
lóu tī pínɡ tái
  • landing
  1. 我们家的猫喜欢睡在楼梯平台上。

    Our cat likes to sleep on the stair landing .

  2. 每天我都坐在楼梯平台上,看着河水上涨。

    Every day I sat on the landing and watched the river rise .

  3. 在楼梯平台上有一处公共卫生间供4套公寓使用。

    There was a communal toilet on the landing for the four flats .

  4. 我经过一个楼梯平台,走进她说的那个房间。

    I crossed the staircase landing , and entered the room she indicated .

  5. 可是不多时,楼下的河水已涨到了楼梯平台上。

    Soon , however , the water inside had risen to the stairway landing .

  6. 他在门外的楼梯平台上。

    He 's on the landing outside .

  7. 他走到第二层楼梯平台时,他的呼吸已急促得使他不得不停下来。

    When he reached the second landing he was breathing so hard that he stopped .

  8. 爸爸点亮露营用的灯,我们借着灯光到楼梯平台上察看。

    My father lit our camp light , and we went to the landing to look .

  9. 我便把这件宝物藏在上衣里,尽快地朝楼梯平台划过去。

    So I stowed the treasure in my jacket and rowed as fast as I could to the stair landing .

  10. 他俩常常各自擎着蜡烛,蹑着足尖,一同上楼,在第三层楼梯平台上,依依不舍地互道晚安。

    They used to go upstairs together on tiptoe , each with a candle , and on the third landing exchange reluctant good-nights .

  11. 我感觉自己好像被困在这公寓的迷宫里,甚至不能从这个客厅出去,走到外面楼梯平台那边的电话机那儿。

    I feel as though I am trapped in a labyrinth in this mansion of ours , unable even to get out of this drawing room to the telephone out on the landing .

  12. 从东面或者从西面经过三个大踏步,经由一个斜坡,到达教堂的院子中的升起的讲坛,两个楼梯平台都与城市街道的设计非常吻合。

    You access the raised platform of the church yard via a ramp from the east or three broad flights of steps from the west ; the two landings correspond to the layout of the city streets .

  13. 结合工程实践经验,从板式楼梯平台梁的小柱、起居室大跨度双向板、女儿墙的抗震、梁柱节点核心区钢筋处理等方面介绍了框架住宅结构处理措施,对类似工程有参考借鉴的意义。

    Combined with practical work , according to column on platform ridge of cranked slab stairs , large-span two-way slab , earthquake-resistance of parapet and other parts in frame construction practical structural treatment measures are introduced in order to provide references for similar works .

  14. 吃力地爬上楼梯到平台那儿去,可太麻烦了。

    Too much trouble to fag up the stairs to the landing .

  15. 楼梯、平台均采取防滑措施。

    Antiskid measures shall be taken for all the stairs and platforms .

  16. 凡开放式楼梯、平台和升起的地面,所有开放边都应设有护栏。

    Open stairs , platforms , and elevated floors should be guarded by railings on open sides .

  17. 锅炉外围的全部楼梯和平台之间,以及每层平台之间应互相连通,并能到达需要经常检查的各个部位。

    Between the boiler peripheries , staircase and the platform , as well as between platforms at each Floor should mutually connect , and can arrive each spot which needs frequently to be inspected .

  18. 我记得很清楚,擦得亮亮的橡木盒子固定在楼梯下方的平台的墙壁上。

    I remember well the polished oak case fastened to the wall on the lower stair landing .

  19. 宿舍楼一层与南北两电梯相邻的楼梯间休息平台下各设一台总电源分路箱,二次装修时做装修封闭。

    In dormitory , each set a general jack box under the stair rest platform of the1st floor where adjacent to the north and south elevator seperately , and be decorated later on .

  20. 入口楼梯下台到中级平台和降低空间内外部法庭。

    The entrance stairway steps down to a mid-level platform and an external court within the lower space .

  21. 电梯,楼面图,楼梯踏板,楼梯平台

    The upper horizontal part of a step in a staircase . lifts , floor charts , stair treads , landings

  22. 预制楼梯板的生产及在新建建筑内对所有楼梯及其平台是用人工大理石进行贴面的。

    Production of the pre-cast stair treads and reconstituted stone surfacing to all stairs and landings in the newly built staircase .