  • pupa
  • 昆虫从幼虫过渡到成虫时的一种形态:蚕~。~化。~卧(蚕蛹蜷伏茧中,喻隐居)。


(完全变态的昆虫由幼虫变为成虫的过渡形态) pupa:

  • 蚕蛹

    silkworm chrysalis;

  • 蝶蛹


  1. 她可能是刚好在成年蛾从蛹中钻出来时进行的观察。

    She may have observed the adult moth just as it emerged from its pupa .

  2. “她常常会彻夜不眠,直至它们从蛹中钻出来,这样她就能画它们了,”她说道。

    " She would sit up all night until they came out of the pupa so she could draw them , " she said .

  3. 蛹蛰伏在土壤中,直到冬天它们才蜕变成蛾子飞出来。

    The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter .

  4. 幼虫变为蛹,然后再变成蝴蝶。

    A larva metamorphose into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly .

  5. 那蛹洞很大。

    The pupal cave was very big .

  6. 蚕体的性状,亦限于相当的幼虫期或蛹期出现。

    Peculiarities in the silkworm are known to appear at the corresponding caterpillar or cocoon stage .

  7. 他切开蛹,蝴蝶轻松地就从里面爬了出来。

    He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily .

  8. 如果蝴蝶不挣扎着离开蛹,那它就不会学会飞翔!

    If the butterfly doesn 't struggle ( ; ) to leave the chrysalis , it can 't fly !

  9. 换第四次皮时,它们蜕变成蛹。

    The fourth time they molt , they change into pupae .

  10. 工蜂负责给幼虫喂食。几天之后,它们便会长出坚硬的皮肤,这就是蛹。

    The larva is fed by the working bees , and in a few days it makes for itself a hard skin , and is called a pupa .

  11. 再过几天,蛹就会蜕变成发育成熟的蜜蜂,它们从自己的小蜡室飞出之后就会立刻投入到工作之中。

    A few days more , and the pupa has changed into a perfect bee , which makes its way out of its little room or cell , and is ready to set to work at once .

  12. 家蚕蛹线粒体DNA限制酶图谱初步研究

    Fundamental Studies on Restriction Endonuclease Maps of mtDNAs from the Pupas of Domesticated Silkworms

  13. 家蚕蛹睾丸DNA单链上的逆向重复顺序尿路内翻性乳头状瘤

    Inverted Repeated Sequences on a Single Strand DNA in Pupal Testis of Bombyx mori

  14. 本文报道热空气、大肠杆菌K(12)D(31)诱导柞蚕蛹血淋巴,提高溶菌酶活力的方法。

    Induced by hot atmosphere and E. coli ( K12D31 ), lysozyme extraction from immuned haemolymph was studied .

  15. 工蜂虫蛹大鼠脑、肝、血中SOD活性和MDA含量的影响

    Effects of Worker Bee Larvae and Pupae on Activities of SOD and Contents of MDA in Rats

  16. 结果表明,航天螯虾蛹(cf-h)基因是一个发生在第19连锁群、新的突变基因。

    The results showed that cf-h is a new mutant gene located in the 19 th linkage group .

  17. 家蚕裸蛹基因(Nd)的SSR定位

    Mapping of the Naked Pupa ( Nd ) Gene in Silkworm Bombyx mori Using SSR Markers

  18. 在建立了昆虫体内多胺的高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定方法的基础上,研究了外源多胺和激素与小菜蛾蛹期多胺代谢的相互关系;

    Studied the effect on the metabolism of polyamines and hormone in the base of determination of polyamines by HPLC ;

  19. 初步药理实验显示:人工培养蛹虫草中总核苷在体内和体外对肝癌H(22)细胞有一定的抑制作用。

    The pharmacological tests showed that there was the inhibition action of nucleosides in cultured stroma on the hepatocarcinoma H_ ( 22 ) cell .

  20. 柞蚕蛹全长cDNA文库的构建和随机EST测序

    Construction of a Full-length cDNA Library From Antheraea pernyi Pupae and Random Sequencing of Expressed Sequence Tags

  21. 研究表明,各虫态对~(60)Co辐照敏感性的顺序依次为:老龄幼虫>蛹>成虫;

    The results showed that the sensitivity order of different stages and sexes to 60Co - γ ray was old larva > pupa > adult ;

  22. 把枹栎Q.把锐齿栎Q.柞蚕蛹综合利用技术

    The technology of the comprehensive utilization of oak silkworm pupae

  23. 作者系统研究了黑纹粉蝶越夏蛹和越冬蛹体内过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力的变化。

    The changes of catalase ( CAT ) activity in estivating and hibernating pupae of striated white butterfly Pieris melete Menetries were systematically tested .

  24. 葡萄糖和Cu~(2+)对蛹虫草Cu,Zn超氧化物歧化酶在E.coli中表达的影响

    Effect of Glucose and Cu ~ ( 2 + ) on the Expression of Cordyceps militaris Cu , Zn-Superoxide Dismutase in E.coli

  25. 在蛹体内繁殖的AcNPV的游离病毒可以回返感染Sf&21细胞。

    The extracellular budded virus of Ac NPV reproduced in the silkworm pupa infected Sf - 21 cell line again .

  26. 出有电尾蟛意味着出有DVD机,出有电是蛹相装被霈出有声响或有线数字电视。

    No TV also means no accompanying DVD player , TiVo , sound system or digital cable subscription .

  27. 家蚕卵DNA和蛹DNA在体外经羟胺作用后,注射于正常蚕体内可诱发核多角体病,而不经过羟胺作用则无诱发能力。

    Nuclear polyhedrosis can be induced when healthy silkworm were injected with DNA from silkworm eggs or pupae after treatment with hydroxylamine . DNA not treated by hydroxylamine does not bring out induction .

  28. 蛹蛋白粘胶长丝(PPV)面料开发及分析

    Development and Analysis of PPV Fabric

  29. 平均蛹重和化蛹率都大幅度下降,且生长发育速度较CK延迟。

    The average pupal weight and the pupation rate remarkably decreased and the rate of growth and development were both delayed to the contrast .

  30. 烟草甲的电导率以成虫最小,蛹和幼虫无明显差别,PH3处理后,烟草甲的匀浆液电导率上升,但加入CO2后,电导率则下降。

    The conductivity of the cigarette beetle increased after exposed in PH3 , with CO2 addition , the conductivity decreased .
