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  • lymphatic return
  1. 止血带应阻断静脉及淋巴回流。

    The tourniquet should occlude venous and lymphatic return .

  2. 这种治疗的实质是既促进了患侧上肢淋巴回流,又增加了其静脉回流。

    This kind of treatment not only improves the lymphatic return in extremity involved , but also increases the venous return .

  3. X线与CT检查对结肠癌的诊断价值兔脑脊液颈淋巴回流的X-线造影检查

    X-ray and CT Examination in the Diagnosis of Colon Carcinoma X-ray contrast examination of cerebrospinal fluid cervical lymphatic drainage in rabbit

  4. 急性下肢深静脉血栓形成合并淋巴回流障碍

    Study on Deep Venous Thrombosis of Low Extremity Combined with Lymphostasis

  5. 兔脑脊液颈淋巴回流的X-线造影检查

    X-ray contrast examination of cerebrospinal fluid cervical lymphatic drainage in rabbit

  6. 胆碱磷脂、新斯的明、内毒素对大鼠腹透时净超滤和腹腔淋巴回流的影响

    Effect of phosphatidylcholine and neostigmine and endotoxin on net ultrafiltration and

  7. 胃淋巴回流的动态观察与分析

    Dynamic Observation and Analysis of Lymphatic Return in the Stomach

  8. 建立口腔负压对兔眼淋巴回流的影响及青光眼的试验治疗研究

    Effect of Negative Pressure in Pharyngo-Oral Cavity on Lymphatic Circulation of Eye and Aqueous Humor Circulation

  9. 目的探索胰头癌淋巴回流途径和淋巴结转移的特点,初步分析胰头癌淋巴结转移的相关因素,以指导胰腺癌根治术中的淋巴结清扫。

    Objective To investigate the features of lymph node metastasis of pancreatic head cancer and explore its influencing factors .

  10. 无锡传统民居屋脊的基本造型与变化兔脑脊液颈淋巴回流的X-线造影检查

    Basic Modelling and Transfiguration of Ridges of Wuxi Traditional Housing X-ray contrast examination of cerebrospinal fluid cervical lymphatic drainage in rabbit

  11. 目的:探讨胸导管的淋巴回流和左锁骨上淋巴结肿瘤转移的机制。

    Objective : To explore lymphatic recycle of thoracic duct and the mechanisms of tumor metastasis through left supraclavicular lymph nodes .

  12. 这是罕见的液体积聚,该病例是肠系膜恶性淋巴瘤,由于淋巴回流受阻引起假性腹膜炎。

    This is an uncommon fluid accumulation that can be due to blockage of lymphatic drainage , in this case by a malignant lymphoma involving the mesentery and retroperitoneum .

  13. 研究表明体腔内的压力梯度变化是淋巴回流的主要动力,增加体腔的压力差,可以促进淋巴回流,是目前治疗淋巴回流障碍性疾病最好的方法。

    It has be found that the change of pressure gradient in intracelial is a prime motive for lymph return , and it can raise delivery head , promote lymphatic return .

  14. 这种变化是临床上影响心脏淋巴回流的疾病如胸腔内肿瘤及手术、心脏移植术等引起心功能不全、心律失常、心包积液、心肌纤维化等心脏并发症的可能性原因及机理之一。

    The change is one of reasons and mechanisms of cardiac complication such as heart dysfunction , arrhythmia , hydropericardium and myocardium fibrosis result from clinical diseases such as thoracic tumor and heart transplantation .

  15. 结论:康复训练操能有规律地活动上肢肌肉,促进局部血液循环和淋巴回流,使患侧上肢水肿减轻,肩关节的活动度及功能障碍明显改善。

    CONCLUSION : The functional rehabilitation gymnastics can improve muscle of upper limbs regularly , promote local blood circulation and lymphatic return , alleviate the edema of affected upper limb , and significantly improve the activity of shoulder joint and functional impairment .

  16. 其中下颌下腺的淋巴直接回流至颈外侧浅淋巴结和颌下淋巴结尚未见报道。

    Other things that the lymph of the submandibular gland directly flowed into the superficial lateral cervical lymph nodes and the submental lymph nodes hav : been not reported .

  17. 肢体淋巴水肿微波烘疗对淋巴回流的影响

    Effects of Microwave Heating on Lymph Flow in the Lymphedema of Extremities

  18. 关于胰岛素等大分子物质的正常转运途径是直接进入毛细血管,还是通过毛细淋巴管吸收经淋巴运输间接进入血液,胰淋巴回流受阻是否影响胰岛素的转运,仍需深入研究。

    Whether insulin and other macromolecules enter into capillaries directly or they are absorbed through lymphatic capillaries and then into blood circulation indirectly , whether that the blocked pancreatic lymph return influence the delivery of insulin need to have a further study .

  19. 淋巴管造影或同位素淋巴管显像均显示异常,表现为淋巴回流异常;

    Directed oil-contrast lymphography and isotope techniques demonstrated absence of contrast in some lymphatic segments and blockage of chylous reflux ;

  20. 结果注射部位所属淋巴结明显黑染,且黑染淋巴结的次序与淋巴回流方向一致。

    Results The lymph nodes at injection sites turned obviously black staining , with their sequence coinciding with the direction of lymphatic return .

  21. 认为,腹股沟淋巴结&大隐静脉吻合术是治疗阴囊淋巴瘘和乳糜尿,重建淋巴回流通路的一种既简单又安全有效的方法。

    It was considered that the anastomosis of inguinal lymph node with the greater saphenous vein was the most effective method , besides , the method was simple and safe , as well .