抽取到她的血液样本。

    To make matters worse , the fat her body has accumulated has hardened her skin and made it difficult for them to get her blood samples .

  7. 皮肤僵硬综合征是以在出生时或婴儿早期出现的皮肤局限性硬化,伴有关节活动受限和轻度多毛为特征的一种罕见的先天性皮肤疾病。

    Stiff skin syndrome ( SSS ) is a rare disorder characterized by stony hard skin , limited joint mobility and mild hypertrichosis .