
  • 网络Access platform;entrance platform;Portal;Portal Platform
  1. 两种产品各具特色,因此在实际实现过程中将两种方式有机的混合起来,用统一安全的入口平台实现数据的安全存取。

    They have different characteristic , so we use the hybrid model in the actual implementation that mixes they up , and set up a unified security entrance platform to realize the security access of the data .

  2. 腾讯想利用微信作为用户获得这些服务的入口平台——所有这些服务如今都被嵌入了微信,就像在一款应用中嵌入许多其他应用。

    It wants to use WeChat as the gateway platform for users to access these services - all now embedded in WeChat , much like apps within an app .

  3. 他说:“我们已经挖出了一些石头块,我认为是用来保护金字塔的。我们还发现了一条铺好的入口平台和地下隧道。”

    " We have already dug out stone blocks which I believe are covering the pyramid ," he said . " We found a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels . "

  4. 船坞平台船坞入口的平台,如放木材之用。

    A platform , as of planking , at the entrance to a dock .

  5. 在车站入口和平台之间,我白痴地被交换(从我的一流的座位到二流座位)。

    Somewhere between the station entrance and the platform , I 'd idiotically been talked into swapping my first-class seat for one in second .

  6. 其中门户系统建立在IBMWebspherePortal平台基础之上,做为信息系统的统一入口和接入平台,提供个性化和交互管理、应用集成、内容管理等功能。

    Portal system built on the foundation of the IBM Websphere Portal platform as the information system the unified entrance and access platform , to provide personalized and interactive management , application integration , content management , and other functions .

  7. 把支撑系统和管理系统在GAI(政务智能应用平台)上进行整合,有着统一入口、统一数据库平台和统一的管理系统。

    The support system and management system are integrated on GAI ( the Government Application Integration ), with a unified portal , database platform and management system .

  8. 点状要素需要加以疏通:增加火车站的三层入口和跨轨平台的垂直节点改造。

    Thirdly , the point factor needs to dredge : Increasing entrances on the third floor and improving the cross rail platform vertical node .

  9. 葡萄牙除了是中国的“非洲之门”外,还可以成为“中国产品打入欧洲的入口通道和后勤平台”。

    As for Portugal , apart from being a " gateway to Africa ," could also serve as a ," entry way and logistic platform for Chinese products in Europe ," the Portuguese prime minister said .