
  • 网络market regulation
  1. 在新一波的楼市调控之下,曾经热火朝天的住宅地产好景不再,市场购买力得到了空前压制。

    In a new wave of property market regulation , residential property market once in full swing has been no longer prosperous , and the market purchasing power was suppressed unprecedented .

  2. 利益博弈失衡,地方政府执行楼市调控政策不力,甚至变形走样,是当前我国房价居高不下的重要原因。

    Imbalance between the interests of the game , local governments lack the implementation of market regulation and control policies , and even deformation of shape , our country is an important reason for high prices .

  3. 在中国,一些像沈阳这样的大中城市正在放松楼市调控政策,但当地政府希望低调行事。

    Larger Chinese cities like Shenyang are relaxing their property policies , but want to do so quietly .

  4. 他表示,自己无权透露沈阳是否对本地楼市调控措施作出了其他调整。

    He said he was not authorized to say if the city has made other adjustments to local property measures .

  5. 此外,广州当地媒体称,广州楼市调控细则将在近期出台,同样涉及限购等措施。

    Moreover , local media in Guangzhou reported Guangzhou City will issue its own measures recently , with home buying ban also involved .

  6. 有业内人士指出,若居民购房政策放松,则意味着对楼市调控政策已经到头;

    According to some insiders , the loosening of housing polices represents the end of regulation and control policies to real estate market .

  7. 本文分析了楼市调控下,地产商对房地产广告需求的变化,以及各类媒体根据市场新需求推出的新的产品,深度分析了目前平面媒体广告在竞争中所处于的优势与劣势。

    This essay analyzes changes in advertising demand of real estate developers , and new products launched by medias to meet the new market demands .

  8. 中国和世界因此面临一个大问题:中国会不会被全球经济的困境吓到,从而放松楼市调控?

    Hence the big question for China and the world . Will Beijing take fright at the global troubles and relax its grip on the property market ?

  9. 当地政府不愿公开宣布放松楼市调控,因为他们担心这似乎等于默认本地经济已经陷入困境。

    Officials are loath to publicize their efforts to ease curbs for fear it would seem a tacit acknowledgement that the local economy has hit the rocks .

  10. 海外市场房地产业连年来的不景气,加上国内限购等楼市调控,不少国人将投资目光转向海外。

    Overseas market year after year to the slump in real estate , property market with the purchase of such domestic regulation , many people will look to invest overseas .

  11. 他已将今年的经济增长预期从8.9%下调至8.2%,这可能使中国央行有理由进一步放宽政策,尽管楼市调控仍在继续。

    He has cut his forecast for growth this year from 8.9 % to 8.2 % , which might warrant further easing from China 's central bank , even as housing curbs remain .

  12. 随着房地产市场开始走下坡路,中国的一些城市也许正在放松楼市调控,但这并意味着它们想让太多人知道这一点。

    As the country 's property market starts to deflate , China 's cities may be relaxing their property curbs . But it doesn 't mean they want too many people to know about it .

  13. 房产税这一旧有的税种,在新形势下,被赋予了楼市调控新职能,但随之而来的,却是声声质疑与反对之声。

    Property tax is the old tax , in the new situation , it has a new control function of macro-control to the property market , but it is questioned and objected again and again .

  14. 中国各地方政府一般都避免全面取消楼市调控措施,而是一直在进行逐步的调整,比如允许更多购房者在其他区域购买住房。

    Nationally , local authorities have generally avoided completely revoking property curbs . Instead , they 've been making gradual adjustments -- for example , by allowing more homebuyers to buy homes in other districts .

  15. 近年来,随着股票投资市场的持续低迷和楼市调控效果的逐渐显现,越来越多的投资者开始关注并且投资银行理财产品。

    In recent years , investing market continues its downturn tendency . Macro-control policies on property market begin to show their effects . As a result , more investors start to pay attention and buy financial products .

  16. 在“史上最严厉的楼市调控”下,主要城市房价过快上涨的趋势虽有所遏制,但是距离公众期待的“降房价”依然遥远。

    In " the history of the most severe market regulation ", the main city of the rising trend of prices too although somewhat keep within limits , but from the public to " lower prices " is still far away .

  17. 律师和分析师们表示,沈阳官方不愿承认放松楼市调控不太可能是因为害怕得罪中央,因为中央已经暗示希望地方政府根据本地情况调整政策。

    Lawyers and analysts say Shenyang 's reluctance to acknowledge moves to ease the curbs isn 't likely to stem from fear of offending the central government , which has signaled that it wants local authorities to adjust policies according to the on-the-ground conditions .

  18. 广东佛山等城市以及河南省都已调整了政策,分别在2011年和2012年放松了对楼市的调控,凸显出中央与地方政府在房地产政策上的紧张关系。

    Chinese cities such as Foshan in Guangdong province and central China 's Henan province have reversed course on easing their grip on property curbs in 2011 and 2012 respectively , illustrating tension between Beijing and local governments over property policies .