
lóu tī jǐnɡ
  • stairwell;well
  1. 这件事仅仅发生在,一位无辜男子在布鲁克林的一间房屋的楼梯井内被一名警官打死之前几个小时内。

    This all happened just hours before an innocent man was killed by an officer in the stairwell of a housing project in Brooklyn .

  2. 在Oberoi酒店,这所第二豪华的酒店受到了袭击,一个枪手把一名用餐者追到了楼梯井,并当即转身打死了站在他身后的一名老人。

    At the Oberoi Hotel , the second luxury hotel to be attacked , one gunman chased diners up a stairwell and at one point turned around and shot dead an elderly man standing behind him .

  3. 当时瘾君子正在楼梯井注射毒品。

    Drug users were jacking up in the stairwells .

  4. 微软(Microsoft)上个月发布的一份新报告指出,共享的工作空间和开放式楼梯井,都有助于增加能够碰撞出新想法的偶遇。

    A new report out on Tuesday from Microsoft says shared workspaces and open stairwells all help encourage chance encounters that generate fresh ideas .

  5. 楼梯井改造成电梯井的结构做法及工程实例

    Structural Method for Changing Staircase Shaft to Elevator Shaft and Examples

  6. 她转身穿过房子阴暗的楼梯井。

    She went up through the dark well of the house .

  7. 高层建筑楼梯井直灌式送风加压研究

    Research on pressurization by direct blowing to stairwells for high-rise buildings

  8. 在建筑物内也有同样的碳纤维杆来加固楼梯井和窗户。

    Inside the same rods reinforce the stairwells and windows .

  9. 几年前,路过毕卡第利广场时,我从一个躺在楼梯井的人的身上跨了过去。

    A few years ago , I stepped over someone lying in a stairwell in Piccadilly .

  10. 楼梯井内烟囱效应对着火房间燃烧和溢出烟气的影响研究

    Study on the influence of stack effect in stairwell on the compartment combustion and the spill Plume

  11. 当下次在楼梯井经过某人的时候,我们非常有必要去思考被跨过去的会是谁。

    The next time we pass someone in a stairwell , it 's worth thinking about who we might be stepping over .

  12. 并且楼梯井与外部通过侧面开口形成若干个竖井小循环。

    And a number of " Shaft " small cycles were formed between in and out the stairwell by the side opening .

  13. 起初只是担心,后来想跑出楼梯井时已经变成全然的恐惧。

    At first I just felt anxious , but it turned to pure fear as I tried to get out of the stairwell .

  14. 但是,该公司还通过落地式大摆钟,壁炉,图画,楼梯井和其他家用固定装置来建造隐蔽门。

    But , the company also constructs hidden doors from grandfather clocks , fireplaces , paintings , stairwells , and other household fixtures .

  15. actually:事实上我不知道,实际上,我…kinda:有一点,有几分(=kindof)overhear:无意中听到,偶然听到stairwell:楼梯井我无意听到你们在楼梯的对话。

    Dan : I have no idea , actually . I. .. Hey , i k -- i kinda overheard you guys in the stairwell there .

  16. 此外,释热速率越大,则楼梯井内温度越高,导致楼梯井内外最大压差增加,增强楼梯井的抽风拔为效应,加快了火灾烟气的蔓延。

    Predicted results show that the averaged temperature and the maximum pressure difference between the ambient air and inside of the stairwell would become larger when HRR increasing .

  17. 研究结果表明,随着释热速率的增加,楼梯井空气卷吸量增加,但由于氧气的消耗量也在增加,导致楼梯井内平均氧气浓度降低。

    It is found that the air quantity increases with the HRR , and the consumption of oxygen increases too , this gives rise to the decrease of the average oxygen concentration in the stairwell .

  18. 即使是脾气最好的人,也会有一两下这种冲动,当我们俯视一个很长的楼梯井的栏杆时,会想也许我可以折断腿上所有的骨头,完成它。

    Even the most even-keeled person is guaranteed to get a rush or two of Maybe I would just break all the bones in my legs and still make it out okay when looking over the railings of a long stairwell .

  19. 我梦到自己在一栋建筑的楼梯井跑着,好像是以前大学的一栋学生宿舍,可是不太一样,看起来有点陌生。有人在追我,我不知道是谁,也不知道他干吗追我。

    I was running through the stairwell of a building . I think it was one of the dormitory buildings from my university , but it was different and a little unfamiliar.Someone was chasing me but I didn 't know who or why .

  20. 遇到狂风暴雨,我便从书架上抽出一本发霉的旧书,坐在壁炉前高祖姨母用过的摇椅上,边读边听那屋顶上的雨点滴滴答答地打在楼梯井里。

    On stormy days , I choose a musty book from the shelves and read it in my great-great aunt 's rocking chair in front of the fireplace as I listen to a constant drip through the roof to the floor of the concrete stairwell .

  21. 楼梯间管道井的设计

    Design of Piping Shaft in Staircase

  22. 无论是露明踏步楼梯、采光井还是室内大型窗户都使光线自然渗入二层空间的门厅。

    Open-riser stairs , a light well , and interior windows also allow light to filter down to the second floor hall .

  23. 在楼梯间设置管道井,既方便检修,又方便物业管理和住户。

    Installing piping shaft in staircase is convenient not only for examination and repair but for management and residents .

  24. 一种通过建筑物楼层之间的(像楼梯)开口楼井。在晴天岗上经常可以看到水牛。不远处的建筑物据说是当年军方盖的反空降碉堡。

    An open shaft through the floors of a building ( as for a stairway ) . Catles are normal in the mountain . The building over there is said to be once used as an anti-airborne fort by the army .

  25. 明显可以看出,很久以前楼梯就塌了,楼梯井足足有十英尺高,底下地窖的地板上摞着一堆不知道多少年了的老木头缠在一起。

    Apparently11 , the stairwell had collapsed12 into the cellar long ago , leaving only a yawning opening 10 feet above a tangled13 pile of old timbers on the cellar floor below .