
  1. 吵闹声像是从楼房里传出来的。

    The noise seems to be coming from within the building .

  2. 喧闹的音乐声是从那栋楼房里传出来的。

    The sound of loud music emanated from the building .

  3. 他们住在了无生气的混凝土楼房里。

    They live in soulless concrete blocks .

  4. 阿瑟从楼房里出来时本能地哆嗦了一下。

    Arthur shivered involuntarily as he came out of the building .

  5. 我急需在这栋楼房里买一套公寓。

    I am in urgent need of a flat at this block .

  6. 中国美术馆设在那幢楼房里。

    House the exhibition on Chinese painting is housed in that building .

  7. 使陷入困境:他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。

    be trapped They were trapped in the burning building .

  8. 因而在中国的一些楼房里就没有第四层,或第十四层,甚至两者都没有。

    Some buildings in China are missing a fourth or fourteenth floor altogether .

  9. 这栋楼房里目前所有的住户都已经住了很长时间了。

    All the current occupants have lived in the building a long time .

  10. 我不知道那栋楼房里这几天发生着什么事。

    I don 't know what is happening in that building these days .

  11. 我的家在一座高的楼房里。

    My home is in a high building .

  12. 这些年轻人一个一个地上了楼。楼房里显得更热闹了。

    As the young people came into the building , the atmosphere grew lively .

  13. 他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。

    They were trapped in the burning building .

  14. 笑声更清晰地送进楼房里。

    The laughing voices were now much clearer to the people in the building ;

  15. 尽管他出生在格拉斯哥贫民区的一座楼房里,现在却很富有。

    Although he was born in a Glasgow tenement , he is now very rich .

  16. 他住在一居室的楼房里。

    He lived in a one-bedroom apartment .

  17. 在其中一幢楼房里,费利克从一位名叫布里奇特的爱尔兰妇女那里租了一间昏暗的房间。

    In one of buildings Feliks rented a dingy room from an Irish woman called Bridget .

  18. 上个月史密斯一家搬进一套新住房,新房在妙尔鲁一栋现代化的五层楼房里。

    Last month the Smiths moved into a new flat in a modern five-storey building in Muir Road .

  19. 饥饿是破烂不堪的衣服,在竹竿上,绳子上,从高高的楼房里挂了出来;

    Hunger was pushed out of the tall houses , in the wretched clothing that hung upon poles and lines ;

  20. 我们把楼房里的几间房子租给了别人,这样可以捞点外快。

    EXAMPLE : We rent several rooms in our house to a tenant so we can make a little extra money .

  21. 我在美林的办公室是在一幢漂亮古老的楼房里,离白金汉宫只有两个街区。

    The Merrill Lynch office I worked at was in a beautiful , old building located two blocks from Buckingham Palace .

  22. 这栋破旧的三层楼房里挤着七十户人家,窗外晾满了衣服,狭窄的楼门开在一条漆黑的过道上。

    Seventy families squeeze into a dilapidated three-storey building festooned with laundry . The narrow front door opens on a pitch-dark hallway .

  23. 警方与歹徒在两处豪华饭店不时交火,据悉,有数十人被劫为人质,或者困在被围得如铁桶一般的楼房里。

    Police and gunmen were exchanging occasional gunfire at two luxury hotels and dozens of people were believed held hostage or trapped in besieged buildings .

  24. 而狗狗,像我的奥利弗一样吃抗抑郁药和抗焦虑药是为了防止它们从楼房里跳出去,或跳进车来车往的交通。

    But dogs like my own Oliver are given antidepressants and some antianxiety medications to keep them from jumping out of buildings or jumping into traffic .

  25. 他住在公司自己的楼房里,经过右边第二个拐弯,走到一个庭院里,穿过去,然后又往右边第二个拐弯走进去,第十一号,他们决不会弄错的。

    He lived in the Company 's own Buildings , second turning to the right , down the yard , cross over , and take the second on the right again .

  26. 这个巨大的家庭生活在印度米佐拉姆邦首府艾藻尔市山中的巴克塔旺村,全家住在一栋总共有100多个房间,四层高的楼房里。妻子睡在巨大的类似集体宿舍中。

    They live in a100-room , four storey house set amidst the hills of Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram , where the wives sleep in giant communal dormitories .

  27. 尼日利亚政府官员说,该国一架客机周日在拉各斯准备降落时撞进一座低矮的楼房里。机上有150多名乘客和机组人员,恐怕已经全部遇难。

    A full Nigerian passenger plane slammed into a low-rise building in Lagos as it was preparing to land Sunday , government officials said . More than 150 people were on board and feared dead .

  28. 如今由于经济的发展、人口的增加以及现代化程度提高,城市里的人们通常住在楼房里,楼房的风格日益多样化且高度得以增加。

    Nowadays , as a result of economic development , population increase and modernization , people in the cities usually live in storied buildings , which have increasingly diversified styles and a tendency of height rise .

  29. 他说,“如果出了什么事儿,我们会彼此帮把手,只要喊一句就会有人来帮忙,”这在楼房里绝对做不到。

    " We offer a hand to each other if anything happens you just cry out and people will come to help you , " he says , noting that would never happen in a high rise .

  30. 有一天,我正要去上学,刚出家门就碰到了艾维。她站在那个男孩旁边,他就住在我们隔壁那栋楼房里。

    One day when I was going to school , I bumped into Ivy on the way out of my building , and she was standing next to this guy , he lived in the building right beside mine .