
  • 网络Orientation
  1. 我写的第一个Wavebot是跟着这个一个下午时间的快速入门指导开始的。

    I wrote my first Wave bot following this quick start tutorial in one afternoon .

  2. 围绕如何在信贷紧缩中幸存下来这个问题,我撰写了自己的《金融投资学入门指导》(TheLongandtheShortofIt),该书已于今年出版。

    I wrote my own book on how to survive the credit crunch , The Long and the Short of It , published this year .

  3. 本文是一个对想要使用此模块进行配置的UNIX管理员的很好的入门指导。

    UNIX administrators willing to use this module now have a good starting point for their configurations .

  4. 如果您正寻找开发ExtJS的入门指导,“BuildapplicationswithExtJS”(查阅参考资料链接)一文将是很好的选择。

    If you 're looking for a good introduction to getting started developing with Ext JS , the article " Build applications with Ext JS "( see Resources for a link ) is a good place to start .

  5. 如果你已经读过入门指导,你会已经熟悉把v8作为一个独立的虚拟机来使用,并且有了一些关于v8的概念,比如handles,scopes,和contexts。

    If you 've read the Getting Started guide you will already be familiar with using V8 as a standalone virtual machine and with some key V8 concepts such as handles , scopes , and contexts .

  6. 美国特殊教育教师的入门指导计划

    The Induction Programs for New Special Education Teachers in America

  7. 一本好的入门指导书籍要提供有足够多的图画和充足的可靠信息。

    A good recipe book has plenty of pictures and lots of reassuring messages .

  8. 绝对的实用,这是我开关电源的入门指导书,看看绝对没错!

    Absolutely practical , this is my guide book entry of switching power supply and see absolutely right !

  9. 该课程将为那些没有程式写作背景的学生提供一个为期两周的入门指导。

    This course will serve as a two-week aggressively gentle introduction to programming for those students who lack background in the field .

  10. 网球作为一项以技术为主导的全身协调性运动,它需要强有力的入门指导与学习指引,特别是早期从事网球入门学习的少年儿童。

    Tennis as a technology-led coordination of movement , it needs strong entry guidance and study guide , especially children start learning early in tennis .

  11. 这门课程可能是这个领域最好的入门指导了:课程本身相当深入,课外练习都十分实用,而且十分具有挑战性。

    It really was the best possible introduction to the field & the course itself was deep , and the work outside the course was practical and challenging .

  12. 这本入门指导将讲述如何选择题目,做图书馆研究,撰写大纲,打草稿,以及。

    This step-by-step guide will show you how to go about selecting a topic , doing library research , developing an outline , writing from the first to the final drafts , proofreading and more .

  13. 本文介绍了美国基于大学-学区伙伴关系的特殊教育教师入门指导计划,包括:亚当斯县的特殊教育准备创新计划、圣塔克鲁兹县的新教师计划和密尔夫基市的特殊教育教师实习计划;

    The article introduces the induction programs for new teachers , which based on university-school district partnerships , including " Innovative Special Education Preparation "( ISEP ), the Santa Cruz New Teacher Project and Beginning Teacher Induction Programs etc.