
rù zhù lǜ
  • occupancy rate
  1. 在巴塞罗那文华东方酒店(MandarinOriental)内,套房的入住率大约达到80%,高于普通客房的入住率。

    At Mandarin Oriental , Barcelona , the suites have an occupancy rate of about 80 % , higher than the hotel 's regular rooms .

  2. STR公司的数据显示,2013年豪华酒店的入住率从2009年的63.7%回升至74.6%;2013年的平均房费也从2009年的243.88美元升至290.64美元。

    The occupancy rate at luxury hotels reached 74.6 % in 2013 , up from 63.7 % in 2009 . The average daily rate was $ 290.64 in 2013 , up from $ 243.88 in 2009 , according to data from STR Inc.

  3. 酒店入住率最低达到40%。

    Hotel occupancy has been as low as 40 %

  4. 旅游业经营者反映客房入住率低。

    Tour operators report low occupancy rates .

  5. 正确的城市组合支撑了住宅的入住率增加了房产价值,并且吸引了大量的投资资金。

    The right urban mix has propped up home occupancy , increased property values , and attracted significant investment capital .

  6. 饭店经营者陷入了入住率和ADR两者跷跷板般的游戏,难以博弈。

    Hotel involve in dilemma of ADR and room rate .

  7. 但根据官方新闻通讯社新华社(Xinhua)的报道,奥运会期间,北京五星级酒店的入住率达到81%。

    But according to Xinhua , the official news agency , five-star occupancy in Beijing reached 81 per cent during the Games .

  8. 降价固然可以填充闲置的客房,提高饭店的入住率,但却降低了饭店的平均房价(ADR),使饭店总收益并未增加。

    Lower price can fill empty rooms and increase room rate however , it also lower average day rate ( ADR ) and total revenue .

  9. 奥运会召开前夕,北京的酒店入住率一直不高,根据跟踪酒店趋势的STRGlobal的数据,北京酒店7月的入住率降至不到60%。

    Beijing hotel occupancy was struggling in the run-up to the Olympics , levels in July falling to less than 60 per cent , according to STR Global , which monitors hotel trends .

  10. 而江对岸的外滩茂悦大酒店(HyattontheBund),入住率也不足50%。

    And just across the river is the Hyatt on the Bund , also no more than half full .

  11. 但肯·阿特金森(KenAtkinson)表示入住率为大概不超过30%或40%,阿特金森是官方与企业联合设立的联盟“越南商业论坛”(VietnamBusinessForum)旗下旅游委员会的主席。

    But Ken Atkinson , chairman of the tourism working group at the Vietnam Business Forum , a public-private consortium , suggested that rate was probably not higher than 30 percent or 40 percent .

  12. 蒂斯奇中心的院长比约恩・汉森(BjornHanson)表示,这个数字较2012年增加了6%,原因包括附加收费项目增加、价格提升以及酒店入住率略有提高。

    That 's up 6 % over 2012 , says Tisch Center head Bjorn Hanson , because of new add-ons , higher prices and slightly higher hotel occupancy .

  13. 酒店业研究机构PKFHospitalityResearch调研信息部总监罗伯特&12539;曼德尔鲍姆(RobertMandelbaum)称,以前酒店极少会全额收取总统套房的房费,现在的真实情况正好相反,因为酒店的入住率高了。

    Hotels would rarely charge full price for their presidential suites , says Robert Mandelbaum , director of research information services at PKF Hospitality Research . ' The opposite is true now because of the high occupancy of the hotels , ' he says .

  14. 阮轩平(NguyenXuanBinh,音译)是官方机构岘港旅游推广中心(DaNangCenterforTourismPromotion)的主任,他表示,今年6月下旬,该市海滨酒店的平均入住率是60%到70%,往年通常在80%到90%之间。

    Nguyen Xuan Binh , director of the government 's Da Nang Center for Tourism Promotion , said the average occupancy rate at the city 's beachfront hotels was 60 percent to 70 percent in late June , compared with the usual 80 percent to 90 percent .

  15. 这家五星级饭店的住房率/入住率达90%

    The five-star hotel 's current occupancy rate stands at 90 %

  16. 酒店入住率于二零零三年首九个月再度攀升。

    Hotel occupancy rose once again in the first nine months of2003 .

  17. 酒店房价虽然上涨,但入住率却下跌了9个百分点。

    Room prices were up , but occupancy dropped 9 percentage points .

  18. 但管理人员说,今年的入住率较低。

    But managers say occupancy rates are low this year .

  19. 该建筑投入使用之初的入住率为45%。

    The building opened with 45 per cent occupancy .

  20. 五星级酒店呢,入住率高不高?

    How about the five-star hotel 's ? Are there occupancy rate high ?

  21. 这有利于入住率、客房价格和公司股价。

    That helps occupancy , rates and stock prices .

  22. 在论坛以外的日子里,该度假胜地迄今难以提高客房入住率。

    Outside of the event , the resort has struggled to fill its rooms .

  23. 不过,高档商业地产的入住率和租金水平都已开始回升。

    Yet occupancy and rental rates have started to pick up for prime properties .

  24. 在竞争激烈的市场上,良好的环境品质可以提高办公楼的入住率。

    In a competitive market , a good environmental rating can improve letting possibilities .

  25. 各大旅游度假村和酒店目前报告的入住率也只是15%或20%。

    Resorts and hotels are already reporting occupancy rates of just 15 or 20 percent .

  26. 这可以提高入住率,帮助酒店防止过大或过小的套房空置。

    That can boost occupancy and protect hotels from too-big or too-small suites lying fallow .

  27. 随着入住率和房费不断上升,豪华酒店的业绩表现也非常不俗。

    With occupancy levels and room rates rising , luxury hotels are doing quite well .

  28. 对汽车旅馆的老板而言,入住率远比标准房价重要。

    Motel owners are much more interested in having full occupancy than getting their standard rate .

  29. 同时,上海迪士尼乐园酒店和玩具总动员酒店的入住率高达90%。

    Meanwhile , Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and Toy Story Hotel reported up to 90 % occupancy .

  30. 五星级酒店的入住率很高,有的还提高了价格。

    The occupancy rates for five-star hotels are high , even though some have raised their prices .