
qún zhòng xìng
  • of a mass character
群众性[qún zhòng xìng]
  1. QC小组活动是在各行各业普通员工中开展的群众性质量管理活动,在质量概念与应用的拓展和质量知识主体下移中,可以发挥主要载体作用。

    Quality Circle pursuit is quality management movement of a mass character in the staff of all trades and professions , it can play the role of the main carrier in pushing the work forward of quality concept , expanding of application and knowledge main body shift .

  2. 村民自治是一种群众性自治,自治的范围仅限于村民的事务。

    " Villager self-governmence " is a kind of self-governmence of a mass character , which is limited to villagers affairs .

  3. 群众性运动经常是能唤醒和振兴停滞不前的社会的一个因素。

    Mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation of stagnant societies .

  4. 完善公共文化服务体系,深入实施文化惠民工程,丰富群众性文化活动。

    We will improve the public cultural service system , carry out public-interest cultural programs , and launch more popular cultural activities .

  5. 学校及其他教育机构应当同基层群众性自治组织、企业事业组织、社会团体相互配合,加强对未成年人的校外教育工作。

    Schools and other institutions of education shall coordinate with grassroots autonomous organizations of a mass character , enterprises , institutions and public organizations to strengthen after-school education for minors .

  6. 第二十三条各级人民政府、基层群众性自治组织和企业事业组织应当采取各种措施,开展扫除文盲的教育工作。

    Article 23 People 's governments at various levels , grass-roots autonomous organizations of a mass character and enterprises and institutions shall take all kinds of measures to carry out literacy education program .

  7. 第四十一条违反本法的规定,擅自举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯火等群众性活动,具有火灾危险的,公安消防机构应当责令当场改正;

    Article 41 Those who , in violation , fireworks evening party , lantern party with risk of fire disaster , shall be ordered to make corrections by public security fire control institutions ;

  8. 开展群众性QC小组活动的实践

    Experience in conducting mass QC group activities

  9. 江苏省群众性多元化体育服务体系现状研究

    Present situation of diversified mass sports service system in Jiangsu province

  10. 同时缺少群众性体育活动。

    At the same time the lack of mass sports activities .

  11. 工会组织开展群众性经济技术创新活动浅议

    The Trade Union Develops the Activity of Mass Economic Technological Innovations

  12. 群众性的农业科学实验活动已经广泛开展起来。

    Mass scientific experiment in farming has spread far and wide .

  13. 比较4种模式,可以说都不是群众性自治模式。

    None of the four modes is the mass self-government mode .

  14. 群众性免疫运动的作用和效果评价

    Evaluation on effect and role of the mass immunization campaign

  15. 咱们应当积极加入群众性体育活动。

    We should actively participate in the mass sports activities .

  16. 民间体育社团与群众性多元化体育服务体系的构建

    Construction of sport social association and public sport service system

  17. 关于大型群众性活动防范恐怖袭击对策的思考

    On Protective Strategies against Terrorist Attacks in Large Mass Activities

  18. 近几年,中国群众性助孤活动日益深入。

    In recent years , mass movements to help orphans have blossomed .

  19. 他参加了横渡长江的群众性游泳活动。

    He went in for the mass swim across the Changjiang river .

  20. 群众性体育运动是该指标的一个重要内容。

    Mass sport is an important element of the index .

  21. 开展群众性教研活动全面推进素质教育

    Mass Teaching and Research and Promoting the All-round Development Education

  22. 浅谈群众性技术创新活动在企业技术创新中的作用

    Discussion on the Role of Mass Technical Innovation in Enterprise Technical Innovation

  23. 气排球运动是一项集运动、休闲、娱乐为一体的群众性体育项目。

    Light volleyball is a mass sports activity combining exercise with entertainment .

  24. 辽宁省群众性羽毛球运动开展现状的调查分析

    Status Quo of Development of Mass Badminton in Liaoning Province

  25. 论大型群众性活动公共安全的风险评估

    Risk Evaluation of Public Security for Large Scale Social Activities

  26. 如何组织与策划和谐的群众性羽毛球竞赛

    How to organize and plan the harmonious mass badminton contest

  27. 转型期构建群众性体育服务体系的若干思考

    On the construction of service system for mass sports in social transitions

  28. 有赛马、对歌和大型群众性歌舞活动。

    Including horse racing , antiphonal singing , and big-scale folk dance .

  29. 群众性体育活动开展的现状与对策

    The Present Conditions and Countermeasures of Developing Mass Sports Activities

  30. 群众性健身团体的非协调发展及其调适

    Accommodation and Unharmonious Development of Mass Athletics Gymnastic Group