
  • 网络population ecology;Synecology;sociology
  1. 群体生态学观点给予我们对整体环境的理解,而资源依赖理论则提供了企业如何在特定环境下竞争的线索。

    The population ecology of organizations helps us understand the overall environment and the resource dependence theory gives enterprises a clue to how to compete on a certain circumstances .

  2. 城镇群体空间关系的生态学透视&以珠江三角洲为例

    An analysis of the urban spatial relationship from ecological theory

  3. 近期生物技术的发展使得人们对外生菌根菌的群体遗传学和分子生态学有了更加深入的认识。

    Recent technological advances have contributed significantly to our understanding of the population genetics and molecular ecology of EcM .

  4. 从生态学的角度研究课堂教学生态环境下师生如何把信息、知识转化为能力、素养、创新精神和群体的发展是生态学对教学研究最为重要的启示。

    There will be an important enlightenment to research on teaching and learning if we can clarify how teachers and students transform information and knowledge into competency , quality , creative spirit , and the group development in the ecological environment of the classroom from the perspective of ecology .